Managing Contract Projects—Exercises

Required Data

Sales Contract

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you the required data that is used in the exercises below.

For creating a sales contract see the general exercise for Creating Sales Contract

Creating a New Project

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the data that must be in place before you can do the the exercises below.

  1. Create a project ID.
  2. Save your changes.

General exercise for Creating Projects

Creating Activities

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the data that must be in place before you can do the the exercises below. 

  1. Create a subproject with activities.

General exercise for Building a Project Plan

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to show you how to manage contract projects.

Sales Contract

Connecting Project and Revenue Activity

  1. Open the Sales Contract window and query for your contract.
  2. Click Project tab.
  3. Create a new record. (F5)
  4. Enter a Project ID. Select a value from List of values. 
  5. Check the Default Project checkbox if this is to be the default project for the contract.

Note that if more than one project exist on a contract, it is required that one of them is selected as default. Therefore, if entering the first project on a contract, the default checkbox must be selected before it can be saved.

  1. Enter a Revenue Activity in project. Select a value from List of values.
  2. If required, a Note can be entered.
  3. Save the record. (F12)

Option 2 - Adding project activities from Sales Contract/Items/Lines/Items

  1. Open Sales Contract window and query for your contract.
  2. Click Items tab and then Lines/Items tab.
  3. Select the line item to which you want to add activities.
  4. Enter a Project ID, Sub Project ID and a Revenue Activity or select a value from the List of Values.
  5. Enter an Item Report Code or select from the from List of Values. Report Codes are defined for the activity in the Project Navigator/Valid Report Codes tab.
  6. Save the record. (F12)

Connecting Activities to Contract Line Items

Option 1 - Adding project activities from Sales Contract/Items/Activities

  1. Open Sales Contract window and query for your contract.
  2. Click Items tab and then Activities tab.
  3. Enter a new line. (F5)
  4. Enter the Line No and the Item No for the item you wish to connect to an activity.
  5. Enter the Activity Seq for the activity you want to connect to the item. Use List of values to select from all activities for projects registered in the Projects tab and that are not already connected to an item.

Note that all other fields will be filled automatically when the activity sequence is entered.

  1. Save the record. (F12)

Option 2 - Adding project activities from Sales Contract/Items/Lines/Items

  1. Open Sales Contract window and query for your contract.
  2. Click Items tab and then Lines/Items tab.
  3. Select the line item to which you want to add activities.
  4. Right-click and select Set Activities.

Note that Contract Items Connected to Activities dialog box will be opened with Contract No, Line No and Item No fields automatically filled in by the system.

  1. Click New to add a new activity. (F5)
  2. Enter the Activity Sequence for the activity you want to connect to the item. Use list of values to select from all activities for projects registered in the Projects tab and that are not already connected to an item.

Note that all other fields will be filled automatically when the activity sequence is entered.

  1. Click OK to save and close the dialog box.

Retrieving Item Cost from Project

Note: The particular activity should be connected to the Contract line item to which you want to retrieve the cost. It is possible to retrieve Estimated, Planned or Baseline cost from the activity to the contract line item. Estimated cost is used as an example.

  1. Open Sales Contract window and query for your contract.
  2. Click Items tab and select the Retrieve Item Cost from Project from the right mouse button menu options.
  3. In the Retrieve Item Cost from Project dialog box select the relevant cost type you want to retrieve. In this example we use estimated cost.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Refresh and observe the Cost Value Company Currency field updated with the estimated cost you entered in the activity.

Note: To enter Estimated Cost to an activity follow the steps given below.

  1. Open Project Navigator window and query for your project.
  2. Select the relevant activity from the navigator and click the Activity tab and then click the Estimate tab.
  3. Click New to add new cost element.
  4. Enter a cost element or select from the List of Values and enter 100 as the estimated cost in the Estimated field.