Manage Customer Rebates — Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Rebate Groups

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter different sales part rebate groups.

Sales Basic Data/Rebate Groups

  1. Open the Sales Basic Data/Rebate Groups tab.
  2. Enter the identity of the group.
  3. Enter the description.
  4. Save the record.
  5. Repeat this steps for as many groups as needed
  6. .

Connect a Sales Part to a Rebate Group

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to connect the sales part to a specific rebate group.

Sales Part
Non-Inventory Sales Part
Package Part

  1. Search for the specific sales part.
  2. Enter a value in the Rebate Group field, alternatively you can use the list of values.

Main Exercises

Create a Customer Rebate Agreement using Sales Part Rebate Groups

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter the rebate agreement using sales part rebate groups and no hierarchies, with all the terms and conditions for the rebate calculation.

Rebate Agreement

  1. Open the Rebate Agreement window and click New.
  2. Enter the rebate agreement ID in the Agreement ID field and then enter an appropriate description for the rebate agreement.
  3. Click Use Sales Part Rebate Group.
  4. To indicate how the total sales per customer is to be calculated when running the final settlement, select a value in the Final Rebate Basis list.
  5. Enter or select, using the List of Values the payment term valid for the rebate agreement.
  6. Select a periodic settlement interval from the List of Values.
  7. Select a final settlement interval from the List of Values appropriate for the selected periodic settlement interval.
  8. Specify a date to indicate from when the rebate agreement will be valid.
  9. Optionally you can specify a date to indicate until when the rebate agreement will be valid.
  10. Save the record.
  11. Click on the Deal per Rebate Group tab. and select the top part of the tab window and click New.
  12. Enter date to specify from when the periodic settlement line will be valid.
  13. Enter or select from the List of Values a rebate group.
  14. Enter or select from the List of Values a rebate type.
  15. Specify the rebate percentage for the entered rebate type as flat rebate percentage.
  16. Specify the rebate cost percentage for the entered rebate type.
  17. Repeat steps 3 to 9 for all lines in the rebate agreement.
  18. Save when completed.
  19. Open the Rebate Agreement window, query for the required rebate agreement and click the Receivers tab.
  20. Click New and enter manually or select from the List of Values the customer you need to connect as a rebate receiver.
  21. Repeat step 2-3 until all rebate receivers have been connected.
  22. Click on Save.
  23. Right-click on the header and click Activate.

Create a Rebate Transactions based on the Rebate Agreement

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how the invoicing of a customer order automatically calculates rebates earned by the ordering customer, based on the active agreement you entered in the previous exercise.

Customer Order
Customer Invoice
Rebate Transactions

  1. Open the Customer Order window and click New.
  2. Enter an order for a customer you have connected to the rebate agreement and save the order header. It is recommendable to use a fast order type.
  3. Enter a customer order line for a sales part connected to a rebate group which has a line defined on the rebate agreement, deal per rebate group tab.
  4. The Rebate Builder check-box should not be selected, if rebate transactions should not be created when invoicing is done.

Note: The Rebate Builder check-box is selected by default for each customer order line. You are able to modify the status of this check-box for a customer order in any status except the Invoiced/Closed status.

  1. Release the order and process it until the invoice is posted and authorized.
  2. Open the invoice of the customer order and right-click on the header and then click Customer Invoice Posting Analysis. Observe that there are lines for accounting for the rebate costs.
  3. Open the Rebate Transactions window and search for the customer invoice. There you will see the calculated rebates based on the invoiced customer order.

Note: Repeat this exercise in order to create an appropriate number of transactions.

Run the Periodic Settlement

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to run the periodic settlement, which is an analysis that will sum up all transactions' rebate amounts created for a certain period of time.

Run Periodic Settlement
Periodic Settlement

  1. Open the Run Periodic Settlement window.
  2. Enter the customer ID  you have been using in the previous exercise in the corresponding field, alternatively choose it by using the list of values.
  3. In the To Date field, enter today's date.

Note: when leaving this field empty, the system will just analyze the transactions that have occurred in the previous periodic settlement period as defined in the agreement and it is not sure that you have such transactions.

  1. Click OK after the necessary criteria is specified.
  2. Open the Periodic Settlement window and search for the settlement(s) created for your customer. Here you will see the total rebate amount (based on the rebate flat rate) earned by your customer during the indicated period of time.

When you create periodic rebate for the sales tax regime, the periodic settlement does not show tax information. For mixed tax regime, the periodic settlement shows only the VAT code. The total tax can be calculated after the rebate credit invoice is created.

Invoice the Periodic Settlement

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to invoice periodic settlement: this will result in a credit note for the customer.

Periodic Settlement
Create Customer Rebate Credit Invoice
Customer Invoice

  1. Open the Create Customer Rebate Credit Invoice window or the Periodic Settlement window and query for the required rebate settlement.
  2. If the rebate credit invoice should only be created, select the rebate settlement, right-click and click Create Invoice.
  3. If the rebate credit invoice should also be printed, select the rebate settlement line, right-click and click Create and Print Invoice.
  4. Click OK to confirm.
  5. Right-click and click Customer Invoice to analyze the newly created rebate invoice. Observe that it is a credit and that it has a specific invoice type.
  6. Right-click on the invoice header and click Customer Invoice Postings Analysis. Observe that the accrued rebate cost are consumed now.

Note: To calculate sales tax or mixed tax amounts for periodic settlement, repeat steps 1, 2, 4 and 5.

  1. On the Lines tab, right-click on the invoice line and click Tax Lines. The Customer Invoice Tax Lines dialog box appears. For sales tax regime you cannot see any tax lines. For mixed tax regime you can only see the VAT code.
  2. Click the Set Default button. It will fetch the tax codes for the customer default address.
  3. Save the record. This will calculate the sales or mixed tax for the rebate credit invoice.
  4. Right-click on the invoice header and click Query Customer Invoice Postings. Observe that the accrued rebate cost are consumed now.

Enter Agreement Lines for the Final Settlement

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how enter and define the targets for running the final settlement: target sales volume and rates

Rebate Agreement

  1. Open the Rebate Agreement window and query for the required rebate agreement.
  2. Click on the Deal per Rebate Group tab and select the required periodic settlement line from the top part of the tab window.
  3. Select the bottom part of the tab and click New.
  4. Enter the minimum sales volume and the rebate percentage to be applied up to that sales volume.
  5. Repeat step 4 for each final settlement agreement line, by entering the minimum sales values and relevant rebate percentages.
  6. Save when completed.

Run the Final Settlement

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to run the final settlement, which is an analysis that will calculate the sales volume of a customer for a certain period of time, compare it to the targets defined on the agreement, recalculate the rebate rate and apply it on all the transactions for the period of time that is being analyzed.

Run Final Settlement
Final Settlement

  1. Open the Run Final Settlement window.
  2. Enter the customer's ID  you have been using in the previous exercise in the corresponding field, alternatively select it by using the List of Values.
  3. In the To Date field, enter today's date.

Note: when leaving this field empty, the system will just analyze the transactions that had occurred in the previous periodic settlement period as defined in the agreement and it is not sure that you have such transactions.

  1. Click OK after the necessary criteria is specified.
  2. Open the Final Settlement window and search for the settlement created for your customer. Here you will see the total rebate amount (based on the calculated target rate) earned by your customer during the indicated period of time.

Note: When you create the final rebate for the sales tax regime, the final settlement does not show tax information. For mixed tax regime, the final settlement shows only the VAT code. The total tax can be calculated after the rebate credit invoice is created.

Invoice the Final Settlement

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to invoice the final settlement: If the final rebate amount is larger than the total periodic rebate amount calculated for that period, it will be possible to invoice this difference.

Final Settlement
Create Customer Rebate Credit Invoice
Customer Invoice

  1. Open the Create Customer Rebate Credit Invoice window or the Final Settlement window and query for the required rebate settlement.
  2. If the rebate credit invoice should only be created, select the rebate settlement, right-click and click Create Invoice.
  3. If the rebate credit invoice should also be printed, select the rebate settlement line, right-click and click Create and Print Invoice.
  4. Click OK to confirm.
  5. right-click and click Customer Invoice to analyze the newly created rebate invoice. Observe that it is a credit and that it has a specific invoice type.
  6. Right-click on the invoice header and click Customer Invoice Postings Analysis. Observe that the accrued rebate cost are consumed now.

Note: To calculate the sales tax or mixed tax amounts for the final settlement, repeat steps 1, 2, 4 and 5.

  1. On the Lines tab, right-click on the invoice line and click Tax Lines. The Customer Invoice Tax Lines dialog box appears. For sales tax regime you cannot see any tax lines. For mixed tax regime you can only see the VAT code.
  2. Click the Set Default button. It will fetch the tax codes for the customer default address.
  3. Save the record. This will calculate the sales or mixed tax for the rebate credit invoice.
  4. Right-click on the invoice header and click Query Customer Invoice Postings. Observe that the accrued rebate cost are consumed now.

Invoice the Final Settlement

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to invoice the final settlement. If the final rebate amount is larger than the total periodic rebate amount calculated for that period, it will be possible to invoice this difference.


        Periodic Settlement
Final Settlement
Batch Create Rebate Credit Invoice
Customer Invoice

Notice the remaining lines in the Create Customer Rebate Credit Invoices window before you do the following steps. Adjust your user parameters in the following steps in order to create invoices for them.

  1. Open the Batch Create Customer Rebate Invoices dialog box.
  2. Specify the company to which the invoices belong. Invoices should belong to one company, hence using the percentage sign (%) is not possible.
  3. Specify the customer number, agreement and hierarchy or leave the percentage sign (%) to indicate all.
  4. Enter the level of the hierarchy or leave the field blank to indicate all levels.

To schedule batch create rebate credit invoices as a background job:

  1. Click Schedule to open the Create New Task Schedule window. Set the scheduling parameters as required and save. Scheduled tasks can be seen in the Scheduled Database Tasks window.