Project Reporting Follow-Up—Exercises 

Main Exercises

Project Analysis

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to analyze the invoiced amount per report code.

Project Analysis

  1. Open the Project Analysis window. In the header, select the date interval for which you want to perform the analysis.
  2. Open the Query window (F3).
  3. On the Query tab, determine which data you want to analyze. Enter your project in the Project ID field.
  4. Click the Group and Sum tab to determine how you want to analyze your data. We want to see invoiced amount per report code, so put a "1" in the Group # field for Report Code Name.
  5. Since we want to see the sum of the invoiced amount per report code, select Summarize in the Action field for Total Invoiced Amount.
  6. It might be interesting to compare the total invoiced amount to the total sales amount. Select Summarize in the Action field for Sales Amount in Accounting Currency as well. 
  7. Click OK. You should now see invoiced amount per report code within the specified date interval. You should also see the total sales amount.
  8. Optionally, you can create a graph for this data. To do so, right-click and then click Graph.
  9. Perform a few other queries and choose different options on the Query window's Group and Sum tab too see how this affects the results.

Unconfirmed Days

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to list the employees who have not confirmed project hours between specified dates. This information can easily be copied into e-mails to ensure that all hours will be confirmed by certain deadlines.

Unconfirmed Days
Project Time Registration

  1. Open the Unconfirmed Days window. 
  2. Specify the time frame in the From and To fields, either by using the arrows or by entering the applicable dates.
  3. Populate the window. You will get a list of the employees whose data you are authorized to view and modify according to the setup in Employees and Organizational Definitions.
  4. Open the Project Time Registration window, select one of the employees and the specific week, and verify that the days listed in the Unconfirmed Days window are, indeed, unconfirmed in the Project Time Registration window.

Employee Presence Analysis

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you the two ways of analyzing present time for each of your employees. 

Employee Presence Analysis

  1. Open the Employee Presence Analysis window and select the time frame for which you want to retrieve data. Specify the time frame in the From and To fields, either by using the arrows or by entering the applicable dates.
  2. Select a presentation mode by right-clicking and then clicking Grouped By Project Program.  
  3. Analyze the data being presented. The Other Projects column shows project hours that are not included in any of the columns defined by the employee presence analysis settings.
  4. Select another presentation mode by right-clicking and then clicking Grouped By Activity Class
  5. Examine the data shown and verify consistency with what has been recorded in Project Time Registration, Time Management, and Time & Attendance.

Employee Presence Analysis Settings—Alternative 1: Project Programs  

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you the setup functions for an employee presence analysis with project hours shown per project program.

Employee Presence Analysis Settings/Programs

  1. Open the Employee Presence Analysis Settings window. 
  2. In the Report Column field, select report column no. 1. Then select the Used check box, and enter a column heading in the Column Title field for the project program(s) to be included in this data column. 
  3. Save the information.
  4. On the Programs tab, create a new record and select a project program from the List of Values (F8).  Save the information. If no project programs exist, you need to create them.  
  5. If you want project hours from two or more project programs to be accumulated in the same column, insert new records, one for each project program.
  6. In the Report Column field, select report column no. 2, and then repeat steps 1 through 4 to include more project programs.
  7. When finished, clear the Used check box for the columns that will not be used.

Note: The column headings are not specific for the two alternatives (project program and activity classes). When switching between the two alternatives, you have to edit the Column Heading to make it consistent with the data shown.

Employee Presence Analysis Settings—Alternative 2: Activity Classes  

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you the setup functions for an employee presence analysis with project hours shown per activity class.

Employee Presence Analysis Settings/Activity Classes

  1. Open the Employee Presence Analysis Settings window. 
  2. In the Report Column field, select report column no. 1. Then select the Used check box, and enter a column heading in the Column Title field for the activity classe(s) to be included in this data column. 
  3. Save the information.
  4. Click the Activity Classes tab, create a new record, and select an activity class from the List of Values (F8). If no activity classes exist, you need to create them.
  5. If you want project hours from two or more activity classes to be accumulated in the same column, insert new records, one for each activity class.
  6. In the Report Column field, select report column no. 2, and then repeat steps 1 through 4 to include more activity classes.
  7. When finished, clear the Used check box for the columns that will not be used.