Manage Receiving Advice—Exercises

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Inventory Locations

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the inventory locations that are required to report arrival of the purchase parts.

Inventory Locations

  1. Open the Inventory Locations window and create inventory locations of types Arrival, Quality Assurance and Picking.

General exercise for Inventory Locations

Purchase Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a non-inventory registered purchase part, e.g., a service, and three inventory registered purchase parts.

Purchase Part
Inventory Part

  1. Enter a non-inventory registered purchase part with the part number XX-98-103, replacing XX with your initials, and the description Paint Job. Use Hour as the purchase unit of measure.
  2. Enter three inventory registered purchase parts for lilac, yellow, and black paint, using the part numbers XX-88-201, XX-88-202, and XX-88-203. Replace XX with your initials. Choose suitable units of measure and enter estimated material costs.

General exercise for Purchase Part
General exercise for Enter Purchased Inventory Part


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter the supplier for the purchased parts.


  1. Create a new record with an identity of XX-190, replacing XX with your initials, and the name Racing Color Company.
  2. On the General tab, click English as the default language.
  3. On the Address/Purchase Address Info tab, right-click and then click Supply Chain Matrix for Supplier. In the To Demand Site tab enter  CIF (Cost Insurance Freight) as the delivery term, 30 (Road Transport) as the ship-via code, 2 as the external transport lead time, and 1 as the internal transport lead time.
  4. Enter the RECADV and SBIINV message class in the supplier’s message setup on the Supplier/Message Setup tab.
  5. On the Invoice/General tab, click USD as the currency.
  6. On the Purchase/General tab, enter yourself as the buyer and USD as the currency.
  7. On the Purchase/Message Defaults tab, select Receiving Advice Arrived and Approved Goods and Allow Self-Billing.

General exercise for Supplier
General exercise for Setting Up Supplier-to-Site Supply Chain Parameters for Trading

Supplier for Purchase Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to connect the purchase parts to the corresponding supplier.

Supplier for Purchase Part

  1. Connect the purchase part XX-98-103 (Paint Job) to supplier XX-190 (Racing Color Company), using the Receive into Arrival receive case.
  2. Connect the purchase part XX-88-201 (Lilac Paint) to supplier XX-190 (Racing Color Company), using the Receive into Arrival receive case.
  3. Connect the purchase part XX-88-202 (Yellow Paint) to supplier XX-190 (Racing Color Company), using the Receive into QA receive case, Inspect at QA, and inspection code A (100% Inspection).
  4. Connect the purchase part XX-88-203 (Black Paint) to supplier XX-190 (Racing Color Company), using the Receive into Inventory receive case.

General exercise for Supplier for Purchase Part

Required Data

Purchase Order Receipt

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you the required data that is used in the exercises below.

  1. In the Purchase Order window, enter a purchase order for supplier XX-190 (Racing Color Company), including one purchase order line for each of the purchase parts XX-98-103, XX-88-202, and XX-88-203. Enter two purchase order lines for the purchase part XX-88-201. Release the purchase order.

  2. In the Register Purchase Order Arrivals window select the entered purchase order lines, and receive the orders into location types as suggested by the default receive case.

General exercise for Entering Purchase Orders
General exercise for Handling Purchase Orders

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how receiving advice can be used for reporting back to the supplier about arrived and approved quantities, and how self-billing invoices can be created based on a receiving advice.

Receiving Advice
Receipts Available for Receiving Advice
Purchase Order Receipt
Self-billing Invoice Analysis

Receiving Advice for Arrived Goods

  1. In the Receipts Available for Receiving Advice window query for your supplier XX-190.   
  2. Select the populated line, and right-click and then click Create Receiving Advice. Save the default data retrieved to the Receiving Advice header.

Note: The arrival registered receipts are displayed in the Receiving Advice/Available Receipts tab. The Open Amount for Arrived Goods/Curr in Receipts Available for Receiving Advicewindow display the same value as the Total Net Amount/Curr in the Receiving Advice/Available Receipts tab when no date-from or date-until is entered.

  1. In Receiving Advice window right-click and then click Connect All Available Receipts.
  2. Select one of the connected receipts and remove it by pressing F7 or or by clicking Remove.
  3. In the Receiving Advice window right-click and then click Print Receiving Advice.

Note: Price, discount, additional cost and amounts are included in the receiving advice report.

Receiving Advice for Approved Goods

  1. Create a new receiving advice of type Approved Goods for your company and supplier XX-190 by pressing New (F5) and save (F12) in the Receiving Advice window.
  2. Only the receipts received into picking location will be displayed as available receipts.
  3. Enter inspection results on the receipt for part XX-88-202. Enter both scrapped and returned quantities, and approve some quantity.
  4. Move the approved quantity into a picking location.
  5. Return to your receiving advice for approved goods and check that the inspected receipt now is an available receipt.

Note: Both the scrapped and approved quantity are included in the Qty Confirmed Approved for the receipt.

  1. Connect the available receipts.
  2. In the Receiving Advice window right-click and then click Send Receiving Advice.

Self-Billing Invoice from Receiving Advice

  1. On a receiving advice of type Approved Goods that has been communicated right-click in the header and then click Create Invoice.
  2. If a date-until has been entered in the Receiving Advice window that will be the invoice date suggested by default in the Create Self-Billing Invoice dialog box. This invoice date can be modified to a later date. If a date-until hasn't been entered in the Receiving Advice window, then the system date will become the invoice date. This invoice date cannot be modified.
  3. The invoice is created in a background job. When the background job has finished Self-Billing Invoice will be selected in the header of the Receiving Advice window and the quantity invoiced on each receipt line gets updated.

Note: If no previous invoice has been matched to a receipt, that receipt will have a quantity invoiced equal to the quantity confirmed-approved.

  1. In Query Self-billing Invoice window query for your supplier. The created invoice is displayed.
  2. Return to your receiving advice and right-click in the header and then click Send Self-Billing Invoice.

Note: If the supplier cannot receive the SBIINV message the receiving advice report can be printed and sent to the supplier as invoice information. This report includes price, discount, additional cost, amounts and the quantity confirmed-approved.