Mandatory Control Plan, Create Analysis—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Activate Mandatory control plan

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to activate a mandatory control plan for a manufactured part.

Menu Path: Quality Management/Basic Data for Quality Management 

  1. Open the Basic Data for Quality Management window.
  2. Click the Mandatory Part tab.
  3. Query for part number 22-321, Camshaft at Site 1.
  4. Select the Shop Order Control Plan check box.

General exercise for Control Plan Manufacturing 

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to create a shop order for the following situations:

- a mandatory control plan is activated but a control plan does not exist
- a mandatory create analysis is activated but a confirmed analysis does not exist when receiving a shop order.

Menu Path: Quality Management/Control Plan/Overview - Control Plan 
Shop Order/Shop Orders/Shop Order
Shop Order/Shop Order Operations/Shop Order Operations Reporting
Quality Management/Control Plan/Control Plan - Manufacturing

Mandatory Control Plan

  1. Open the Overview - Control Plan window.
  2. On the Manufacturing tab, query for part number 22-321.
  3. Right-click on the Control Plan No field and then click Control Plan Manufacturing.

Note Verify that the control plan is not in the Active status in the Status field. If it is, change the status to Inactive by right-clicking in the header section of the Control Plan window and then clicking Inactive.  

  1. Open the Shop Order window.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. Enter the part number 22-321 and a lot size of 20.
  4. Enter a required date as two weeks from the current date.
  5. Save the record.
  6. Right-click in the header section of the Shop Order window and  click Release.

Note Verify that the message No Control Plan exists for the Shop Order with Order no. XXXXXXX is displayed.

  1. Open the Control Plan - Manufacturing window, and query for part number 22-321.
  2. Right-click and click Active.
  3. Return to the Shop Order/ Control Plan tab and right-click, and click Connect Control Plan to connect active control plan to the shop order.
  4. Right-click in the header section of the Shop Order window and then click Release.

Mandatory Create Analysis

  1. Open the Basic Data for Quality Management window.
  2. Click the Mandatory Part tab.
  3. Query for part number  22-321, Camshaft.
  4. Select the Shop Order Create Analysis check box ( Also make sure that Shop Order Control Plan check box is selected ).
  5. Open the Shop Order window.
  6. Create a new record.
  7. Enter part number 22-321 and a lot size of 20.
  8. Enter the required date as two weeks from the current date.
  9. Save the record.
  10. Right-click in the header section of the Shop Order window and click Release.
  11. Right-click in the header section of the Shop Order window and click Material Actions/ Reserve and then Issue.
  12. Right-click in the header section of the Shop Order window and and click Report.
  13. Select operation 10 in the Shop Order Operations Reporting window. Enter a quantity of 5 in the Qty To Report field. Select the line, right-click and select Report Time.

Note   Verify that the message "An analysis must be created and confirmed before the operation is closed" is displayed.

  1. Open the Shop Order/Operations tab, select operation 10, right-click and click Shop Order Analysis/Create.
  2. In the Create Analysis - Shop Order dialog box clear the Print Test Instructions check box, and click OK. A message will appear asking "An analysis with Analysis Number xxxxxxx has been created. Would you like to register analysis results now?" Click Yes.
  3. Enter a value of 0 in the Nonconformities field for the data point, and save the record.
  4. Right- click and click Complete Registered Results.
  5. Right-click in the header section of the Shop Order window and click Report.  
  6. Select operation 10 in the Shop Order Operations Reporting window. Enter a quantity of 15 in the Qty To Report field. Select the line right-click and and select Report Time.

Note  Verify that the message "It is mandatory to create and confirm analysis results to report Shop Order XXXXX and operation 10" is displayed.

  1. Open the Shop Order/Operations tab, select operation 10, right-click and click Shop Order Analysis/Details.
  2. Right-click and click Confirm Registered Results.
  3. Select operation 10 in the Shop Order Operations Reporting window. Enter a quantity of 15 in the Qty To Report field. Select the line, right-click and select Report Time.

Note  Verify that the operation is closed.