Performing Operational Planning—Exercises

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to create an operational plan and assign a vehicle to it. You will also learn how to change the vehicle on an already active plan and create an add hoc operational event without having an operational plan.

Operational Planning

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create an operational plan for a test flight. This test flight should start and end up in LAX (Los Angeles). An aircraft model X747-900 is needed, and therefore you will assign your own serial number to this plan.

Operational Planning
Serial Operational Information

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Operational Planning window and create a new record. Enter nX111 as the Plan Number and select 4 as the Description Number.
  2. Specify a Date From and Date To time interval that overlaps the period used in the initial exercise (if executed). This will allow you to test the double booking functionality. 
  3. Select HQn as the Owner Org. where "n" is your student number.
  4. Use location value LAX for both the Departure Loc and Arrival Loc fields and enter a value for the Note field.
  5. Save the information (F12).
  6. Open the Define Vehicle Models tab and create a new record.
  7. Enter an Item Number like e.g. 10.
  8. The values in the Planned Date From and Planned Date To fields are intended to indicate the vehicle engagement time and should reflect the period you specified earlier.
  9. Enter Planned Value = 4
  10. Set the Number Of Serials field to 1
  11. Select 7X7as the Product Number and X747-90n as the Model Number.
  12. Save the information (F12).
  13. Click the General tab. 
  14. Select the Plan Complete check box and save.
  15. Click the Assign Vehicles and Crew tab.
  16. Enter Part Number X747-900.
  17. To try the double booking functionality you should select the Serial Number X10000 which was assigned during the initial exercise.
  18. Save the information (F12). Is the X10000 available for the test flight?
  19. Now select your own vehicle, Serial Number: nX20000 where "n" is your student number.
  20. Save the information (F12).
  21. Open the Serial Operational Information window and query for your Serial Number: nX20000. Click the Operational Event tab and identify your operational assignment.

Change Assigned Serial

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to change assigned serial on an already active operational plan. In our case we have to change the already assigned serial since it will be in maintenance when the event takes place.

Operational Planning
Serial Operational Information

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Operational Planning window, query (F3) for your operational plan nX111, and click the Assign Vehicles and Crew tab.
  2. Select the record and right click and click Change Serial.
  3. If you want to select a serial with a different product, model or part number, enter the wanted value in the appropriate field(s), or select from the List of Values by using the List button.
  4. Enter the serial number nX40000 in the Serial Number field.
  5. Click OK to change the assigned serial on the active operational plan.
  6. Verify that the serial is changed.

Create Ad Hoc Operational Event

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to schedule an operational event for a serial without having an operational plan. Your serial have to be assigned to another test flight that was originally scheduled to another vehicle that is now unavailable during this timeframe.

Serial Operational Information

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open Serial Operational Information window, and query for your serial, nX20000
  2. Click the Operational Event tab.
  3. In this table, right click and click Create Ad Hoc Event.
  4. The Create Ad Hoc Operational Event wizard opens.
  5. Enter a description of the operational event in the Event Desc field
  6. Enter the planned start/completion date of the operational event in the Start/Finish fields.
  7. Enter the planned operational value for the operational event in the Planned Value field. The value should be given in the primary operational parameter for the serial, which is displayed to the right.
  8. Enter any additional information regarding the operational event in the Remark field.
  9. Click Finish to create the event.