Introduction to Selections and Views—Exercises

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to introduce you to the basic routines used for creating selections and views.

Sales and Marketing main window

Adding a Selection Group

  1. Go to the Selections and Views pane.
  2. Right-click on Private and then click Add group.
  3. Verify that the category is Private.
  4. Enter Contacts as the group name and click OK.
  5. Verify that a new group called Contacts is shown in the Selections and Views pane.

Adding a Selection and View

  1. In the Selections and Views pane, right-click on your private group Contacts and then click Add Selection.
  2. Enter IT Managers as the name of the selection and click Next.
  3. Click the Plus Sign (+) on the left of the table name to expand the Contact table.
  4. Click Job Role.
  5. In the Job Role list, select IT.
  6. Click the Equal Sign (=).
  7. In the criteria field, verify that the criterion Contact.JobRole = IT appears and click Next.
  8. Enter IT Managers – Address List as the name of the view and click OK.
  9. Click the Plus Sign (+) on the left of the table name to expand the Contact table.
  10. In the Contact table, double-click First Name, Last Name, Phone, Fax, Mobile, and E-mail.
  11. Verify that the fields appear in the view field to the right.
  12. Click the Plus Sign (+) on the left of the table name to expand the Account table.
  13. In the Account table, double-click Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, County, Post Code and Country.
  14. Verify that the fields appear in the view field to the right along with the contact information.
  15. Click Finish.
  16. In the Selections and Views pane, click the Plus Sign (+) in front of the Contact group to expand the group.
  17. Click the Plus Sign (+) in front of the IT Managers selection to expand the selection.
  18. Double-click the IT Managers – Address list view.
  19. Verify that a list of IT managers appears in the result list.

Note: Use the Recent Selections toolbar to select from a list of the most recent selections.

Creating and Viewing a Chart from a Selection

  1. On the Selections and Views pane, double-click on the Public folder and expand the Opportunities folder.
  2. Click on the List view of the Open selection, right-click and point to Charts and then click New.
  3. On the dialog box that appears, on the Chart tab, give the title as Bar Chart for Open opportunities.
  4. Select Bar or Line chart and the chart type Cluster.
  5. On the Series tab, select Opportunity Title in the XValues list and select the Group data check box.
  6. Click the Add button to add the y-values.
  7. On the dialog box that appears, select the type Bar, Profit as the column and Sum as the aggregate for the data series.
  8. Select the Use right side Y axis (Y2 axis) check box and then click OK.

Note: When the chart type is bar or line you may add more than one data column and decide on a different type of chart for each.

  1. On the X Axis tab, give the title as Opportunities Title, select the type Text and the text angle 40.
  2. On the Y Axis tab, make sure both Y axes have the type Linear.
  3. On the Options tab, select the Show Total check box and select 35 in the Relative Y field.
  4. Select the Show Bar Labels check box to label each bar with its relevant value.
  5. Click Save to save the chart.
  6. To view the chart, right-click on the List view of the Open selection, point to Charts, and then click Bar Chart for Open Opportunities. The chart opens on a new tab in the Result pane.

Note: Clicking on a bar on the diagram will open a new Result tab with data that belongs to that bar. When editing the chart, you may click Save as Copy if you want to save a different copy of the chart instead of replacing the existing one.