Querying Material Review Board (MRB) Cases and Printing MRB Reports and Labels —Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to query Material Review Board (MRB) cases and print reports and labels for these MRB cases. Before you can do these exercises however, it is required that you have completed the following exercises, since they create the data that will be used in these current exercises:

Creating an MRB Case for an In-Process Shop Order

Creating an MRB Case during Shop Order Operation Reporting

Creating an MRB Case for Shop Order Material

These exercises are covered in: Entering and Handling MRB on Shop Orders - Exercises

MRB Cases
MRB Part Details
MRB Case Report
MRB Label Report

You are the person responsible for coordinating the processing of MRB cases for manufactured items at your company. Today, before you decide which MRB cases to process, you need to query MRB cases for  both shop order WIP and component material. These cases were created in the previous MRB exercise. You will also need to follow through and print reports for some of these cases, as well as print labels to tag parts set aside for MRB cases.

MRB Cases

There are a number of MRB cases that you previously created at your site. You wish to quickly get a list of them to see which ones need more detailed review on your part.

  1. Open the MRB Cases window and query for the MRB cases that you previously created at your site for the 21-230 and 21-250 parts in the earlier exercise. Query for your site and part number 21-%.
  2. Review the MRB cases listed, and verify that the cases listed are the ones you created in the earlier exercise. Review the Case Status column to see the current status of the MRB cases. Some of them should be Closed since you have finished processing them. Others should be either in state Created or In Process.
  3. Still in the MRB Cases window, highlight a selection of rows, right-click on the selection, then click MRB Case... This should bring up the MRB Case window, with the MRB cases selected being displayed.

Note: While the MRB cases you have queried will not be further processed in this exercise, leave them as they are since they will be used in subsequent exercises to further demonstrate querying and printing functionality.

MRB Part Details

Having identified the MRB cases needing more detailed review, you now wish to see a quick overview of the parts submitted to the MRB cases. This could be because some of the parts might be serial or lot tracked parts.

  1. Open the MRB Part Details window and query for the MRB cases that you previously created at your site for the 21-230 part in the earlier exercise. Query for your site and part number 21-%.
  2. Identify the rows corresponding to the MRB cases you are interested in reviewing in more detail. Assume that you are interested in reviewing those rows corresponding to shop order component material. Review the tracking data for all rows. Since you had previously created and processed to completion an MRB case for shop order component material, there should be at least a few rows corresponding to serial no not having value *.
  3. Highlight a selection of such rows, right-click on the selection, then click MRB Case... This should bring up the MRB Case window, with the MRB cases corresponding to the part details rows selected being displayed.

Note: While the MRB cases you have queried will not be further processed in this exercise, leave them as they are since they will be used in subsequent exercises to further demonstrate querying and printing functionality.

MRB Cases by Part

You now wish to see a quick overview of the MRB cases for a specific part.

  1. Open the MRB Cases by Part window and query for the MRB cases that you previously created at your site in the earlier exercise. Query for your site and part number 21-230.
  2. Identify the rows corresponding to the MRB cases you are interested in reviewing in more detail. Review the MRB cases listed, and verify that the cases listed are the ones you created in the earlier exercise. Review the Case Status column to see the current status of the MRB cases. Some of them should be Closed since you have finished processing them. Others should be either in state Created or In Process.
  3. Highlight a selection of rows, right-click on the selection, then click MRB Case... This should bring up the MRB Case window, with the MRB cases corresponding to the rows selected being displayed.

Note: While the MRB cases you have queried will not be further processed in this exercise, leave them as they are since they will be used in subsequent exercises to further demonstrate querying and printing functionality.

MRB Cases by Disposition Lines

You can also see an overview of the disposition details for all MRB cases.

  1. Open the MRB Disposition Lines window and query for the MRB cases that you previously created at your site in the earlier exercise. Query for your site and part number 21-%.
  2. Identify the rows corresponding to the MRB cases you are interested in reviewing in more detail. Review the MRB cases listed, and verify that the cases listed are the ones you created in the earlier exercise. Review the Case Status column to see the current status of the MRB cases. Some of them should be Closed since you have finished processing them. Others should be either in state Created or In Process. Review the tracking data for all rows. Since you had previously created and processed to completion an MRB case for shop order component material, there should be at least a few rows corresponding to serial no not having value *.

Note: While the MRB cases you have queried will not be further processed in this exercise, leave them as they are since they will be used in subsequent exercises to further demonstrate printing functionality.

Print Report for MRB Cases

Having identified MRB cases needing more detailed review, you can also print a report of these MRB cases.

  1. Open the MRB Case Report dialog and enter your site Site field. Leave the Part No and MRB Case ID fields with the % value, this will print reports for all MRB cases for all parts at your site. Enter a beginning and ending date range in the Begin and End fields. This is based on the date the case was created. Click the OK button.
  2. When the Report Print dialog is displayed, click on the Preview button to see what the report looks like. You should see a report for each MRB case, showing case details in the header section, as well as part details in a table section.
  3. Click on the print icon to send the report to a printer.

Note: While the MRB cases you have queried will not be further processed in this exercise, leave them as they are since they will be used in subsequent exercises to further demonstrate printing functionality.

Print Label for MRB Cases

Having identified MRB cases that need to be processed, you can also print labels to attach to the parts submitted to these MRB cases.

  1. Open the MRB Label Report dialog and enter your site Site field. Leave the Part No and MRB Case ID fields with the % value, this will print reports for all MRB cases for all parts at your site. Leave the Serial No, Lot Batch No and Label Quantity fields blank. Enter a beginning and ending date range in the Begin and End fields. This is based on the date the case was created. Click the OK button.
  2. When the Report Print dialog is displayed, click on the Preview button to see what the labels look like. You should see a label for each MRB case, showing the part, site and non-conformance in the first section, followed by part details such as serial no, lot batch no, configuration id, part revision etc, in the second section. The last section shows the quantity of the part to which the label will be tagged.
  3. Click on the print icon to send the labels to a printer.