Mail Merge and Templates—Exercises

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to introduce basic mail merge routines.

Sales and Marketing main window

Creating Letters Using Mail Merge

  1. If you have a group in your Private folder in the Selections and Views pane called Companies, continue with step 6. Otherwise, continue with step 2.
  2. In the Selection and Views pane, right-click on Private and then click Add group.
  3. The Add Group dialog box will be opened. Verify that the category is Private.
  4. Enter Companies as the group name and click OK.
  5. Verify that a new group called Companies now appears in the Selection and Views pane.
  6. Right-click on Companies and then click Add selection.
  7. The Add Selection dialog box will be opened. Enter Contacts on C-accounts as the name of the selection and click Next.
  8. Click the Plus Sign (+) on the left of the table name to expand the Company table.
  9. Click Name.
  10. Click the Question Mark (?) and then (=*).
  11. In the Criteria window, verify that the criterion Company.Name=* ? appears.
  12. Click Next.
  13. The New View dialog box will be opened. Enter C-accounts – Contact List as the name of the view and click OK.
  14. Click the Plus Sign (+) on the left of the table name to expand the Contact table.
  15. In the Contact table, double-click First Name, Last Name, Phone, Fax, Mobile, and E-mail.
  16. Verify that the fields appear in the view area to the right.
  17. Click the Plus Sign (+) on the left of the table name to expand the Company table.
  18. In the Company table, double-click Name, Address 1, Post code, City, and Country.
  19. Verify that the fields appear in the view area to the right along with the contact information.
  20. Click Finish.
  21. Execute the selection by double-clicking the view C-accounts - Contact list in the Selection and Views pane.
  22. Enter C in the Company.Name=* ? field and click OK.
  23. Verify that a list of contacts appears in the Result pane.
  24. Right-click in the Result pane, point to Send to, and then click Create mail merge.
  25. Click the Docs tab and select the Sales&Marketing template.
  26. Select the All rows check box and verify that the Edit template in Word and/or Execute Mail Merge checkboxes are not selected.
  27. Click OK.
  28. Verify that Microsoft Word starts.
  29. In the Insert merge fields list, select the fields you want to merge (for example account name, address, post code and city) and type the letter.
  30. Click the Merge to New Document icon.
  31. Verify that you have one page for each record from the selection in Sales & Marketing. All records will be included in a document.

Creating E-mails Using Mail Merge

  1. In the Selection and Views pane, check if you already have a selection to find all IT Managers. If you do, continue with step 13. If you do not, continue with step 2.
  2. Right-click on your private group Contacts and then click Add selection.
  3. The Add Selection dialog box will be opened. Enter IT Managers as the name of the selection and click Next.
  4. Click the Plus Sign (+) on the left of the table name to expand the Contact table.
  5. In the Job Role list click IT.
  6. Click the Equal Sign (=).
  7. In the criteria window, verify that the criterion Contact.Job Role=ITappears.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Enter IT Managers Address list as the name of the view and click OK.
  10. Click the Plus Sign (+) on the left of the table name to expand the Contact table.
  11. In the Contact table, double-click First Name, Last Name, Phone, Fax, Mobile, and E-mail.
  12. Verify that the fields appear in the view area to the right and click Finish.
  13. Run the selection by double-clicking the view IT Managers - Address list.
  14. Verify that a number of IT Managers appear in the Result pane.
  15. Right-click in the Result pane, point to Send to, and then click Create mail merge.
  16. Click the Docs tab and select the Sales&Marketing template.
  17. Select the All rows check box.
  18. Click OK.
  19. Verify that Microsoft Word starts.
  20. Select fields from the Insert merge fields list and insert the fields you want to merge and type the
    e-mail. (Make sure you select contact_E-mail)
  21. Click Finish & Merge button.
  22. Choose Send E-mail Messages option.
  23. Select contact_E-mail as the value in the To field.
  24. Select the Mail format as an attachment.
  25. Click OK.
  26. Your document is directly sent to all recipients from the list in Sales & Marketing.

Note: The mail is directly sent to all recipients after you have clicked OK (step 25). The recipient will not see who else got the same mail. You cannot undo the merge action.

Creating Labels Using Mail Merge

  1. On the Edit menu, click Extended Search.
  2. The Extended Search dialog box will be opened. In the Table list, click Company.
  3. In the Loyalty field list, click Good.
  4. Click Search.
  5. Click Close to close the Extended search dialog box.
  6. Verify that a result appears in the Result pane.
  7. In the Result pane, right-click, point to Send to, and then click Create mail merge.
  8. Click the Docs tab and select the Sales&Marketing template.
  9. Select the All rows check box.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Click Start Mail Merge and select the Labels option.
  12. Select Label Vendor and Product Number and click OK.
  13. Insert merged fields.
  14. Click Preview Results to view the results.
  15. Click Propagate Labels option.
  16. Click View Merged Data option.

Creating and Saving Templates for Letters

  1. Performing a quick search, look for the account Customer 1000.
  2. On the Contacts tab in the Relation View tabbed pane, select the contact Jorge DeFreitas.
  3. Right-click on the record, point to Send to, and then click Create mail merge.
  4. The Choose Document dialog box will be opened.
  5. Click the Docs tab and select the Sales&Marketing template and click OK.
  6. Insert the Company_Name, Company_Address_1, Company_Post_Code, and Company Country fields by selecting them from the Insert Merge Field list. Begin the letter by typing Dear Contact_First_Name.
  7. Save the template as a .dot file and browse to the Installation folder for Sales & Marketing (default): C:\Program Files\IFS Applications\Sales and Marketing\Docs.
  8. Verify that the template appears as a template option the next time you send information from Sales & Marketing as described in step 5 above.

Create Customer/Contact Cards

  1. Performing a quick search, look for the account Customer 1000.
  2. Right-click, point to Send to, and then point to Reports and select Customer or Contact.
  3. A printer friendly report will appear listing all the customer/contact details.

Note: If you have no reports available, enter the path to the installation folders for reports in the Folders tab in Tools/Settings.