Periodical Cost Allocation—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own company to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other company, your exercises will not function as intended and the data of other students might be affected. Predictable exercise results require that your data is isolated in your own company.

Required Data

Purpose: There are two types of cost allocation procedures; Actual and Budget. Actual cost allocation procedure is used to allocate cost and revenue balances in the general ledger/ internal ledger periodically.A typical example is the allocation of indirect costs to cost centers. A budget cost allocation procedure is used to perform cost allocation on budget balances.

Steps: To complete the periodical cost allocation exercises, the following data must exist.

  1. A company with three or more cost centers. 

  2. Revenue balances by cost center and cost balances not by cost center. These transactions can be entered in the Voucher Entry exercise as follows.

Account Cost Center Debit Amount Credit Amount
3011 820   300
3011 830   400
3011 840   600
6070 - 10000  
1910     8700

Note: Account 3011 is a revenue account, 6070 is a cost account and 1910 is an asset account. Code part B is used for cost center.

    3.    All transactions for the period should be updated to the general ledger when actual cost allocation procedure is used.

    4.    Two budgets should be defined and cost and revenue balances should exist as follows in one of the budgets in order to allocate budget balances.

Budget Version Budget Year Budget Period Account Cost Center Debit Amount Credit Amount
BV1 2012 12 3011 820   100
BV1 2012 12 3011 830   400
BV1 2012 12 3011 840   500
BV1 2012 12 6070 - 10000  

Basic Data Setup


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up basic data in the Periodical Cost Allocation tab in the Company window.


  1. Query for your company.
  2. Select the Periodical Cost Allocation tab, and enter the information in the table below.
Rollback Mode  Execution Mode  Period Sequence Validation User Group Year End User Group
Correction Single Within a year CC100 YE

Accounting Rules

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define a voucher type to perform cost allocation and to close accounting period for user groups other than the user group connected to the Periodical Cost Allocation tab in the Company window.

Voucher Type
Accounting Periods

  1. Open the Voucher Type window. Verify that the PCA voucher type has the values shown in the table below.
Automatic Allotment  Store Original  Function Group
Checked  Checked Z
  1. Make changes as necessary, and save them.
  2. Right-click and then click Voucher Series.
  3. Select the current year, right-click, and then click User Group per Voucher Series.
  4. Verify that your user group has the values shown in the table below.
User Group  Authorize Level Default Type Function Group
CC100  Enter and Approve  Yes Z

Accounting Periods

  1. Open the Accounting Periods window, and query for the current year.
  2. Select the line for the period being used for the allocation process. Right-click and then click User Groups per Period.
  3. Close the period for all user groups except the user group CC100 that is authorized to perform the cost allocation.
  4. Save your changes.

Main Exercises

Actual Cost Allocation Procedure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to perform periodical cost allocation on general ledger balances. The following example allocates costs to cost centers based on the revenue that each cost center has earned during the period.

Specify Cost Allocation Procedure with Distribution

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to define cost allocation procedure and allocate cost based on an Automatic type distribution.

Cost Allocation Procedures

  1. Open Cost Allocation Procedures.
  2. Enter 2012 in the Accounting Year field and 12 in the Accounting Period field.
  3. Select Actual in the Allocation Type field and select PCA voucher type  in the Voucher Type field.
  4. Save the information. The status is Defined.

Specify Cost Allocation Distribution

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to define which code parts will determine the allocation. In this case, we will have the distribution calculate automatically based on the percentage of revenue each cost center generated during the period.

PCA Distributions

  1. Query for your procedure.

  2. Create a new table record, and enter the values shown in the table below.

Distribution ID  Description Distribution Type Cost Center
Dist 1 Automatic  Select check box 
  1. Save the information. The status of the distribution is Defined.

Defining the Steps – Prepare Distribution

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the five possible step types in the cost allocation procedure. These steps can be used to prepare distributions, prepare factors, generate  vouchers, prepare manual vouchers and update vouchers to the general ledger. They can be used more than once in a procedure depending on the complexity of the allocations. The first step for this allocation is to prepare the distribution, which means that you will identify the specific code strings that will determine the allocation percentages.

PCA Step Definition

  1. Query for your procedure.

  2. Select the procedure, right-click and then click Definition of Steps

  3. Enter following information in the PCA Step Definition window.

Seq No Step ID Step Type Description Distribution ID
Step 1 Prepare Distribution Revenue based  1
  1. Save the information.

  2. Select the line, right-click, and then click Detailed Definition.

  3. Create a new table record, and enter the values shown in the table below.

Step Item Sequence Description
Sequence Step
  1. Save the information.

  2. Select the line, right-click, and then click Step Details Specification.

  3. Create a new table record, and enter the values shown in the table below.

Object Object Name Operator Value Type From Value To Value
Codepart Account Equal Codepart Enter the revenue account (3011)
Codepart Cost Center Between Codepart Enter the first cost center to be used in the allocation (820) Enter the last cost center to be used in the allocation (840)

Note:  The purpose of this window is to identify the specific account strings to be used to calculate the ratios for allocation. If you have a range of revenue accounts, you could use the Equal operator and enter the account From Value as 3% if only your revenue accounts start with the number 3. Adjust the entry as necessary for your accounting system.

  1. Save the information.

  2. Right-click in the header of the Step Details Specification window, and then click Show Balances Selected by Step Details to display the balances that will determine the allocation percentages. Correct balances indicate that the steps have been completed correctly.

Defining the Steps – Generate Voucher

Step Definition

  1. Query for your procedure.

  2. Create a new table record, and enter the values shown in the table below.

Seq No Step ID Step Type Description Posting Mode Distribution ID
2 Step 2 Generate Voucher Voucher  Reposting 1
  1. Save the information.

  2. Select the line, right-click, and then click Detailed Definition.

  3. Create a new table record, and enter the values shown in the table below.

Step Item Sequence Description
Sequence Step
  1. Save the information.

  2. Select the line, right-click, and then click Step Details Specification.

  3. Create a new table record, and enter the values shown in the table below.

Object Object Name Operator From Value
Codepart Account Equal Enter the cost account to be allocated (6070)
Codepart Cost Center Has No Value

Note:  The purpose of this window is to identify the specific account or accounts that must be allocated to the cost centers based on the ratios created in step one. If there is a range of cost accounts that should be allocated, you will need to adjust the entry.

  1. Save the information.

  2. Select Same Side tab, and enter an asterisk (*) in the Account field, and save the information. Note: If you select Specified for Reposting Mode in step 2, you have to enter values in Opposite Side tab as well.

  3. Right-click in the header of the Step Details Specification window and then click Show Balances Selected by Step Details to view the balances that will be allocated. Correct balances indicate that the steps have been completed correctly.

Defining the Steps – Update General Ledger

PCA Step Definition

  1. Query for your procedure.

  2. Create a new table record, and enter the values shown in the table below.

Seq No Step ID Step Type Description
3 Step 3 Update Ledger Update GL
  1. Save the information.

Executing the Steps in the Cost Allocation Procedure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to generate PCA voucher based on a distribution and to update that voucher to general ledger.

Cost Allocation Procedures
GL Vouchers Analysis

  1. Open the Cost Allocation Procedures window, and query for your procedure.

  2. Select the line, right-click, and then click Set Active.

  3. Right-click again, and then click Definition of Step. You should see the three steps that were created earlier.

  4. Select the first step, right-click, and then click Execute. The Executed check box should be checked.

  5. Select the distribution connected to the procedure, status of the distribution is Prepared. Right-click and then click Details, you will see following distribution items.

Distr Item ID Cost Center Amount Percent
1 820 1000 10
2 830 4000 40
3 840 5000 50
  1. Execute the Generate Voucher step, Voucher Exists check box should be checked to indicate that the PCA voucher is created. Select the step, right click and then click View Vouchers. You should see the PCA voucher with following postings.

Account Cost Center Debit Amount Credit Amount
6070 820 1000  
6070 830 4000  
6070 840 5000  
6070     10000
  1. Execute the Update Ledger step, a dialog box is displayed showing that there is a voucher in the hold table. Confirm the information. The voucher is then updated to the general ledger.

  2. Open the GL Vouchers Analysis window, and query for Voucher Type PCA.

  3. Select the voucher, right-click, and then click Voucher Details. If the voucher transactions are incorrect, you can roll back them.

Specify Cost Allocation Procedure with Factor

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to allocate cost based on a factor. For example, when you want to allocate administration cost to a particular cost center based on the revenue portion of that cost center, you can use Automatic type factor and proceed with the cost allocation.

PCA Factors

  1. Query for your cost allocation procedure.

  2. Select the procedure, right-click and then click Factors

  3. Enter following information in the PCA Factors window.

Factor ID Description Factor Type Factor Result Type
F1 Factor 1 Automatic Amount
  1. Save the information. The status of the factor is Defined.

Defining the Steps – Prepare Factor

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to allocate cost based on an Automatic type factor.

PCA Step Definition

  1. Enter a manual voucher as follows and update to the general ledger.

    Account Description Cost Center Amount
    7470 Administration and credit insurance charges   300
    3011 Sales, taxable 820 -1000
    3011 Sales, taxable 830 -4000
    3011 Sales, taxable 840 -5000
    1910 Cash   9700
  2. Open Cost Allocation Procedures and query for your procedure.

  3. Select the procedure, right-click and then click Definition of Steps

  4. Enter following information in the PCA Step Definition window.

Seq No Step ID Step Type Description Factor ID
Step 4 Prepare Factor  Price Diff F1
  1. Save the information.

  2. Select the line, right-click, and then click Detailed Definition.

  3. Create a new table record, and enter the values shown in the table below.

Step Item Sequence Description Numerator Denominator
1 Sequence Step 1 Select the check box  
Sequence Step 2   Select the check box
  1. Save the information.

  2. Select the first line, right-click, and then click Step Details Specification.

  3. Create a new table record, and enter the values shown in the table below.

Object Object Name Operator Value Type From Value To Value
Codepart Account Equal Codepart 3011  
Codepart Cost center Equal Codepart 820
  1. Save the information.

  2. Select the second line, right-click, and then click Step Details Specification.

  3. Create a new table record, and enter the values shown in the table below.

Object Object Name Operator Value Type From Value To Value
Codepart Account Equal Codepart 3011  
Codepart Cost center Between Codepart 820 840
  1. Save the information.

Defining the Steps – Generate Voucher

Step Definition

  1. Query for your procedure.

  2. Create a new table record, and enter the values shown in the table below.

Seq No Step ID Step Type Description Posting Mode Factor ID
5 Step 5 Generate Voucher Voucher  Reposting F1
  1. Save the information.

  2. Select the line, right-click, and then click Detailed Definition.

  3. Create a new table record, and enter the values shown in the table below.

Step Item Sequence Description
Sequence Step
  1. Save the information.

  2. Select the line, right-click, and then click Step Details Specification.

  3. Create a new table record, and enter the values shown in the table below.

Object Object Name Operator From Value
Codepart Account Equal 7470
  1. Save the information.

  2. Select Same Side tab, and enter 820 in the Cost Center field, and save the information.

Defining the Steps – Update General Ledger

PCA Step Definition

  1. Query for your procedure.

  2. Create a new table record, and enter the values shown in the table below.

Seq No Step ID Step Type Description
6 Step 6 Update Ledger Update GL
  1. Save the information.

Executing the Steps in the Cost Allocation Procedure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to generate PCA voucher based on a factor and to update that voucher to general ledger.

Cost Allocation Procedures
GL Vouchers Analysis

  1. Open the Cost Allocation Procedures window, and query for your procedure.

  2. Select the line, right-click, and then click Definition of Step.

  3. Select the Prepare Factor step, right-click, and then click Execute. The Executed check box should be checked.

  4. Select the factor connected to the procedure, status of the factor is Prepared. You will see the Value % as 10. I.e. Revenue of cost center 820/ revenue of all cost centers * 100

Distr Item ID Cost Center Amount Percent
1 820 1000 10
2 830 4000 40
3 840 5000 50
  1. Execute the Generate Voucher step, Voucher Exists check box should be checked to indicate that the PCA voucher is created. Select the step, right click and then click View Vouchers. You should see the PCA voucher with following postings. Amount is calculated as Balance in account 7470 * Value % of the factor. I.e. 300 * 10% = 30.

Account Cost Center Debit Amount Credit Amount
7470     30
7470 820 30  
  1. Execute the Update Ledger step, a dialog box is displayed showing that there is a voucher in the hold table. Confirm the information. The voucher is then updated to the general ledger.

Closing the Procedure

Cost Allocation Procedures

  1. Query for your procedure.

  2. Select the line, right-click, and then click Set Closed.

  3. The Date Closed field shows the date, and the User ID field shows which user closed the procedure.

Rolling Back the Steps in the Procedure

PCA Step Definition

Note:  If the procedure has been set to Closed, you must set it back to Active before rolling back the steps.

  1. Query for your procedure.

  2. Select the last line in your procedure that was executed, right-click, and then click Rollback.

  3. The Executed check box is no longer checked.

  4. Continue rolling back lines until you have finished.

Note:  If you are rolling back lines to change a step, you need to roll back only up to the point of the change. Then execute the steps again, and view the resulting voucher.

Copying the Procedure

Cost Allocation Procedures

  1. Query for your procedure.

  2. Select the line, right-click, and then click Copy Procedure.

  3. Enter your company ID and the period for the new procedure. A new procedure line is generated. All steps, distributions, and factors that existed in the original procedure have also been copied.

Note:  Copying steps, distributions, and factors works the same way as copying a procedure except that you must specify whether they are being added to the procedure or are replacing existing items in the procedure.