Tips and Tricks for Project Reporting

Below is a list of tips and tricks for the Project Reporting course. Click one of the items below to see information that may be helpful to you as you go through the course. 


Role User Emp No Employee Name Subproject ID
(Project ID: 202)
Teacher ALAIN 1002 Alain Prost 99 (Management)
Student ALEX 1004 Alexander Danielsson 01
Student DAVID 1014 David Coulthard 02
Student EDDIE 1016 Eddie Irvine 03
Student EMERSON 1018 Emerson Fittipaldi 04
Student ENZO 1020 Enzo Ferrari 05
Student GIANCO 1022 Giancarlo Fisichella 06
Student JAQUES 1026 Jacques Villeneuve 07
Student JEAN 1028 Jean Alesi 08
Student MARIO 1034 Mario Andretti 09
Student MIKA 1036 Mika Häkkinen 10
Student MIKE 1038 Michael Schumacher 11
Student NIGEL 1040 Nigel Mansell 12

The subproject ID in the above table is the subproject that each user is manager for.


Project Pricing—BDR Exercises

General Tips and Tricks

Many users find it difficult to understand the priority order in project pricing definitions. Stress that the tab order in the Pricing windows is the same as the actual priority order, i.e., the leftmost tab always has the highest priority. There is one exception: within the Internal Price/Employee Price tab, the rightmost column has the highest priority.  

Encourage the users to define and use their own resource groups. This decreases the risk of users inadvertently disturbing each other when doing the exercises. The users should connect their own employee to their resource group. 

The most common causes for not getting a price in a transaction is that you have either forgotten to connect the price list to your project or you have not defined a price for the currency that is used in the transaction.

Register Standard Price

Encourage the users to use only their own report codes because the data that is entered here affects all users.

Register Employee Standard Cost

Note that the data entered in this window affects all users.

Report CodesBDR Exercises 

Enter Report Codes

In this exercise, a long time interval should be used for the report codes. The time interval is not changeable after it has been saved.

Register Report Code Group

Encourage the users to use only report codes connected to their own report code group, as this decreases the risk of interfering with the exercises of other users.

Project Reporting Follow-UpKey Exercises 

Project Analysis

Project Analysis is generally regarded as one of the most difficult functions in Project Reporting. To help the users develop an understanding, you should let them take their time with this exercise and encourage them to experiment with different queries and see what the output is.

Unconfirmed Days

Note that the Unconfirmed Days window is based on the Position structure in the Organization component, not on the Project Access structure. This means that to get any data in the window, the users should enter hours on their projects for their subordinates according to the position structure. To be able to do this, they will first have to give the subordinates access to the project. 

Employee Presence Analysis

The basic data in Employee Presence Analysis is global, so changes by one user affect all other users. To circumvent this potential problem, you could divide up the columns among the users so each user gets one column.  

Note: Employee Presence Analysis is dependent on data in Organization, Time & Attendance, and Schedules & Rules.

Advanced InvoicingExtended Exercises 

Invoicing Plan Wizard

The Invoicing Plan wizard  only supports integers for the Interval (Months) value. In other words, you can only plan for whole months, not parts of months. 

Note that you need to enter a total sales amount, i.e. the sum of all the plans you want created.

Batch Invoicing

To avoid that one user starts invoicing of another user's project, all users should use the Choose a specific project(s) check box when running the Batch Invoicing wizard. 

Note:Batch invoicing is run as a background job. If you do not want to wait for the background job to run automatically, you can start it manually by right-clicking in the Background Jobs window and then clicking Execute.

Credit Entire Project Invoice

It is only possible to credit invoices that have been released. If you want to correct a preliminary invoice, you could delete it or edit the included transactions.

Credit Project Invoice Row

The correction function for project transactions should only be used for invoiced or cost-accounted transactions. Other transactions should be edited instead. Note: Editing a transaction that is included on a preliminary invoice updates that invoice.

Project InvoicingKey Exercises 

Create Project Invoice

Editing a transaction that is included on a preliminary invoice updates that invoice.

Forward Material WithdrawalExtended Exercises

General Tips and Tricks

To be able to use the Material Withdrawal functionality, you need to set up some basic data in other components. If this is not already set up, enter the following data:

Note: In addition to this data, you still need sites, inventory articles, etc. If you are using the Racing database, it is recommended that you use the IRP site.

Material Withdrawal

You cannot create project transactions for material that has not been issued. 

Before you can create project transactions based on issued material, you need to set up report codes of type Material and connect these to your project activities.

Forward Supplier InvoiceExtended Exercises 

Forward Supplier Invoice

You can only forward posted invoices. The process used for posting a preliminary invoice depends on how basic data is set up for a company. In some cases, a supplier invoice is posted when you save the information on the Postings tab. In other cases, you also have to right-click and then click Post Invoice.  

When you forward a supplier invoice, the invoice date is used for the transaction that is created. This means that you have to ensure that your project activity is released on this date and that the report code chosen is valid for this date.

Project TransactionsExtended Exercises 

Register Project Transaction

The Project Transactions window is the single most important window in Project Reporting, as almost everything that is done in the component either ends up here or uses information that is stored here. You should, therefore, give the users ample time to complete this exercise. Encourage them to experiment with all fields in the window, not just the ones outlined in the exercise. Get them to ask themselves (with help from the instructor) about the purpose of the fields in the window so they really understand its uses. When teaching a Project Reporting course, you should also encourage the users to return to the Project Transactions window while they are doing other exercises so they can see the effects of their actions.

Reporting FunctionsKey Exercises

Create Project

Before you are able to approve a project, one of the financial code parts must be defined as a project code part. You can verify this in the Define Code String window. One of the code parts should have the value Project Accounting in the Code Part Function field. If no code part has this value, choose a code part (except for code part A, which is reserved for the Account code part) that shows No function for the code part function and Not Used for the logical code part.   Change the code part function to Project Accounting and the logical code part to Project for this code part. The Code Used field should have Yes for the chosen code part. Note: Code part B is generally used as cost center, while code part F is generally used for project.  

If IFS/General Ledger is installed in the database, you will have to connect the project to a financial project group when the project is approved (this automatically creates a corresponding financial project). If no project groups exist, enter them in the Project Groups window. To do so, you need to use a Financials client file that includes General Ledger (the standard HR client files does not include it). When entering the project group, you only have to enter information in the header. It is recommended to use project type No Capitalization for the Project Reporting course. 

Sometimes, the valid dates of the financial project that is created when you approve the project have too short an interval, which can cause a problem if you report on the project before the Valid From date. To avoid this problem, once again use the Financials client file and extend the validity interval (Valid From and Valid Until) of the created projects in the Projects window.

Create Activity

You can manually change the actual start date of a project activity. This can be useful if you want to report for days that fall before the day on which you released the activity.

Racing database for Project Reporting   

Three projects have been created for training purposes within Project Reporting. Understanding these projects saves the instructor a lot of time when preparing for the course. Customer for all projects is 2000 - ProjRep Customer.

Project: 200 - Bridge Pre-study

This project is meant to be a demonstration project for the instructor. This project has subprojects in 2 levels and duration is about 6 months. With the relatively short duration it is possible to demonstrate project progress more realistically, because Scheduled Progress will change almost from day to day. Planned hours and costs  are relatively low which means that Actual Hours and Work Costs become comparable to the planned figures when making just a few registrations. Project is in status "Initialized".

Project: 201 - ProjRep Course

This project is meant for copying to individual projects, one per attendee. The duration is only one month, and the Project Start is set when using the Copy Project Wizard. Project Start should be set to Monday, 2-3 weeks before the actual date. Again, short duration and small figures allow a comparison of progress and actual costs to planned data. Project is in status "Initialized".

Project: 202 - Intro Project

This project has 13 subprojects, where subproject 01-12 are meant for attendees and Subproject 99 for the instructor. Every Subproject has a different subproject manager and the attendee will only have access to his/her subproject, while the instructor (ALAIN) is the project manager and sees it all. Therefore, don't let the attendees use ALAIN. This project can be used as it is. Planned ending date is December 31, 2003. This project is aimed for training purposes starting directly with project time & cost reporting. This project is approved and its activities are released, ready for reporting.