Overview of Multilevel Repair Data—Introductory Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Note: Throughout this document, please replace any occurrences of XX with your initials, group ID, user ID or other unique prefix, in order to separate your training data from that of other students.

Basic Data Setup

Inventory Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up some inventory parts which will be used in later exercises.

Inventory Part

  1. Create the following inventory parts as described in the table. Also set the parameters in the Settings for New Part in Part Catalog dialog box.
  2. Enter the estimated material cost for the components as in the table.
Inventory Part Description Part Type UoM Estimated Material Cost 
XX5000 Engine Manufactured pcs  
XX5100 Module 1 Manufactured pcs  
XX5200 Module 2 Manufactured pcs  
XX5110 Module 1, Sub module 1 Manufactured pcs  
XX5120 Module 1, Sub module 2 Manufactured pcs  
XX5210 Module 2, Sub module 1 Manufactured pcs  
XX5111 Module 1, Sub 1, Component 1 Purchased pcs 111
XX5112 Module 1, Sub 1, Component 2 Purchased pcs 112
XX5121 Module 1, Sub 2, Component 1 Purchased pcs 121
XX5122 Module 1, Sub 2, Component 2 Purchased pcs 122
XX5211 Module 2, Sub 1, Component 1 Purchased pcs 211
XX5212 Module 2, Sub 1, Component 2 Purchased pcs 212
XXREP01 Repair Component 1 Purchased pcs 100
XXREP02 Repair Component 2 Purchased pcs 100
XXREP03 Repair Component 3 Purchased pcs 100
Inventory Part Serial Tracking at Receipt and Issue Inventory Serial Tracking After Delivery Serial Tracking Stop PO Arrivals of Issued Serials Lot/Batch Tracking Allow Condition Code Multilevel Tracking
XX5000 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
XX5100 Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
XX5200 No No No - Yes Yes Yes
XX5110 Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
XX5120 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
XX5210 No No No - Yes Yes Yes
XX5111 Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
XX5112 No No No - No No No
XX5121 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
XX5122 Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes
XX5211 No No No - Yes Yes Yes
XX5212 No No No - No No No
XXREP01 Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
XXREP02 No No No - Yes Yes Yes
XXREP03 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes

General exercise for Manufactured Inventory Part
General exercise for Purchased Inventory Part

Create Sales Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set some sales parts which will be used in later exercises.

Sales Part

  1. Create sales parts using the following inventory parts.

    Inventory Part Sales Part
    XX5000 XX5000
    XX5100 XX5100
    XX5200 XX5200

Creating Manufacturing Product Structures and Routings

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the product structures and routings which will be used in later exercises.

Product Structure

  1. Add components to the manufacturing product structures as shown in the below table.
Parent Part Component Part Qty Per Assembly
XX5000 XX5100 1
XX5200 1
XX5100 XX5110 1
XX5120 1
XX5110 XX5111 2
XX5112 3
XX5120 XX5121 4
XX5122 5
XX5200 XX5210 3
XX5210 XX5211 1
XX5212 2
  1. Change all the revision alternates to Buildable state.
  2. Add at least one operation to respective manufacturing routings and change the state to Buildable.

General exercise for Creating Product Structure
General exercise for Creating Routing

Calculate Part Costs for Manufactured Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to calculate the part cost for manufactured parts.

All Levels Part Cost Calculation
Copy Costs To Cost Set One

  1. Open the All Levels Part Cost Calculation dialog.
  2. Enter your site and XX5000 as Site and Part No respectively.
  3. Enter 2 as the Cost Set.
  4. Press OK.
  5. Press Yes to the message.
  6. Open Copy Costs To Cost Set One dialog.
  7. Enter your site and 2 as Site and Part No respectively.
  8. Enter XX5% as the Part No and press OK.
  9. Press Yes to the information message.

General exercise for Calculate Costs for Manufactured Part

Creating Repair Product Structures and Routings

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the repair type product structures & routings which will be used later exercises.

Product Structure

  1. Open the Product Structure window and query for records of part number  XX5% in your site.
  2. Select the record with XX5000 as the part number.
  3. Duplicate the record, and change the Structure Type to Repair.
  4. Save the record.
  5. Add a repair component in the table and save the record.
  6. Change all the revision alternates to Buildable state.
  7. Right-click on the header and then click Copy Structure Revision. This will opens the Copy Structure Revision dialog.
  8. Change the Phase In Date of the Destination Revision to a future date.
  9. Repeat the steps 3-8 for all the records.
Component Part Qty Per Assembly
  1. Add at least one operation to respective repair routings and change them to Buildable state.

General exercise for Creating Product Structure
General exercise for Creating Routing

Receive Inventory Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to receive some parts in to the inventory. These will be used in later exercises.

Receive Inventory Part

  1. Open Receive Inventory Part window and query for records in your site where the part number is XX5%.
  2. Receive the following inventory parts in to the inventory.
Inventory Part Received Qty Serial No Lot/Batch No Condition Code
XX5111 60 S-001 to S-060   NEW
XX5112 90      
XX5121 120 S-001 to S-120 LOT-1 NEW
XX5122 150 S-001 to S-150    
XX5211 90   LOT-1 NEW
XX5212 180      
XXREP01 100 S-001 to S-100   NEW
XXREP02 100   LOT-1 NEW
XXREP03 100 S-001 to S-100 LOT-1 NEW

General exercise for Receive Inventory Part