Reporting Operational Logging—Extended Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to do asynchronous operational loggings and asynchronous structure changes. You will also perform more exercises regarding due calculations that you have already learned about in the key exercise for Operational Logging.

Prerequisite: The course Define Fleet Configuration must be completed so you understand how to create serials and serial structures. The key lessons for Operational Logging must also be completed.

Asynchronous Operational Loggings

Required Data

Prerequisites: Each student should create several serial structures to work with during the exercises. The serial structures will be based on the X747-900 aircraft template structure from the RACE data.

Serial Structure Information

  1. Create a new serial based on the X747-900 (rev *) template structure. Use serial number ACN-1 where N is your student number.
  2. Import the template structure for your recently created serial (do not generate serial numbers automatically).
  3.  For part number X32NLG7001 in your structure, manually enter serial number NLG-N-0 where the 2nd N is your student number. Also supply the rest of the serial information before saving.
  4. Generate serial numbers for the rest of the structure.
  5. Set the structure to In Operation, and enter date Aug. 1st 2005.
  6. Create a replacement serial for part number X32NLG7001 (Nose landing gear). Specify serial number NLG-N-1 where the 2nd N is your student number.
  7. Import the template structure for your recently created NLG serial, and generate serial numbers.
  8. Set the structure to In Operation, and enter date Aug. 1st 2005.
  9. Create another replacement serial for part number X32NLG7001 (Nose landing gear). Specify serial number NLG-N-2 where the 2nd N is your student number.
  10. Import the template structure for your recently created NLG serial, and generate serial numbers.
  11. Set the structure to In Operation, and enter date Aug. 1st 2005.

Asynchronous Operational Loggings

Purpose: You will now simulate an operator having problems being up to date with the operational loggings in the application, while at the same time the structure changes are performed and reported immediately in the application. The application will in this case have to find the correct structure to report operational loggings on from the replacement history.                        

Serial Operational Information
Serial Structure Information
Historical Operational Parameter Values

  1. A flight took place on Aug 3rd, but was not reported in the application.

  2. On Aug 6th the X32NLG7001, NLG-N-0 serial was replaced with serial X32NLG7001, NLG-N-1. Register this replacement for the given date.

  3. Another flight took place on Aug 9th, but was not reported in the application either.

  4. On Aug 12th the X32NLG7001, NLG-N-1 serial was replaced with serial X32NLG7001, NLG-N-2. Register this replacement for the given date.

  5. Another flight took place on Aug 15th, but was not reported in the application either.

  6. On Aug 18th the X32NLG7001, NLG-N-2 serial was replaced with serial X32NLG7001, NLG-N-0. Register this replacement for the given date.

  7. Finally on Aug 24th the operator was able to enter the operational loggings that took place in August. Enter the operational logging for the operational event on Aug 3rd with values as listed in the table below for aircraft X747-900, ACN-1:  

Operational Parameter Add On Value
FHR 20
  1. Ensure that serial X32NLG7001, NLG-N-0 with its structure, which was currently installed on Aug 3rd, received the values of the operational logging. Also ensure that none of the other nose landing gears: X32NLG7001, NLG-N-1 or X32NLG7001, NLG-N-2, received any values from this operational logging.

  2. The  next operational logging to enter is the one for the operational event on Aug 9th with values as listed in the table below for aircraft X747-900, ACN-1:

Operational Parameter Add On Value
FHR 10
  1. Ensure that serial X32NLG7001, NLG-N-1 with its structure, which was currently installed on Aug 9th, received the values of the operational logging. Also ensure that none of the other nose landing gears: X32NLG7001, NLG-N-0 or X32NLG7001, NLG-N-2, received any values from this operational logging.

  2. The last operational logging to enter is the one for the operational event on Aug 15th with values as listed in the table below for aircraft X747-900, ACN-1:

Operational Parameter Add On Value
FHR 05
  1. Ensure that serial X32NLG7001, NLG-N-2 with its structure, which was currently installed on Aug 15th, received the values of the operational logging. Also ensure that none of the other nose landing gears: X32NLG7001, NLG-N-0 or X32NLG7001, NLG-N-1, received any values from this operational logging.

Asynchronous Structure Changes

Required Data

Purpose: Each student need to enter create several serial structures to work with during the exercises. The serial structures will be based on the X747-900 aircraft template structure from the RACE data.

Serial Structure Information

  1. Create a new serial based on the X747-900 (rev *) template structure. Use serial number ACN-2 where N is your student number.

  2. Import the template structure for your recently created serial (do not generate serial numbers automatically).

  3. For part number X32NLG7001 in your structure, manually enter serial number NLG-N-3 where the 2nd N is your student number. Also supply the rest of the serial information before saving.

  4. Generate serial numbers for the rest of the structure.

  5. Set the structure to In Operation, and enter date Aug. 1st 2005.

  6. Create a replacement serial for part number X32NLG7001 (Nose landing gear). Specify serial number NLG-N-4 where the 2nd N is your student number.

  7. Import the template structure for your recently created NLG serial, and generate serial numbers.

  8. Set the structure to In Operation, and enter date Aug. 1st 2005.

  9. Create another replacement serial for part number X32NLG7001 (Nose landing gear). Specify serial number NLG-N-5 where the 2nd N is your student number.

  10. Import the template structure for your recently created NLG serial, and generate serial numbers.

  11. Set the structure to In Operation, and enter date Aug. 1st 2005.

Asynchronous Structure Changes

Purpose: You will now simulate an operator having problems being up to date with the structure changes in the application, while at the same time the operational loggings are performed and reported immediately in the application. The application will in this case have to move operational loggings to the correct structure as part of doing the structure change.

Serial Operational Information
Serial Structure Information
Historical Operational Parameter Values

  1. On Aug 3rd the X32NLG7001, NLG-N-3 serial was replaced with serial X32NLG7001, NLG-N-4, but was not reported in the application.

  2. A flight took place on Aug 6th, and was reported immediately in the application with the values listed in the table below, for aircraft X747-900, ACN-2. Enter this operational logging into the application:

Operational Parameter Add On Value
FHR 20
  1. On Aug 9th the X32NLG7001, NLG-N-4 serial was replaced with serial X32NLG7001, NLG-N-5, but was not reported in the application.

  2. A flight took place on Aug 12th, and was reported immediately in the application with the values listed in the table below, for aircraft X747-900, ACN-2. Enter this operational logging into the application:

Operational Parameter Add On Value
FHR 10
  1. On Aug 15th the X32NLG7001, NLG-N-5 serial was replaced with serial X32NLG7001, NLG-N-3, but was not reported in the application.

  2. A flight took place on Aug 18th, and was reported immediately in the application with the values listed in the table below, for aircraft X747-900, ACN-2. Enter this operational logging into the application:

Operational Parameter Add On Value
FHR 05
  1. Finally on Aug 24th the operator was able to enter the structure changes that took place in August. Register the replacement that took place on Aug 3rd of serial X32NLG7001, NLG-N-3 with serial X32NLG7001, NLG-N-4. Ensure that all the operational loggings of August are removed from the X32NLG7001, NLG-N-3 serial and it’s structure and added to the X32NLG7001, NLG-N-4 and it’s structure.

  2. Register the replacement that took place on Aug 9th of serial X32NLG7001, NLG-N-4 with serial X32NLG7001, NLG-N-5. Ensure that the operational loggings of Aug 12th and Aug 18th are removed from the X32NLG7001, NLG-N-4 serial and it’s structure and added to the X32NLG7001, NLG-N-5 and it’s structure.

  3. Register the replacement that took place on Aug 15th of serial X32NLG7001, NLG-N-5 with serial X32NLG7001, NLG-N-3. Ensure that the operational logging of Aug 18th is removed from the X32NLG7001, NLG-N-5 serial and it’s structure and added to the X32NLG7001, NLG-N-3 and it’s structure.

Due Calculations -  Recurrence and Overhaul + Cycle

Required Data

Serial Structure Information

  1. Create a new serial based on the X747-900 (rev *) template structure. Use serial number ACN-3 where N is your student number.

  2. Import the template structure for your recently created serial and generate serial numbers.

Establish maintenance group

Maintenance Group
Operational Parameters per Maintenance Group

  1. Establish a maintenance group for part number X747-900. Use maintenance group MG-N-1 where N is you student number.

  2. Observe the operational parameters of the part are automatically created for the maintenance group.

  3. Specify a reasonable maximum measure value for the operational parameters, and also average values.

Define Maintenance Program / Enter Maintenance Plan

Purpose: You will now create a maintenance program and enter a maintenance plan containing a recurring inspection, and an overhaul that terminates the plan and starts over again. The recurring inspection will also have tolerances defined.

Define Maintenance Program
Maintenance Plan
Serial Structure Information

  1. Establish a maintenance program for part number X747-900, revision * and your maintenance group MG-N-1. Use maintenance program MP-N-1 where N is you student number.

  2. Enter the following maintenance plan for your recently created maintenance program. If the maintenance codes are not yet connected to an Instruction for this part number, this must also be done:

Maint Code Interval Rec. Rec. Interval Tolerance - Tol. + Tol. Calc Rule Cycle
XA 100 FHR Yes 100 FHR Yes 10% 10% Inspection No
XOHL 400 FHR No - - - - Overhaul Yes
  1. Set the maintenance program to Active.

  2. Connect your serial to the maintenance program and maintenance group.

  3. Set the structure to In Operation.

Perform Due Calculation

Purpose: You will now perform operational loggings and due calculation for the execution of the entire maintenance plan you just defined.

Serial Operational Information
Serial Maintenance

  1. For your aircraft X747-900, ACN-3, perform a due calculation to ensure the plan is calculated according to your expectations.

  2. Do operational loggings for your aircraft so that you are close the first interval of maintenance code XA and at least within the defined tolerances of the interval.

  3. Perform another due calculation and observe that the first occurrence of maintenance code XA gets a task number.

  4. Perform the maintenance for maintenance code XA, and then go to Serial Maintenance/Last Maint and observe the data saved there due to this execution. Also perform another due calculation and observe the result.

  5. Do additional operational loggings for your aircraft so that you are close the next interval of maintenance code XA, but slightly below the defined tolerances.

  6. Perform due calculation again and observe that the first occurrence of maintenance code XA gets a task number.

  7. Perform the maintenance for maintenance code XA, and then go to Serial Maintenance/Last Maint and observe the data saved there due to this execution. Also perform another due calculation and observe the result. The next occurrences of maintenance code XA should now have been shifted due to the early execution of the previous occurrence of this maintenance code.

  8. Do additional operational loggings for your aircraft so that you are close the next interval of maintenance code XA, but still slightly below the defined tolerances.

  9. Perform due calculation again and observe that the first occurrence of maintenance code XA gets a task number.

  10. Perform the maintenance for maintenance code XA, and then go to Serial Maintenance/Last Maint and observe the data saved there due to this execution. Also perform another due calculation and observe the result. The next occurrences of maintenance code XA should now have been shifted a little more due to the early execution of the previous occurrence of this maintenance code.

  11. Do additional operational loggings for your aircraft so that you are close the next interval of maintenance code XA, and now within the defined tolerances.

  12. Perform due calculation again and observe that the first occurrence of maintenance code XA gets a task number.

  13. Perform the maintenance for maintenance code XA, and then go to Serial Maintenance/Last Maint and observe the data saved there due to this execution. Also perform another due calculation and observe the result. All occurrences of maintenance code XA should now be after the next XOHL.

  14. Do additional operational loggings for your aircraft so that you are on the interval of maintenance code XOHL.

  15. Perform due calculation again and observe that maintenance code XOHL gets a task number.

  16. Perform the maintenance for maintenance code XA. Perform another due calculation and observe the result. The plan should now be “restarted” for your serial.

Due Calculations - Recurrence without overhaul

Required Data

Serial Structure Information

  1. Create a new serial based on the X747-900 (rev *) template structure. Use serial number ACN-4 where N is your student number.

  2. Import the template structure for your recently created serial and generate serial numbers.

  3. Establish another maintenance group for part number X747-900. Use maintenance group MG-N-2 where N is you student number. Enter necessary values for the operational parameters of your maintenance group, and connect the serial to this maintenance group.

Define Maintenance Program / Enter Maintenance Plan

Purpose: You will now create a maintenance program and enter a maintenance plan recurring inspections only. The recurring inspections will also have tolerances defined.

Define Maintenance Program
Maintenance Plan
Serial Structure Information

  1. Establish a maintenance program for part number X747-900, revision * and your maintenance group MG-N-2. Use maintenance program MP-N-2 where N is you student number.

  2. Enter the following maintenance plan for your recently created maintenance program. If the maintenance codes are not yet connected to an Instruction for this part number, this must also be done:

Maint Code Interval Rec. Rec. Interval Tolerance - Tol. + Tol. Calc Rule Cycle
XA 100 FHR Yes 100 FHR Yes 10% 10% Inspection No
XC 200 FHR Yes 200 FHR Yes 5% 5% Inspection No
  1. Set the maintenance program to Active.

  2. Connect your serial to the maintenance program and maintenance group.

  3. Set the structure to In Operation.

Perform Due Calculation

Purpose: You will now perform operational loggings and due calculation for the execution of the entire maintenance plan you just defined.

Serial Operational Information
Serial Maintenance

  1. For your aircraft X747-900, ACN-4, perform a due calculation to ensure the plan is calculated according to your expectations.

  2. Do operational loggings for your aircraft so that you are close the first interval of maintenance code XA but slightly outside the defined tolerances of the interval.

  3. Perform another due calculation and observe that the first occurrence of maintenance code XA gets a task number. Also observe the due date for maintenance code XC changes.

  4. Perform the maintenance for maintenance code XA, and then go to Serial Maintenance/Last Maint and observe the data saved there due to this execution. Also perform another due calculation and observe the result. The next occurrences of maintenance code XA should now have been shifted due to the early execution of the previous occurrence of this maintenance code.

  5. Do additional operational loggings for your aircraft so that you are close the next interval of maintenance codes XA and XC.

  6. Perform due calculation again and observe that the first occurrence of maintenance codes XA and XC gets a task number.

  7. Perform the maintenance for maintenance code XA, and then go to Serial Maintenance/Last Maint and observe the data saved there due to this execution. Also perform another due calculation and observe the result. Does it look correct?

  8. Perform the maintenance for maintenance code XC, and then go to Serial Maintenance/Last Maint and observe the data saved there due to this execution. Also perform another due calculation and observe the result. Does it look correct?

  9. Do additional operational loggings for your aircraft so that you are close the next interval of maintenance code XA, but still slightly below the defined tolerances.

  10. Perform due calculation again and observe that the first occurrence of maintenance code XA gets a task number.

  11. Perform the maintenance for maintenance code XA, and then go to Serial Maintenance/Last Maint and observe the data saved there due to this execution. Also perform another due calculation and observe the result. The next occurrences of maintenance code XA should now have been shifted a little more due to the early execution of the previous occurrence of this maintenance code.

  12. Do additional operational loggings for your aircraft so that you are close the next interval of maintenance codes XA and XC, but below the tolerance for both of the maintenance codes.

  13. Perform due calculation again and observe that the first occurrence of maintenance codes XA and XC gets a task number.

  14. Perform the maintenance for maintenance code XA, and then go to Serial Maintenance/Last Maint and observe the data saved there due to this execution. Also perform another due calculation and observe the result. Does it look correct?

  15. Perform the maintenance for maintenance code XC, and then go to Serial Maintenance/Last Maint and observe the data saved there due to this execution. Also perform another due calculation and observe the result. Does it look correct?

Due Calculations - Replace and Overhaul

Required Data

Serial Structure Information

  1. Create a new serial based on the X747-900 (rev*) template structure. Use serial number ACN-5 where N is your student number.

  2. Import the template structure for your recently created serial.

  3. For part number X32NLG7001 in your structure, manually enter serial number NLG-N-7 where the 2nd N is your student number. Also supply the rest of the serial information before saving.

  4. Generate serial numbers for the rest of your structure.

  5. Establish another maintenance group for part number X32NLG7001. Use maintenance group MG-N-3 where N is you student number. Enter necessary values for the operational parameters of your maintenance group, and connect the serial to this maintenance group.

Define Maintenance Program / Enter Maintenance Plan

Purpose: You will now create a maintenance program and enter a maintenance plan for replace and overhaul of a component. The maintenance plan also contains inspections to be carried out on the component prior to execution of the overhaul.

Define Maintenance Program
Maintenance Plan
Serial Structure Information

  1. Establish a maintenance program for part number X32NLG7001, revision * and your maintenance group MG-N-3. Use maintenance program MP-N-3 where N is you student number.

  2. Enter the following maintenance plan for your recently created maintenance program. If the maintenance codes are not yet connected to an Instruction for this part number, this must also be done:

Maint Code Interval Rec. Rec. Interval Tolerance - Tol. + Tol. Calc Rule Cycle
XD 100 FCYC Yes 100 FCYC Yes 10% 10% Inspection No
XOHL 300 FCYC No - - - - Overhaul Yes
XRPL 300 FCYC No - - - - Replacement No
  1. Set the maintenance program to Active.

  2. Connect your serial to the maintenance program and maintenance group.

  3. Set the structure to In Operation.

Perform Due Calculation

Purpose: You will now perform operational loggings and due calculation for the execution of the entire maintenance plan you just defined.

Serial Operational Information
Serial Maintenance

  1. For your nose landing gear X32NLG7001, NLG-N-7, perform a due calculation to ensure the plan is calculated according to your expectations.

  2. Do operational loggings for your landing gear so that you are close the first interval of maintenance code XD and at least within the defined tolerances of the interval.

  3. Perform another due calculation and observe that the first occurrence of maintenance code XD gets a task number.

  4. Perform the maintenance for maintenance code XD, and then go to Serial Maintenance/Last Maint and observe the data saved there due to this execution. Also perform another due calculation and observe the result.

  5. Do additional operational loggings for your landing gear so that you are close the next interval of maintenance code XD, but slightly below the defined tolerances.

  6. Perform due calculation again and observe that the first occurrence of maintenance code XD gets a task number.

  7. Perform the maintenance for maintenance code XD, and then go to Serial Maintenance/Last Maint and observe the data saved there due to this execution. Also perform another due calculation and observe the result. The next occurrences of maintenance code XD should now have been shifted due to the early execution of the previous occurrence of this maintenance code.

  8. Do additional operational loggings for your landing gear so that you are close the next interval of maintenance code XD, but still slightly below the defined tolerances.

  9. Perform due calculation again and observe that the first occurrence of maintenance code XA gets a task number.

  10. Perform the maintenance for maintenance code XD, and then go to Serial Maintenance/Last Maint and observe the data saved there due to this execution. Also perform another due calculation and observe the result. The next occurrences of maintenance code XD should now have been shifted a little more due to the early execution of the previous occurrence of this maintenance code.

  11. Do additional operational loggings for your landing gear so that you are close the interval of maintenance codes XOHL and XRPL.

  12. Perform due calculation again and observe that maintenance codes XOHL AND XRPL gets a task number. Note that XRPL is displayed at the aircraft level.

  13. Perform the maintenance for maintenance code XRPL, and then go to Serial Maintenance/Last Maint and observe the data saved there due to this execution.

  14. Perform the maintenance for maintenance code XOHL, and then go to Serial Maintenance/Last Maint and observe the data saved there due to this execution. Note that the Maint Date of maintenance code XRPL was updated to the same value as the one of XOHL.