Basic Search and Export Functions—Exercises

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show how to use the basic search and export functions.

Search Bar

Using Quick Search Function to Find Information

  1. In the Quick Search list, click Account.Name.
  2. Search for the account Customer 1000  by entering Customer 1000 in the Quick Search field. Then click Quick Search.
  3. Verify that the account Customer 1000 appears in the result pane.
  4. In the Quick Search list, click Contact.Contact Name.
  5. Search for the contact DeFreitas Jorge by entering DeFreitas in the Quick Search box. Then click Quick Search.

Note: To the right of the Quick Search field there is a list that will enable you to choose from different search criteria.

Using Extended Search Function to Find Information

  1. On the Edit menu, click Extended Search.
  2. The Extended Search dialog box will be opened. Click Activity in the Table list.
  3. Select Meeting in the Activity field.
  4. Click Search.
  5. Click Close to close the Extended Search window.
  6. Alternatively, you can select the Close dialog when search is performed check box, to close the dialog box automatically after the search.
  7. Verify that several activities appear in the Result pane.
  8. Right-click on the result and click Show row count.
  9. Click anywhere in the Result pane and the Row count will disappear.

Exporting Information to Microsoft Word and Excel or to a Text File

Note: Using the Extended Search function, search for all accounts with Good as the Potential.

  1. On the Edit menu, click Extended Search.
  2. On the Extended Search dialog box that appears, click Account in the Table list.
  3. In the Potential field select Good and click Search.
  4. Verify that the result appears in the Result pane.
  5. Click Close to close the Extended Search dialog box.
  6. Alternatively, you can select the Close dialog when search is performed check box, to close the dialog box automatically after the search.
  7. Right-click on the Result pane, point to Send to, select Excel, and then select Default.
  8. The Choose Option dialog box will appear. Select All rows check box and click OK.
  9. Verify that Microsoft Excel opens, displaying a list of all accounts included in the previous search result.
  10. Execute the same search, right-click, point to Send to and then click Export.
  11. The Choose Option dialog box will be opened. Select the All rows check box and select the file type as Text. Click OK.
  12. Browse and save the file.
  13. Verify that a text file including the account information has been created.