Creating MRB Checklist Templates and MRB Codes—Basic Data and Requirements Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to create your own MRB non-conformance codes, MRB (Material Review Board) checklist and MRB disposition codes to be used with shop orders.

MRB Basic Data/Non-conformance
MRB Basic Data/Checklist Template
MRB Basic Data/Disposition

Creating MRB Non-Conformance Codes

  1. Open the MRB Basic Data window and click the Non-conformance tab.
  2. Create a new row, and then enter a non-conformance code in the Non-conformance field. (For example, if you want this non-conformance code to be used when the parts do not fit, you might use FIT as the code.)
  3. In the Nonconformance Description field, enter a description for the code. (For example, your description might clearly indicate that the parts do not look as if they fit together properly.)
  4. In the Nonconformance Text field, enter text, if desired, indicating additional information about the MRB code.
  5. Save the information.
  6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 to create additional non-conformance codes that you will want to use when creating MRB cases for shop orders.

Creating an MRB Checklist Template

  1. Open the MRB Basic Data window, and click the Checklist Template tab.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. On the header, enter a number (such as 100) in the Checklist ID field.
  4. Enter a description identifying the checklist in the Checklist Desc field.
  5. In the Site field, enter your site, or select the appropriate site from the List of Values.
  6. In the Non-conformance field, enter a non-conformance code, or select the appropriate code from the List of Values.
  7. Check the Default checkbox if you want this site and non-conformance combination to be the default checklist template used when an MRB case is created for this site and non-conformance.
  8. Decide what MRB checklist steps are required. The table below contains an example.
Checklist Item No Checklist Question Checklist Comment
1 Power Check SAFETY: Verify power is OFF if item is electrical.
2 Packet Check ADMIN: Verify nonconformance packet is signed by operator.
3 Material Check ADMIN: Verify all issued material are present or accounted for.
  1. In the table section, create a new row, and then enter a number in the Checklist Item No field.
  2. In the Checklist Question field, enter a question indicating the checklist item to be completed.
  3. In the Checklist Comment field, enter a comment, if desired, indicating additional information about the checklist step.
  4. Add additional rows until all your checklist steps have been entered.
  5. Save the information.

Creating MRB Disposition Codes

  1. Open the MRB Basic Data window and click the Disposition tab.
  2. Create a new row, and then enter a disposition code in the Disposition Code field. (For example, if you want this disposition code to be used when the parts can be used after some repair, you might use REPAIR as the code.)
  3. In the Disposition Description field, enter a description for the code. (For example, your description might clearly indicate that the parts cannot be used as is.)
  4. For the Verify SO Scrap checkbox, check this box if you want the system to verify that scrap transactions have been performed when this disposition code is used on a disposition line in an MRB case, and the disposition line is being set to Complete.
  5. Save the information.
  6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 to create additional disposition codes that you will want to use when creating MRB cases for shop orders.