Registering Project Demand—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Inventory Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create inventory parts that can be acquired to your project. These inventory parts must be created for the site to which your project will be connected. The corresponding purchase part will be created automatically when a purchased inventory part is entered.

Copy Parts to Site
Background Jobs
Inventory Part

  1. You can quickly create inventory parts for your site by copying parts from Site 1. Open the Copy Parts to Site window.
  2. Copy all parts from site 1 to your site, e.g., XX01, where XX is your initials.
  3. Enter 960 in the Comm. Group 2 field.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Wait for the background job to be completed. The status of the background job can be seen in the Background Jobs window. When finished, the parts will be copied to your site.
  6. As an alternative to steps 1-5, create your own inventory parts in the Inventory Part window.

General exercise for Purchased Inventory Part
General exercise for Manufactured Inventory Part

Purchase Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to register both inventory and non-inventory purchase parts that can be procured to your project. These purchase parts must be created for the site to which your project will be connected.

Purchase Part

  1. Create non-inventory purchase parts. You can also create purchase parts for the manufactured inventory parts that you created in the basic data exercise above.
  2. Enter your site in the Site field, e.g., XX01, where XX is your initials
  3. Save your changes.
  4. In addition, view the purchase parts that were automatically created when you created purchased inventory parts in the basic data exercise above.

General exercise for Purchase Part

Supplier for Purchase Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to connect a supplier to the purchase parts that you will be procuring in the following exercise.

  1. Register a primary supplier for your purchase parts. For example, you can use Supplier 5000.
  2. Save your changes.

General exercise for Supplier for Purchase Part

Project Cost Element

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create project cost elements and connect them to accounts/code part values.

Project Cost/Revenue Elements
Project Cost/Revenue Element per Code Part Value

  1. Create project cost elements which can be connected to the accounts as derived by posting control rules. The posting control rules relevant to registering project demand are shown in the following table.
  2. Connect the relevant cost elements to the relevant accounts. If your company has been created based on the STD company template and no changes have been done to the default posting control rules or mappings of cost elements to accounts, you will see the following mapping:
Posting Control Rule Scenarios when Posting Control Rule applies Expected Account Project Cost Element
M1 Supply Option = Purchased
Inventory Part

Supply Option = PMRP
Part type Purchased

M93 Supply Option = Purchased
Non-inventory purchase part or no part
M40 Supply Option = Shop Order

Supply Option = Dynamic Order Processing

Supply Option = PMRP
Part type Manufactured

M62 Standard Planned Item 5460 MATERIALS

General exercise for Setting Up Project Cost/Revenue Elements

Required Data

Connecting Site and Creating Activities

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the data that must be in place before you can do the exercises below.

  1. Connect a site to your project. 
  2. Create activities in your subproject structure.

General exercise for Creating Projects
General exercise for Building Project Plan

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to register different types of project demands, and observe the planning values reported to the connected activity.

Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. Parts
Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. No Parts
Project Navigator/Connections
Project Navigator/Activity
Activity/Demand/Misc. Parts
Activity/Demand/Misc. No Parts
Project/Demand/Misc. Parts
Project/Demand/Misc. No Parts

Registering Project Miscellaneous Demand for an Activity

  1. Open the Project Navigator window. (Alternatively, open the Activity window.)
  2. Query for your project.
  3. In the Navigator, select the activity under which you want to register the project demand. (Alternatively, in the Activity window, select the desired activity in the Project list.)

Note: Perform the following steps to register a demand for miscellaneous inventory or purchase parts. 

  1. Click the Demand tab, and then click the Misc. Parts tab.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. Enter the project site to be connected with your demand, or select it from the List of Values. If the user's default site is a project site, it will appear as the default value in the Site field.
  4. Enter a part number, or select it from the List of Values.
  5. If the item should be standard planned and not issued from the project inventory, select the Std Planned Item check box.
  6. If the item should not be included in a project material netting calculation, clear the Netting check box.
  7. In the Required Quantity field, specify how many units of this part that you would like to acquire.
  8. The value in the Required Date field will be automatically set to the activity's early finish date. Optionally, enter a value in the Offset field, which is the number of work days the demand is required before the activity early finish date, and note the value in the Required Date field.
  9. The Supply Option field will receive a default value which depends on which part you have entered. Optionally, change the value for the Supply Option field.
  10. Optionally, enter information about your project demand in the Note field.
  11. Save your changes.
  12. Note the suggested values in the fields for planned hours. If you want to change the suggested planned value, enter other planned hours.
  13. Select the project demand row, right-click and select Cost Elements, to open the Planned Cost/Hours per Cost Element dialog.
  14. Note the suggested values in the fields for the planned costs. These values are based on the value that you entered in the Required Quantity field and the default planned values, according to the following table.
Inventory Part Std Planned Item Supply Option Default Planned Cost Default Hours Planned Posting Control Rule
No No Purchase Price from primary supplier for purchase part - M93
Yes No Purchase Price from primary supplier for purchase part - M1
Yes No Shop Order From cost set 1. Total hours on operations M40
Yes No Dynamic Order Processing From cost set 1. Total hours on operations for all levels M40
Yes No Project MRP From cost set 1. - M40 or M1
Yes Yes - From cost set 1. - M62
  1. If you want to change the suggested planned values, enter other planned costs.
  2. Verify that the planned costs update the correct cost elements, based on how the relevant Posting Control rules and the mapping of cost elements to accounts are set up in the Basic Data section of this exercise.
  3. Click OK to save your changes.
  4. Repeat steps 5-20 to register more project demands for miscellaneous inventory or purchase parts.

Note: If you are using an executable containing IFS/Project together with IFS/Inventory and IFS/Purchasing, you can quickly reach information about the inventory part, purchase part, or supplier for purchase part. On the Demand/Misc. Parts or Misc. No Parts tab, select a project demand row, right-click, and click Inventory Part Info, Purchase Part Info, or Supplier for Part Info.

Note: Perform the following steps to register a demand for miscellaneous no parts, or service. 

  1. Click the Demand tab, and then click the Misc. No Parts tab.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. Enter the project site to be connected with your procurement, or select it from the List of Values.
  4. In the No Part Description field, enter the item or service that you want to procure.
  5. Enter the desired no-part unit code, or select it from the List of Values.
  6. Enter values in the Required Quantity and the Required Date fields, as described above in steps 10 and 11.
  7. Save your changes.
  8. Select the project demand row, right-click and select Cost Elements, to open the Planned Cost/Hours per Cost Element dialog.
  9. Enter the planned costs that you expect for this procurement.
  10. Verify that the planned costs update the correct cost elements, based on how the relevant Posting Control rule (M93) and the mapping of cost elements to accounts are set up in the Basic Data section of this exercise.
  11. Click OK to save your changes.

Note: Perform the following steps to view the effect on the activity to which you have connected the project demand.

  1. Click the Connections tab. Note that the project demand that you have entered is listed.
  2. Select one of the demands and note that the planned values for this demand is shown in the bottom table.
  3. Click the Activity tab. (Alternatively, in the Activity window, click the General tab.)
  4. Verify that Connected Objects is selected in the Planned Cost Driver list.
  5. Note that the activity planned values have been updated with the sum of the planned values that you entered for each project demand for this activity.
  6. Open the Project window. Query for your project.
  7. Click the Demand tab and then the Misc. Parts and Misc. No Parts tabs. Note that all the demand for parts and no parts that you have registered for different project activities is shown.

Note: For an example of activities with connected miscellaneous procurement, see Project P101 and Subproject S20 Procurement.

Activity ID Purchase Part No. Inventory Part No Part  Required Quantity Supplier Price for Purchase Part Planned Cost Cost Element
20010 96–1000 Yes 7.5 t 650 USD per t 4,875 USD MATERIALS
20020 96–2000 Yes 24 m 85 USD per m 2,040 USD MATERIALS
20030 96–3000 No 75 m3 110 USD per m3 8,250 USD EXPENSES
20040 Consulting services 1 3,500 USD EXPENSES

Using Project Delivery Address in the Miscellaneous Demand

Note: In order to use the project addresses as the delivery addresses for the miscellaneous demands first you need to define them in the project. See the exercise for Defining Project Addresses in Creating Projects

  1. Repeat the steps 1-7 for the above exercise Registering Project Miscellaneous Demand.
  2. Select a purchase part as the demand. The Supply Option field will retrieve the value Purchase.
  3. If default project delivery addresses are defined for the project the appropriate address will get defaulted to the Project Delivery Address field.

Note: The default address will be fetched according to the default values defined for the activity, sub project and the project in that hierarchy.

  1. The user can keep the default address, change the address to an alternative delivery address defined for the same project or simply keep the field blank.
  2. Save the record.

Note: The address defined in the miscellaneous demand will be used as the delivery address of the purchase objects like Requisition for Order Quotations, Purchase orders and Purchase Change Orders corresponding to the demand . The project addresses can be used when procuring miscellaneous no parts as well.

Registering Project Miscellaneous Demand Not Connected to an Activity

  1. Open the Project window.
  2. Query for your project.
  3. Click the Demand tab and then the Misc. Parts and Misc. No Parts tabs. On these tabs, you will see all project demand connected to your project.
  4. Repeat the steps in the above exercise. Each time you create a new record, do not enter any value in the Activity Seq field so that the project demand is not connected to an activity.
  5. When performing step 11, note that no value is entered in the Required Date field because there is no connected activity with an early finish date.

Connecting Project Demand to an Activity

  1. Open the Project window.
  2. Query for your project.
  3. Click the Demand tab and then the Misc. Parts and Misc. No Parts tabs. On these tabs, you will see all project demand connected to your project, both connected or not connected to activities.
  4. Click the Activity Seq field for one of your demand records that is not connected to an activity.
  5. Select the desired activity to which your demand should be connected from the List of Values.
  6. Save your changes.
  7. Observe that the value in the Required Date field is automatically set, based on the activity's early finish date and the value in the Offset field.
  8. Open the Project Navigator window.
  9. To view the effect on the activity to which you have connected the miscellaneous procurement, repeat steps 33–37 given under Registering Project Miscellaneous Demand for an Activity.