Working with Requests for Quotations in Project—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Required Data

Creating a PQL from Miscellaneous Demand

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the data that must be in place before you can do the the exercises below.

  1. Create a project quotation list (PQL) from registered miscellaneous demand, including purchase parts and no-parts.

General exercise for Creating a PQL from Miscellaneous Demand  

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to show you how to create requests for quotations (RFQ) for items in the project quotation list (PQL). You will see how a RFQ can be updated for changes in the PQL, and how to handle these requests in IFS/Purchasing. You will also learn how the project RFQ supplement report can be printed to be sent to suppliers.

Project/Quotation List
Request for Agreement Quotation
Request for Order Quotation
Agreement Quotation
Agreement Quotation Approval
Supplier Agreement
Order Quotation
Order Quotation Approval
Purchase Order
Project Navigator/Supply/Pur Order Lines

Note: To do the following exercises, it is recommended to use an executable containing IFS/Project together with IFS/Purchasing.

Creating Request for Quotation for Purchase Parts

Note: When creating a RFQ for purchase parts, a blanket RFQ is created.  

  1. Open the Project window and query for your project.
  2. Click the Quotation List tab.
  3. For a quotation list record for a purchase part, verify that there are values in the Order Quantity, Max Quantity For Blanket and From Date For Blanket fields. Optionally, enter a value in the To Date For Blanket field.
  4. Select this quotation list record for a purchase part, right-click, and then click Create Request for Quotation. The Create Request for Quotation window appears. (Do either steps 5-8 or steps 9-10.)
  5. Note that the Create New RFQ option is selected.
  6. Enter a value in the Buyer field, if none appears by default. For example, enter the value (*).
  7. Enter a value in the Expire Date field. For example, enter an expire date of five working days from today's date.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Alternatively to doing steps 5-8, click Add to Existing.
  10. All existing blanket RFQs are then listed in the table. Select the desired RFQ and click OK.
  11. In the Quotation List tab, verify that a RFQ number and line number are shown for the quotation list record.
  12. Select this row, right-click, and then click View Request for Quotation. The Request for Agreement Quotation window opens populated with your blanket RFQ. Alternatively you can open the Request for Agreement Quotation window from the navigator and query for your RFQ number. 

Note: To do the above step, you must use an executable containing IFS/Project together with IFS/Purchasing.

  1. Verify that your part is listed in the Part Request Lines tab.

Creating Request for Quotation for No-Parts

Note: When creating a RFQ for no-parts, an order RFQ is created.

  1. Open the Project window and query for your project.
  2. Click the Quotation List tab.
  3. For a quotation list record for a no-part, verify that there are values in the Order Quantity and Wanted Delivery Date fields.
  4. Select this quotation list record for a no-part, right-click, and then click Create Request for Quotation. The Create Request for Quotation window appears. (Do either steps 5-8 or steps 9-10.)
  5. Note that the Create New RFQ option is selected.
  6. Enter a value in the Buyer field, if none appears by default. For example, enter the value (*).
  7. Enter a value in the Expire Date field. For example, enter an expire date of five working days from today's date.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Alternatively to doing steps 5-8, click Add to Existing.
  10. All existing order RFQs are then listed in the table. Select the desired RFQ and click OK.
  11. In the Quotation List tab, verify that a RFQ number and line number are shown for the quotation list record.
  12. Select this row, right-click, and then click View Request for Quotation. The Request for Order Quotation window opens populated with your order RFQ. Alternatively you can open the window from the navigator in Request for Order Quotation and query for your RFQ number. 

Note: To do the above step, you must use an executable containing IFS/Project together with IFS/Purchasing.

  1. Verify that your no-part is listed in the No Part Request Lines tab.

Canceling a RFQ Line

Note: If quotations from suppliers are no longer needed, you can delete the quotation list record for the purchase part or no-part. Then the corresponding RFQ line will be canceled.

  1. Open the Project window and query for your project.
  2. Click the Quotation List tab.
  3. Note the connected RFQ number on one of your quotation list records.
  4. Select this quotation list record, click Delete in the toolbar, and save your changes. The part or no-part is now removed from your quotation list, and the RFQ line is set to status Cancelled.
  5. Open the Request for Agreement Quotation or Request for Order Quotation window, and query for the RFQ number that you noted in step 3.
  6. Verify that the status for the line is Cancelled.

Note: If you would like to alter the connected RFQ to a PQL record, you can cancel the RFQ line. The part or no-part will still be listed in the PQL, but without any reference to an RFQ line. You can then create a new RFQ or connect it to an already existing RFQ.

  1. Open the Project window and query for your project.
  2. Click the Quotation List tab.
  3. Note the connected RFQ number on one of your quotation list records.
  4. Select this quotation list record, right-click and then click Cancel RFQ Line.
  5. A question appears asking if you would like to cancel the RFQ line. Click Yes.
  6. Open the Request for Agreement Quotation or Request for Order Quotation window, and query for the RFQ number that you noted in step 9.
  7. Verify that the status for the line is Cancelled.
  8. For this PQL record, you can now create a new RFQ or connect it to an already existing RFQ. (Follow the steps in the above exercises about creating requests for quotations.)

Sending Request for Quotation to Suppliers

Note: Do the following steps to connect suppliers to your request for quotation (RFQ) and release the RFQ.

  1. Open the Request for Agreement Quotation window and query for one of the blanket RFQ numbers that you created in the above exercises. Alternatively, open the Request for Order Quotation window and query for one of the order RFQ numbers that you created in the above exercises.
  2. Click the Suppliers tab.
  3. Connect the suppliers to which the request for quotation should be sent. For each supplier, create a new record and select the desired supplier from the List of Values. Connect at least two suppliers, for example, the suppliers 5000 (Supplier 5000) and 5010 (Swedish Supplier). 
  4. Save your changes.
  5. To release the RFQ, right-click anywhere in the header and then click Release.
  6. A message appears informing you that the blanket or order request for quotation will be released. Click OK.

Note: Do the following steps to print a supplement report to send to the suppliers.

  1. Open the Project window and query for your project.
  2. Click the Quotation List tab.
  3. Select the desired PQL record(s) for the purchase part and/or no-part of interest. Right-click, point to Reports and then click Project RFQ Supplement
  4. The Print Report window appears.
  5. Click Preview to view the report. Close the preview window.

Handling Changes in the Project Quotation List

  1. Open the Project window and query for your project.
  2. Click the Quotation List tab.
  3. Find a PQL record that has a connected RFQ number.
  4. If the connected RFQ is a blanket RFQ, change the values in the Order Quantity, Max Quantity For Blanket, From Date for Blanket and/or To Date For Blanket fields.
  5. If the connected RFQ is an order RFQ, change the values in the Order Quantity and/or Wanted Delivery Date fields.
  6. Save your changes.
  7. Verify that the Date Changed and/or Quantity Changed check boxes are now selected, indicating that changes have been made to the PQL.
  8. Select this row, right-click and then click Modify Request for Quotation.
  9. A message appears asking if you wish to change the RFQ. Click Yes.
  10. Select the row again, right-click and then click View Request for Quotation.

Note: To do the above step, you must use an executable containing IFS/Project together with IFS/Purchasing.

  1. If the PQL record is for a purchase part, the Request for Agreement Quotation window opens. If the PQL record is for a no-part, the Request for Order Quotation window opens.
  2. Click the Part Request Lines tab in the Request for Agreement Quotation window, or the No Part Request Lines in the Request for Order Quotation window.
  3. Verify that the quantity and dates that you changed in the PQL are shown on the RFQ.
  4. On the header, note that a new revision number has been created. Also note that the status has changed from Released to Revised.

Note: The RFQ must have the status Released to be able to proceed with handling the RFQ.

Handling Blanket Request for Quotation

Note: Register the quotations that you receive from the suppliers. During the time that you receive quotations, the lowest available price can be retrieved as information for the project. 

  1. Open the Request for Agreement Quotation window and query for one of the blanket RFQ numbers that you created in the above Sending Request for Quotation to Suppliers exercise.
  2. Verify that the RFQ has the Released status.
  3. Click the Suppliers tab. (You should have at least 2 suppliers connected to the RFQ, suppliers 5000 and 5010.)
  4. Select the suppliers that should give quotations for the part, right-click and then click Quotations. The Agreement Quotationwindow appears.
  5. On the Part Quotation Lines tab, enter a price that is the quotation from the supplier shown in the header (5000). Save your changes.
  6. Open the Project window and query for your project. Click the Quotation List tab.
  7. Select the PQL record pertaining to this RFQ, right-click and click Get Best Supplier Price.
  8. Note that the price quoted from the first supplier is shown as the best available price in the Supplier Price field.
  9. Return to the Agreement Quotationwindow. In the Request No list in the header, select the next supplier (5010).
  10. Enter a different price as the quotation from this second supplier. Use a lower price then the quotation from the first supplier.
  11. Save your changes.
  12. Return to the Project/Quotation List tab.
  13. Select the PQL record pertaining to this RFQ, right-click and click Get Best Supplier Price.
  14. Note the lower price quoted from the second supplier is shown as the best available price in the Supplier Price field.

Note: Approve one of the supplier quotations and create a supplier blanket.

  1. Return to the Agreement Quotation window. 
  2. On the Part Quotation Lines tab, select the part, right-click and then click Blanket Quotation Approval. The Agreement Quotation Approval window appears.
  3. Select the row containing the first supplier (5000). Right-click and then click Approve.
  4. The Create Supplier for Purchase Part window appears. View the information and click Yes
  5. A message appears asking if you want to create a supplier blanket for the approved quotation. Click Yes.
  6. The Quotation to Supplier Agreement - Parameters window appears. Click Create New
  7. A message appears with information about the number of the created supplier blanket. Click OK
  8. A message appears asking if you want to print a rejection letter for all other quotations. Click No
  9. In the Agreement Quotation Approval window, verify that the status of the row containing the first supplier (5000) has been changed to Converted, while the other records for the remaining suppliers have received the status Rejected.
  10. Select the row containing the first supplier (5000), right-click and then click Blanket. The Supplier Agreement window appears.
  11. Click the General tab.
  12. In the Project ID field, verify that the blanket has been posted with your project.
  13. On the Project/Quotation List tab, note that the Request for Quotation Approved check box is now selected.

Handling Order Request for Quotation

Note: Register the quotations that you receive from the suppliers. During the time that you receive quotations, the lowest available price can be retrieved as information for the project. 

  1. Open the Request for Order Quotation window and query for one of the order RFQ numbers that you created in the above Sending Request for Quotation to Suppliers exercise.
  2. Verify that the RFQ has the Released status.
  3. Click the Suppliers tab. (You should have at least 2 suppliers connected to the RFQ, suppliers 5000 and 5010.)
  4. Select the suppliers that should give quotations for the no-part, right-click and then click Quotations. The Order Quotation window appears.
  5. On the No Part Quotation Lines tab, enter a price that is the quotation from the supplier shown in the header (5000). Save your changes.
  6. Open the Project window and query for your project. Click the Quotation List tab.
  7. Select the PQL record pertaining to this RFQ, right-click and click Get Best Supplier Price.
  8. Note that the price quoted from the first supplier is shown as the best available price in the Supplier Price field.
  9. Return to the Order Quotation window. In the Request No list in the header, select the next supplier (5010).
  10. Enter a different price as the quotation from this second supplier. Use a lower price then the quotation from the first supplier.
  11. Save your changes.
  12. Return to the Project/Quotation List tab.
  13. Select the PQL record pertaining to this RFQ, right-click and click Get Best Supplier Price.
  14. Note the lower price quoted from the second supplier is shown as the best available price in the Supplier Price field.

Note: Approve one of the supplier quotations and create a purchase order. To be able to create a purchase order from an order quotation, the related miscellaneous demand record must be connected to an activity, and this activity must have the Released status.

  1. Return to the Order Quotation window.
  2. On the No Part Quotation Lines tab, select the no-part, right-click and then click Order Quotation Approval. The Order Quotation Approval window appears.
  3. Select the row containing the first supplier (5000). Right-click and then click Approve.
  4. A message appears asking if you want to create a purchase order for the approved quotation. Click Yes.
  5. The Quotation to Order - Parameters window appears. Click Create New.
  6. A message appears with information about the created purchase order. Click OK.
  7. In the Order Quotation Approval window, verify that the status of the row containing the first supplier (5000) has been changed to Converted, while the other records for the remaining suppliers have received the status Rejected.
  8. Select one of the rejected suppliers, right-click and note that you can optionally click Print Rejection Letter.
  9. Select the row containing the first supplier (5000), right-click and then click Purchase Order. The Purchase Order window appears. 
  10. Click the No Part Order Lines tab.
  11. In the Project ID field, verify that the blanket has been posted with your project.
  12. On the Project/Quotation List tab, note that the Request for Quotation Approved check box is now selected.
  13. The purchase order lines can also be viewed in the Project Navigator/Supply/Pur Order Lines tab.