Using Serial Reservations—Exercises

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Create Supplier


  1. Create Dunlop as the supplier, with XX2000 as the ID.
  2. Save your changes.

General exercise for Supplier

Create Stored Purchase Parts

Inventory Part
Supplier for Purchase Part

  1. Open the Inventory Part window.
  2. Create a stored purchase part named XX98–438 Ball Differentials. This part was also purchased from XX2000 Dunlop. The MRP should be any value except T, O, or K.
  3. Enter an arrival location on the inventory part as a default location.
  4. Open the Supplier for Purchase Part window.
  5. Set Receive into Arrival as the default receive case.
  6. Make sure that the unit of measurement is Pieces.
  7. Open the Part window.
  8. Set up the conditions for serial tracking by selecting the In Inventory and/or the At Receipt and Issue and After Delivery Serial Tracking check boxes. Select Automatic as the serial rule.

General exercise for Purchased Inventory Part
General exercise for Arrival Location
General exercise for Supplier for Purchase Part
General exercise for Part Catalog

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to reserve serial numbers or lot/batch numbers in advance to a purchase order line.

Purchase Order

Reserve Serial Number in Advance to a Purchase Order Line

  1. Create a purchase order with Dunlop as the supplier. Save the order.
  2. Create a purchase order line for 10 pieces of part number XX98–438 Ball Differentials.
  3. Reserve serial numbers for the 10 pieces by right-clicking and then clicking Serial Reservations.
  4. Release the purchase order.