
Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to introduce you to

Sales and Marketing main window

Log on to Sales and Marketing for the First Time

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for logging on to IFS Sales and Marketing Client.

Launch Application: Sales & Marketing Client

  1. Launch the Sales & Marketing Client application.
  2. Enter Admin as the user name and leave the Password field blank.
  3. Click Local to access your local database.
  4. Click More to show more details.
  5. Select Access as the type of database.
  6. Browse to your local Access database (on your desktop).
  7. Select Open.
  8. Select English Language as database language and verify that Use Internal Credentials option is selected.
  9. Click OK to logon.

Note: When you open up Sales & Marketing, you have to perform an initial search in the database to see, for example, companies in the Result pane.

Managing Panes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show the functionality on how to manage panes available in Sales and Marketing.

Sales and Marketing/View Menu

  1. On the View menu select or clear the panes you want to be shown or hidden. A tick indicates that the pane is shown on the Sales and Marketing client.
  2. The Calendar pane can be moved from its original position to any location. Simply click on the title bar of the Calendar pane, drag and drop to wherever you want it.
  3. When connected to the Server database, you can sort the information on the Result pane by clicking  the header.

Applying Local Settings

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise it to show how to add local settings to your Sales & Marketing installation. In the exercise we will add a default option to a single-choice field. We will also change the date settings so that when adding a new record the system will by default add the current date.

Tools Menu/Settings

  1. On the Tools menu, click Settings.
  2. On the dialog box that appears on the General tab click Default Value option.
  3. In the Change default values dialog box, select Company in the Table list.
  4. Click Set Default Value option and click OK.
  5. In the Category field, select Prospect and click OK.
  6. In the Change default Values dialog box, select Activity table.
  7. In the start date field, enter or select Today's Date.

    Note: Verify that the Category field is set to Prospect when you add a new company. Also verify that the date is set to the current date when you add a new activity.

Adding and Changing the Password

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to manage passwords.

Status Bar

  1. Double click in the status bar.
  2. On the dialog box that opens up, leave the Current Password field blank.
  3. Enter a new password, verify it, and click OK.
  4. Log off and log on again selecting the Change Database option on the File Menu.
  5. Verify that you can not log on as user Admin without entering the password.
  6. Logon as user Admin with the password you just entered.
  7. Again change the password to blank for the user Admin.