Resolving Structure Mismatches—Exercises

Required Data

Create a Structure Mismatch Log Entry

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how a structure mismatch log entry is created.

  1. Select your work order with the VIM connection type.
  2. From this work order, perform a structure change where you either remove another serial than the one installed in a given position or install a serial which is currently installed in another structure.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to identify, investigate and set the correct status on structure mismatches.

        Serial Structure Mismatch Log

Identify Serial Structure Mismatch

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to identify structure mismatches. When performing structure changes from a work order or shop order, the system will generate a record in the serial structure mismatch log if the serial information does not match the serial structure registered in IFS/Vehicle Information Management (IFS/VIM). This is what you did in the Create a Structure Mismatch Log Entry exercise.

Prerequisite: The previous exercise must be completed.

  1. Open the Serial Structure Mismatch Log window.

  2. Query (F3) for your mismatch log record by searching in the Created By field for you training user ID.

Investigate Issues and Update Serial Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to find out what the correct situation is in order to be able to correct the information in the application. For instance, whether there are actual errors and the structure mismatch log entry was not created due to a typo.

Prerequisite: The previous exercise must be completed.

  1. Investigate the data in the structure mismatch log entry to find out what is the actual situation. This can be done by performing queries in the application or researching paper documentation.

  2. Based on the findings, update the serial structure as required.

Refer to the lessons in the Manage Serialized Configuration course for information on how to update serialized structures.

Set Status on Serial Structure Mismatch Log Entry

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to set the correct status on the serial structure mismatch log record after the investigation and required corrections are completed.

Prerequisite: The previous exercise must be completed.

  1. Open the Serial Structure Mismatch Log window.

  2. Query (F3) for your mismatch log record by searching in the Created By field for your training user ID.

  3. If an actual issue was found and corrections were made, right-click on the mismatch log record and then click Resolve.

  4. If no issue was found, right-click on the mismatch log record and then click Cancel.