Entering Test Results for Inventory—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site. 

Basic Data Setup

Viewing a Control Plan for Inventory

Purpose: The purpose of this exercises is to view an Inventory control plan used for entering test results for inventory parts.

Menu Path: Quality Management/Control Plan/Control Plan – Inventory

  1. Open the Control Plan – Inventory window.
  2. Query for the control plan for part no. 29-521, Intake Valve.
  3. Verify that a control plan with Active status exists for the part.

General Exercise for Control Plan—Inventory

Main Exercises

Creating an Analysis

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to create an analysis for inventory parts. 

Menu Path: Quality Management/Control Plan/Control Plan – Inventory

  1. Open the Control Plan – Inventory window and query for part no. 29-521, Intake Valve.
  2. Right-click in the header and then click Create Analysis.
  3. The Create Analysis – Inventory window appears. Selecting the Print Test Instruction check box is optional. For this exercise, select the check box. Then click OK.
  4. You receive a message informing you that an analysis has been created and asking you whether you would like to enter test results. Click Yes.
  5. The Report Print window appears. Click Preview.
  6. View the report and verify that the right test operations are listed. Then close the report.
  7. The Analysis Results – Inventory window appears.
  8. Verify that the status of the test operation lines is Incomplete.

Entering Test Results for an Attribute Test Operation Line

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to enter test results with Attribute data.

Menu Path: Quality Management/Analysis/Analysis Results

  1. You can begin this exercise in three ways:

    Go back to the Analysis Results – Inventory window, which you opened in the previous exercise.


    Open the Control Plan – Inventory window and query for your current control plan. Click the Inventory Analysis tab and select the analysis you created in the previous exercise. Then right-click and click Analysis Result. The Analysis Results – Inventory window opens.


    Open the Analysis Results window from the Navigator and query for your analysis. The Analysis Results – Inventory window opens. 
  2. Select the Attribute test operation line.
  3. If you have entered np or p chart in your SPC setting for the current line in the applicable control plan, enter the number of defect parts in your sample in the Nonconforming (np, p) field. I f you have entered c or u chart in your SPC setting for the current line in the applicable control plan, enter the number of defects in your sample in the Nonconformities (c, u) field.
  4. Right-click on the test operation line and then click Complete Registered Results.
  5. Verify that the status of the test operation line has changed to Complete.

Confirming Test Results

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to confirm test results. When the test results are confirmed, they can be included in control chart and capability indices calculations.

Menu Path: Quality Management/Control Plan/Control Plan – Inventory
Quality Management/Analysis/Analysis Results

  1. You can begin this exercise in three ways:

    Go back to the Analysis Results – Inventory window, which you opened in a previous exercise.


    Open the Control Plan – Inventory window and query for your current control plan. Click the Inventory Analysis tab and select the analysis you created in a previous exercise. Then right-click and click Analysis Result. The Analysis Results – Inventory window opens.


    Open the Analysis Results window from the Navigator and query for your analysis. The Analysis Results – Inventory window opens.
  2. Right-click in the header and then click Confirm Registered Result.
  3. Verify that the status has changed to Confirmed. Once the analysis is confirmed, you can use the data for SPC follow-up.

Creating Additional Analyses

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to create additional analyses for an inventory part.

Menu Path: Quality Management/Control Plan/Control Plan – Inventory

  1. Create at least 19 more analyses for the inventory part. Note: If you do so, you will receive a message informing you that an analysis has already been created. Ignore the message and create additional analyses.
  2. Enter test results for these analyses.
  3. Open the Control Plan – Inventory window, click the Inventory Analysis tab, and view the created analyses. These analyses will later be used in control chart and capability indices exercises.