Basic Functions—Exercises

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercises is to introduce you to the basic functionality for adding, updating and deleting a account/contact/activity/opportunity/campaign and also to introduce the calendar functionality and how to edit multiple records.

The purpose of these exercises is to introduce you to the basic functions in Sales & Marketing.

Adding, Updating and Deleting an Account

  1. Right-click in the Result pane and click Add. A dialog box appears (verify that the result list displays information about accounts).
  2. Enter information such as Name, Address, Country etc. for a new account.
  3. Click OK to save the information and close the dialog box.
  4. To edit account information, select the relevant account from the result pane.
  5. Right-click and select Edit.
  6. On the dialog box that opens up, edit the necessary information and click OK to save the changes.
  7. To delete an account, select the relevant account from the result pane.
  8. Right-click, select Delete and on the message that appears click Yes to confirm.

Note 1: Alternatively, to add an account you can use the Add button on the Record Edit toolbar and select Account.

Note 2: When deleting an account, all related information for the account will also get deleted. Once deleted, it can not be undone.

Adding, Updating and Deleting a Contact/Activity/Opportunity/Campaign

There are multiple ways to find and select which records to add, update and delete in IFS Sales & Marketing. This exercise shows you different ways to add records and one way to update and delete records.


  1. Click the Account.Name button on the menu bar to obtain a list of accounts in the Result pane.
  2. Select BMW as your account.
  3. In the Relation View pane for accounts, right-click on the Contact folder and click Add.
  4. In the dialog box that appears, enter John Harvey-Jones as the contact name, and CEO as the job role.
  5. Click OK to save the information and close the window.
  6. In the Relation View tabbed pane, click on the Activities tab, right-click and then click Add.
  7. In the dialog box that appears, enter Phone as the activity, set the start date and end date to today's date and click OK. Keep this activity for a later exercise.
  8. Click the Add button on the Record Edit toolbar, and select Opportunity.
  9. In the dialog box that appears, add a new sales opportunity one week from today’s date. Status should be Unconfirmed Interest and the stage Prospecting Customer. Click OK.
  10. Select the BMW record in the Accounts tab in the Relation View tabbed pane. Drag and drop the record to the Result pane.
  11. Click the Add button on the Record Edit toolbar, and select Campaign.
  12. In the Add Campaign dialog box that appears, enter a new E-mail campaign starting one week from today’s date, with a duration of 2 weeks.

Note: The short cut keys for the add option are listed in the Add button in the Record Edit toolbar.


  1. In the Relation View pane for accounts, right-click on the Contact folder. Select a record and click Edit.
  2. In the dialog box that appears edit information as required. Click OK to save the changes.
  3. Similarly, right click and click Edit on the Activity, Opportunity and Campaign folders and edit information in the dialog boxes that appear. Click OK to save changes.


  1. In the Relation View pane for accounts, right-click on the Contact folder. Select a record and click Delete.
  2. Similarly, right click and click Delete on the Activity, Opportunity and Campaign folders to delete records as required.

Note: It is also possible to transfer a contact from one account to another. To do this, simply right-click on the contact you wish to transfer and select Cut or Copy. Select the account you want the contact to be transferred to, click the Contacts folder in the Relation View pane for accounts, right-click and select Paste.

Editing Multiple Records

  1. Query for Account.Name beginning with A.
  2. In the Result pane, select the accounts Agility and Co UK and American Airlines by simultaneously pressing Ctrl and selecting the relevant row.
  3. Right-click on one of the records and then click Edit.
  4. On the dialog box that appears, select All selected rows check box.
  5. Select Web in the Source field.
  6. Click OK to save the information and close the Edit dialog box.
  7. In the Result pane, select the Agility and Co UK and American Airlines records respectively, and in the Detailed Information pane verify that Web appears in the Source field.

Note: If you receive an error message that says you are not allowed to perform multiple edit, contact your administrator to set up the allow multiple edit function for the Source field in Sales & Marketing Administrator.

Calendar Functionality

Note: If you previously deleted your activity record, create a new one for this exercise before you proceed.

  1. On the Calendar pane select today's date (i.e., system date).
  2. Verify that the All Types and Items for all users check boxes are enabled.
  3. Right-click on the date, and click Show selected Activities in result to view the activities.
  4. Verify that at least one activity appears in the Result pane.
  5. Verify that it is the activity that you entered earlier.