Initial Exercises—Quality Management 1 (Manufacturing)

Initial Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these initial exercises is to demonstrate the basic functionality of Quality Management for Manufacturing. The following exercises are included:

These initial exercises are intended for instructor use.

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Creating a Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce the student to the basic functionality of process FMEAs. Note: The steps involved in setting up design FMEAs are similar to the ones described below.

Prerequisites: The part shown below is required for these exercises and has already been entered in the Racing TM database.

Part Name Part No. Operation Area of Concern
Camshaft 29-321 CNC Outer Diameter Grinding Consistent outer diameters (ODs) of bearing journals—Each camshaft has five bearing journals. The bearing journal ODs must be consistent for each camshaft and consistent among the different camshafts, as they are being finish-ground. 

Menu Path: Failure Modes and Effects Analysis/FMEA Basic Data/Basic Data for FMEA
Manufacturing Standards/Routings/Routing
Manufacturing Standards/Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis/Process FMEA Graphic
Manufacturing Standards/Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis/Process FMEA Effects Analysis Graphic

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Setting up basic data—Open the Basic Data for FMEA window and click the Classification Criteria tab.
  2. Select a line and create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter a value in the Class Criteria field and a description in the Class Description field (for example, Critical, Major, Key, or Minor).
  4. Click the Checklist Templates tab.
  5. Select a line and create a new record (F5)
  6. Enter a sequence number, checklist question, and checklist comment.
  7. Save the information (F12).
  8. Creating an FMEA header—Open the Routing window.
  9. Query (F3) for part no. 29-321, Camshaft.
  10. Click the Process FMEAs tab and create a new record (F5).
  11. In the Alternate field, select the a routing alternate from the List of Values (F8).
  12. In the FMEA Level list, select Component.
  13. Save the information (F12).
  14. Verify that the FMEA status shown in the Status field has changed to Created.
  15. Adding a checklist—Select a line on the Process FMEAs tab of the Routing window.
  16. Right-click and then click Process FMEA Checklist. The Process FMEA Checklist window appears.
  17. Enter at least one new checklist line. You can also delete checklist lines.
  18. Select the Item Approved check boxes to approve the respective checklist items. Then save the information (F12) and close the window. 
  19. In the Routing window, verify that the checklist status has changed to Approved.
  20. Query (F3) for part no. 29-321, Camshaft, in the Routing window. Verify that the checklist status has changed to Approved.
  21. Adding a function—Open the Process FMEA Graphic window and query (F3) for part no. 29-321, Camshaft.
  22. Expand the graphic structure shown on the left and select the routing alternate. A window appears on the right.
  23. Select a line and create a new record (F5). Enter a function (for example, Grinding) and a function description (for example, Maintain Consistent Diameters). 
  24. Save the information (F12). The function now appears in the graphic structure on the left.
  25. Entering a failure mode—In the Process FMEA Graphic window, select the Grinding function you just created in the graphic structure on the left. A window appears on the right.
  26. Select a line and create a new record (F5).
  27. Enter a failure and a failure description (for example, Diameter Oversize). 
  28. In the Occurrence field, select a value from the List of Values (for example, 7– High – Repeated Failures).
  29. Save the information (F12).
  30. Entering a cause of failure—In the Process FMEA Graphic window, click the Causes tab.
  31. Select a line and create a new record (F5).
  32. Enter a cause and a cause description (for example, Machined Incorrectly).
  33. Save the information (F12).
  34. Entering an effect of failure—In the Process FMEA Graphic window, click the Effects tab.
  35. Select a line and create a new record (F5).
  36. Enter an effect and an effect description (for example, Improper Bearing Clearance).
  37. Select a severity from the List of Values (F8) (for example, 8 – Very High).
  38. Select a classification criterion from the List of Values (F8).
  39. Save the information (F12).
  40. Expand the graphic structure on the left and verify that the causes and effects have been added. 
  41. Entering controls and recommendations—In the Process FMEA Graphic window, select an effect in the graphic structure on the left (the lowest accessible level). A window appears on the right.
  42. On the Controls tab, select a line and then create a new record (F5).
  43. Enter a control and a control description (for example, Inspection).
  44. In the Detection field, enter a value from the List of Values (F8) (for example, 2 – Very High).
  45. Save the information (F12).
  46. Verify that the risk priority number (RPN) is calculated in the RPN field. If you have used the examples in this exercise, the RPN should be 112 (8*7*2). (Severity = 8, Occurrence = 7, and Detection = 2).
  47. On the Recommendations tab, select a line and then create a new record (F5).
  48. Enter a recommendation and a recommendation description (for example, SPC).
  49. Enter a responsible person and a target completion date.
  50. Save the information (F12).
  51. Expand the graphic structure on the left and verify that the controls and recommendations have been added.
  52. Viewing the graphic analysis—Open the Process FMEA Effects Analysis Graph window and query (F3) for part no. 29-321, Camshaft. A graph appears displaying severity and occurrence. The effects in the upper right corner are the most serious ones.
  53. Close all windows.

Creating a Control Plan for Manufacturing

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize the student with the basic functionality of Manufacturing control plans.

Menu Path: Quality Management/Control Plan/Control Plan – Manufacturing

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps in the sequence shown.

  1. Open the Control Plan – Manufacturing window.
  2. Query (F3) for the control plan for part no. 29-321, Camshaft.
  3. Point out the mandatory fields in the control plan header.
  1. Right-click in the header and then click Checklist to create a checklist. A new window appears.
  2. Show the students where to enter new checklist items. (Note: In this case, you cannot enter any new items since the control plan has Active status).
  3. Close the Checklist window.
  4. Verify that the checklist status is Approved (because all checklist items are selected).  
  5. Verify that the control plan status is Active.
  6. On the Control Plan Line tab, select a control plan line and point out some fields.
  1. Activate the control plan by right-clicking in the control plan header and then clicking Active. (Note: This control plan already has Active status.) 
  2. Right-click on the control plan line and then click Setup SPC Data. A new window appears. Explain the different SPC setup options.

Creating an Analysis and Entering Test Results

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize the student with the basic functionality of creating analyses and entering test results for a manufactured (shop order–based) part.

Menu Path: Shop Order/Shop Orders/Shop Order

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps in the sequence shown.

  1. Open the Shop Order window.
  2. Create a new shop order for part no. 29-321, Camshaft.
  3. Click the Control Plan tab and verify that a control plan is showing in the Control Plan No field.
  4. Reserve material by right-clicking in the header of the Shop Order window, pointing to Material Actions, and then clicking Reserve. The Reserve Shop Order window appears.
  5. Enter a value in the Reserve to Date field. Then click OK.
  6. Issue material by right-clicking in the header of the Shop Order window, pointing to Material Actions, and then clicking Issue. The Enter Criteria for Issue window appears.
  7. Select the Issue all reserved material check box. Then click OK.
  8. Right-click in the header of the Shop Order window and then click Report. The Shop Order Operations Reporting window appears.
  9. On the Operations tab, select operation 30. Then right-click, point to Shop Order Analysis, and click Create. The Create Analysis – Shop Order window appears.
  10. Select or clear the Print Test Instruction check box. Then click OK.
  11. A message appears informing you that an analysis has been created and asking you whether you would like to enter test results. Click Yes. The Analysis Result – Shop Order window appears.
  12. Verify that the status of the test operation line is Incomplete.
  13. Select the test operation line Measure Outside Diameter in the upper table. The results will be shown in the lower table. 
  14. Enter your test results and save the record. If you have entered results outside the inner/outer min/max, you will receive a message and the status of the test result line is set to Out of Specification. You can go ahead and save the record if the test results are correct. If you have entered results inside the inner/outer min/max, the status will be set to Within Specification.
  15. Right-click on the test operation line and then click Complete Registered Results. Verify that the status of the test operation line has changed to Complete
  16. Right-click in the header and then click Confirm Registered Result. Verify that the status has changed to Confirmed. Once the analysis is confirmed, you can use the data for SPC follow-up.

Creating a Variable Chart (Xbar & R Chart) for a Manufactured Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize the student with the basic functionality of creating control charts for a part that is manufactured in a shop order–based environment.

Menu Path: Quality Management/Control Plan/Control Plan – Manufacturing
Quality Management/Analysis/Analysis Results – Manufacturing

  1. Open the Control Plan – Manufacturing window and query for part no. 29-321, Camshaft.
  2. Verify that the control plan has Active status.
  3. On the Control Plan Line tab, select the Measure Outside Diameter control plan line. Then right-click and click Create SPC Chart. The Create SPC Chart window appears.
  4. Under Analysis Date, enter dates in the From and To fields.
  5. Click OK.
  6. A message will appear, and you will be asked whether you want to view the chart. Click Yes. The chart appears.
  7. View the chart. In accordance with the selection made during SPC setup, an Xbar & R chart is shown. One point for each analysis appears on the x-axis.
  8. Verify that mean value, standard deviation, upper control limit (UCL), centerline (CL), and lower control limit (LCL) are calculated and shown in the left part of the window.
  9. Verify that the diagram status is Out of Control if at least one analysis falls outside the control limits, or that it is In Control if all analysis data is within the control limits.
  10. Remember to always analyze the range chart first. Do you see any points out of control? Do you see any obvious non-random patterns?
  11. Analyze the x chart (average). Do you see any points out of control? Do you see any obvious non-random patterns?

Note: You can also create a chart from the Analysis Results – Shop Order window. To do so, select the test operation line, right-click, and then click Create SPC Chart.

Calculating Capability Indices for a Manufactured Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize the student with the basic functionality of calculating capability indices for a manufactured part.

Menu Path: Quality Management/Control Plan/Control Plan – Manufacturing

  1. Open the Control Plan – Manufacturing window and query for part no. 29-321, Camshaft.
  2. On the Control Plan Line tab, select the Measure Outside Diameter test operation line. Then right-click and click Capability Indices. The Capability Indices window appears.
  3. Under Capability Indices, define the date interval you want to use for the calculation by selecting the applicable dates in the From and To lists.
  4. If you have entered target values for Cp and Cpk in the control plan for the part, you can see them in this window under Target Values.
  5. Click Sample Data to view the test data that will be used for the calculation.
  6. Click Calculate to calculate Cp and Cpk. The results are shown in the lower part of the window. The results are also shown as ppm values.
  7. Close the window.