Milestone Templates—Basic Data and Requirements Exercise

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the basic functionality of creating milestone templates.

Sales Basic Data/Milestone Templates

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps in the sequence shown.

  1. Select New (F5).
  2. Enter XX1 as template ID.
  3. Enter the description, XXTemplate1.
  4. Select a line in the lower part and select New (F5).
  5. Enter 1 as the milestone ID.
  6. Enter the description, Designed.
  7. Enter 5 as the progress percentage.
  8. Enter 17 as the lead time.
  9. Enter milestone IDs 2 and 3 with appropriate descriptions.
  10. Select Save (F12).
  11. In the Previous Milestone field, specify that milestone ID 2 must be completed before milestone ID 3 can be reached.
  12. Select Save (F12).