Identifying Responses and Mitigating Actions—Exercises

Required Data

Risk Consequences

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you the required data that is used in the exercises below.

  1. Create a parent consequence record.

General exercise for Creating Risk Consequences

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to create risk responses and risk actions.

Risk Responses
Risk Response
Risk Actions
Risk Action

Creating Risk Responses

  1. Open the Risk Analysis Navigator window and click Response List tab, or open either the Risk Responses or Risk Response windows. Note: If you use the Response List tab on the Risk Analysis Navigator window, navigate to and select the consequence node for the selected risk analysis to add a response.
  2. Create a new record. A risk response is created with status Execute.
  3. In the Consequence ID field, use the List of Values to select a consequence record that you want to define responses for. Note: If you use the Response List tab on the Risk Analysis Navigator window, this field will not be displayed on this tab.
  4. In the Response Description field, enter a short description of the possible responses that can be taken.
  5. For the Response Type, select the category of response, from the list, to which the particular record will belong.
  6. In the Mitigation Cost field, enter the cost of carrying out the response. Ensure that the Include Cost check box is selected if you want your mitigation cost to be rolled up to the consequence.
  7. In the Secondary Risk field, consider additional problems that could be caused as a result of executing the response.
  8. For the Status field, select a status that you want to assign to the particular response.
  9. In the Response Note field, enter any notes that you want to add about the response.
  10. Save the record.
  11. Navigate to the parent consequence record and observe that the Mitigation Cost field holds the value you entered on the response record. 
  12. Repeat steps 2 through 10 to create multiple risk responses. 

Creating Risk Actions

  1. Open the Risk Analysis Navigator window and click the Action List tab, or open the Risk Actions or the Risk Action windows. Note: If you use the Action List tab on the Risk Analysis Navigator window, navigate to and select the response node a selected risk analysis to add an action.
  2. Create a new record. A risk action is created with status New.
  3. In the Response ID field, use the List of Values to select a response record that you want to connect the action to. Note: If you use the Action List tab on the Risk Analysis Navigator window, this field will not be displayed on this tab.
  4. In the Action Description field, enter a description that explains the possible response that can be taken.
  5. In the Action Assigned field, use the List of Values to select a person to whom the action should be assigned.
  6. In the Action Date field, enter the date by which the action should be completed.
  7. For the Action Status field, select the status that you want to assign to the particular action record.
  8. In the Action Note field, enter any notes that you want to add about the action.
  9. Save the record.
  10. Repeat steps 2 through 9 to create multiple risk actions.

Use the following procedure to reflect the change in status of the action:

  1. Open the Risk Analysis Navigator/Action List tab, the Risk Potential Problems or Risk Potential Problem window and query for the Response ID to which the action in mind belongs.
  2. In the Status field, select Active or Closed from the list.
  3. Save.