Delivery Pattern—Basic Data and Requirements Exercise

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a delivery pattern that will define the delivery dates for your supplier schedule.

Procurement Basic Data/Delivery Patterns

Entering Delivery Pattern

  1. Create a new record (F5).
  2. Enter XX1 (replacing XX with your initials) in the Delivery Pattern ID field.
  3. Enter a corresponding description in the Description field.
  4. In the Distribution Method list, click Do Not Distribute. This means that the starting time is set as the default for the schedule date.
  5. Select the delivery days for the delivery pattern in the Delivery Days area.
  6. Save the record (F12).

Delivery Times

You have the option to specify the delivery times for your delivery days (or you can specify several delivery times for one delivery day). Specifying several delivery times is only applied to delivery patterns used with schedules. This cannot be performed on standard purchases since the purchase order can only handle dates.

  1. Click the table and create a new record (F5).
  2. In the Delivery Day of Week field, select one of the delivery days you have specified.
  3. Enter the time of delivery in the Delivery Time field.
  4. Repeat until all desired delivery times are specified for the delivery days.
  5. Save the record (F12).
  6. Create a second delivery pattern XX2 (replacing XX with your initials) with Distribute Evenly as the distribution method. This means that the daily schedule quantities will be divided among the number of deliveries per day.
  7. Select the delivery days for the delivery pattern.
  8. Enter several times of delivery for all your delivery days.
  9. Save the record (F12).