Handling Purchase Orders for External Repair — Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Required Data

Viewing Purchase Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to view the purchase orders you created in the Handling External Repair Orders and Handling Order Quotations for External Repair Orders lessons. These purchase orders have to be in Planned status before you can proceed with the main exercises below.

Purchase Order

  1. Open the Purchase Order window and query for the purchase order you created in the Handling External Repair Orders lesson. You should have a purchase order for part number 111 (Outflow Valve) and part number 314 (Cabin Pressure Controller).
  2. Query for the purchase order you created in the Handling Order Quotations for External Repair Orders lessons. You should have a purchase order for part number 212 (Wire Harness).

Note: After you have completed the Exchanging Parts in Advance for External Repair Orders lesson, you should have a second purchase order line for part number 315 (Cabin Pressure Controller) on the purchase order for part number 314 (Cabin Pressure Controller).

Main Exercises

Releasing a Purchase Order—Part number 111, Outflow Valve

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to release a purchase order for submission to the supplier.

Purchase Order
Quick Order Flow Handling

  1. Open the Purchase Order window and query for the purchase order for part number 111, Outflow Valve.
  2. In the header, right-click and then click Release.
  3. A message appears informing you that the purchase order will be released. Click OK. Another message appears informing you that a purchase order has been created for the purchase order line. Now, the purchase order header and line is in Released status.
  4. The release of the purchase order automatically creates a customer order. View the customer order number in the Cust Order No field on the purchase order line.
  5. Select the purchase order line, right-click and then click Component Parts. In the overview window that appears, the value in the Charged Item field is Item Not Charged. This indicates that the part will be sent to the supplier as a no-charge component part attached to the customer order.
  6. To view the customer order itself, select the purchase order line, right-click and then click Component Customer Order. The part information is displayed on the Order Lines tab of the Customer Order window. Note that the Charged Item check box on the order line is not selected, which means that the sales part will not be invoiced.
  7. Before the customer order flow can be continued, you need to receive the part into inventory. Once you are ready to ship the part to the supplier, open the Quick Order Flow Handling window and query for the customer order.
  8. Select the customer order line, right-click and then click Reserve. The Reserve Customer Order Lines window opens.
  9. Select the customer order line, right-click and then click Reserve. The Parameters for Reservation dialog box appears.
  10. Select the Availability Check check box and then click OK. This will reserve the part and allow you to continue the process order flow.
  11. Click the Document Information tab of the Customer Order window. It indicates that all associated documentation required for shipping the part to the supplier (order confirmation, delivery note, and pick list) has automatically been created and printed.
  12. Assuming that the supplier has notified you that he or she can meet the conditions, confirm the purchase order by right-clicking in the header and then clicking Confirm.

Releasing a Purchase Order—Part number 212, Wire Harness

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to release a purchase order for submission to the supplier.

Purchase Order

  1. Open the Purchase Order window and query for the purchase order for part number. 212, Wire Harness.
  2. Repeat steps 2 through 12 of the first main exercise above.

Loan Part in Advance—Part number 315, Cabin Pressure Controller

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a purchase order requesting the supplier to send a temporary loaned part for the part that needs to be repaired. You need to receive this loaned part before you send your own part to the supplier for repair. You will return the loaned part to the supplier once your part has been repaired and returned to you.

Purchase Order

  1. Open the Purchase Order window and query for the purchase order for part number 314, Cabin Pressure Controller.
  2. Select the purchase order line, right-click and then click Options for External Service Order/Add Supplier Loan. The Add Supplier Loan dialog box appears.
  3. The information in the Original Part area appears automatically. It reflects the information for the part that needs to be repaired, as entered on the purchase order line.
  4. In the Loan Part area, enter the following information:
    Part No:315, Serial No:C1, Quantity:1, Required Date: (Choose a date format: dd/mm/yy)
  5. Click OK.
  6. A new line for the supplier loan has been added to the purchase order. The Loan Part check box on this line is automatically selected.
  7. Release the purchase order
  8. Your next steps in the supplier loan flow are as follows:

Note: If you want to continue the flow for the part that needs to be serviced (part number 314) after you have received the loan part (part number 315), you need to receive part number 314 into inventory and continue with the customer order flow. To do so, follow steps 7 through 12 of the first main exercise above.