Using Estimated Price for Part without Part Number—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain you data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Purchase Group

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create your own purchase group for authorizations.

Procurement Basic Data/Purchase Groups

  1. Create a new purchase group for authorization by entering XXAuth, replacing XX with your initials, in the Purchase Group ID field.

General exercise for Purchase Group

Authorization Template

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the authorization template needed for the authorization rule.

Procurement Basic Data/Authorization Template

  1. Create an authorization template for individual authorization with one step, requiring authorization by you.

General exercise for Creating an Authorization Template

Purchase Requisition Authorization Rule

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter the authorization rule used for the main exercise.

Purchase Requisition Authorization Rule

  1. Create an authorization rule on your own site.
  2. The priority should be the highest, i.e., 1.
  3. Connect your authorization template.
  4. Select the Apply Regardless of Supplier check box.
  5. In the Requisitioners tab, select your requisitioner from the List of Values.
  6. In the Purchase Groups tab, connect your purchase group entered for this purpose.
  7. Release your purchase requisition authorization rule.

General exercise for Setting Up Purchase Requisition Authorization Rule


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter the supplier of the part that has the identified requirement.


  1. Enter the British tire supplier XX-179, replacing XX with your initials. In the Name field, enter Wheels and Tires Ltd.
  2. In the General tab, use English as the default language.
  3. In the Invoice/General tab, use USD as the Currency.
  4. In the Purchase/General tab, enter yourself as buyer. Use USD as the Currency.

General exercise for Supplier

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn about how to authorize a purchase requisition no-part line without knowing the correct price information or which supplier to use.

Purchase Requisition

Using Estimated Price for Part without Part Number


  1. Create a new record (F5) for the purchase requisition header.
  2. Enter yourself as the requisitioner.
  3. Save (F12).

Line with No-Number Part

  1. Create a new record (F5) for the line in the Purchase Requisition/No Part Requisition Lines tab.
  2. Enter a description of the part.
  3. Accept the default quantity, i.e., 1.
  4. Enter PCS as the purchase unit of measure.
  5. Do not enter any supplier.
  6. Enter an estimated price. Select the Estimated Price check box.
  7. Enter the purchase group entered for this purpose.
  8. Save (F12).
  9. Release the purchase requisition. Try to convert the requisition to an order. What happens?
  10. Authorize your purchase requisition. Convert the requisition to an order. What happens?
  11. Enter the supplier and a correct price. You have to manually clear the Estimated Price check box. Now try to convert the requisition to an order. Did you succeed?