Scheduling Resource Breaks—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within the CBS training site. If you work within any other site, you will not be able to access a CBS server. To simplify data entry, select the CBS site as your default site on the Sites per User tab. Also, to keep your data separate from that of other users, be sure to name all data using your initials as the prefix.

Basic Data Setup

Overview of Constraint Based Scheduling Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the required data used in the Constraint Based Scheduling (CBS) exercises. This sets up data for your site that needs to be done only once for all CBS exercises.

  1. If you have not done so already, set up your site so that it includes all the CBS required data.

General exercise for Overview of Constraint Based Scheduling Data

Main Exercises

Creating a Manual Resource Break

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to define a resource break.

Resource Break

  1. Create a new record.
  2. In the Break No field, enter, XXBRK1.
  3. In the Break Desc field, enter, XXFIX.
  4. In the Break Duration field, enter 48 (hours).
  5. In the Begin Date Range field, enter next Wednesday's date (e.g., 2/14/01).
  6. In the End Date Range field, enter the date of the second Monday from today (e.g., 2/19/01).
  7. Click the Work Center Resources tab, and create a new table record.
  8. In the new record, enter XX800 in the Work Center field and XX800 in the Resource ID field.
  9. Save your changes. The resource break is created with the Proposed status. This resource break does not yet exist in the Scheduling Server. By default, the break type is Manual.

Approving a Resource Break

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you what happens when a resource break is approved.

Resource Break
Simulation Client

  1. In the Resource Break window, right-click the header portion of the resource break, and click Approve. The status of the resource break changes to Unscheduled, and the resource break is sent to the Scheduling Server.
  2. Reopen or refresh the Simulation Client.
  3. In the Tree View window, under the Activities node, find Resource Break XXBRK1, and drag it onto the Gantt chart.
  4. Hold down the Shift key, and drag Work Center XX800 to the Gantt Overview pane. Note that the color of the resource break is gray. This indicates that it is not scheduled.

Scheduling a Resource Break

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how a resource break is scheduled.

Resource Break
Simulation Client

  1. In the header portion of the resource break, right-click and then click Schedule. Be sure not to select the Reassign Operations that Must Be Scheduled check box in the dialog box that appears. The status of the resource break becomes Scheduled, and the Start Date and Finish Date fields are updated (e.g., start date = 2/23/01 2:00 P.M., finish date = 2/25/01 2:00 P.M.).

Note: When CBS schedules a resource break, it attempts to fit the resource break within the begin/end date range without adjusting the current schedule on the resource. If there is an insufficient time slot in which to fit the resource break, the break is scheduled to start at its begin date and time. Any scheduled operations are moved to a later time on the resource. CBS schedules the resource break based on 24 x 7 availability. The normal work center resource calendar is ignored.

  1. Reopen or refresh the Simulation Client.
  2. In the Data Tree window, under the Activities node, find Resource Break XXBRK1, and drag it onto the Gantt chart.
  3. Hold down the Shift key, and drag Work Center XX800 to the Gantt chart.

Note: The status of the resource break is automatically set to Released when the break is scheduled. In CBS, you can manually adjust the schedule for the resource break as long as its status is changed from Released to Scheduled. A manual resource break can be scheduled later than its end date.

  1. Return to the Resource Break window. Right-click and then click Unschedule. Be sure not to select the Reassign Operations that Must Be Scheduled check box in the dialog box that appears. The value in the State field changes to Unscheduled, and the Start Date and Finish Date fields are now blank.
  2. Reopen or refresh the Simulation Client. Plot the resource break on the Gantt chart. Note that the resource break is gray. This indicates that it is not scheduled.
  3. Return to the Resource Break window.
  4. Change the value in the End Date Range field to next Friday's date (e.g., 2/16/01).
  5. Save your changes.
  6. Right-click and then click Schedule. Be sure not to select the Reassign Operations that Must Be Scheduled check box in the dialog box that appears. The status of the resource break changes to Scheduled, and the start and finish dates are updated (e.g., start date = 2/14/01 12:00 A.M., and finish date = 2/16/01 12:00 A.M.).
  7. Reopen or refresh the Simulation Client. Drag the resource break and work center XX800 to the Gantt chart.

Note: The resource break is now scheduled where some shop order operations had previously been scheduled. The shop order operations are scheduled at a later time.

  1. Return to the Resource Break window. Right-click and then click Unschedule. This time, select the Reassign Operations that Must Be Scheduled check box. The value in the State field changes to Unscheduled, and the Start Date and Finish Date fields are blank.
  2. Reopen or refresh the Simulation Client to see the schedule of the XX800 resources. The shop order operations are rescheduled to start and finish earlier.
  3. Return to the Resource Break window. Right-click and then click Schedule. Select the Reassign Operations that Must Be Scheduled check box. The value in the State field changes to Scheduled, and the Start Date and Finish Date fields are updated (e.g., start date = 2/14/01 12:00 A.M., and finish date = 2/16/01 12:00 A.M.).
  4. Reopen or refresh the Simulation Client. Drag the resource break and Work Center XX800, along with its resources, to the Gantt chart.

Note: The resource break is scheduled where some shop order operations had previously been scheduled. Some of the shop order operations have been rescheduled on a different resource.

Completing a Resource Break

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you what happens when a resource break is completed.

Resource Break
Simulation Client

  1. Return to the Resource Break window. Right-click and then click Complete. The status of the resource break changes to Finished.
  2. Reopen or refresh the Simulation Client. Verify that Resource Break XXBRK1 is no longer in the Scheduling Server.

Importing Maintenance Work Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to import a maintenance work order.

Prepare Work Order
Maintenance Import
Resource Break
Simulation Client

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window.
  2. On the General tab, select an object ID using the List of Values. Be sure to select an ID with your initials as a prefix.
  3. Enter a description.
  4. Enter the CBS site.
  5. Select a value in the Reported By field using the List of Values.
  6. In the Directive field, enter Fix.
  7. Enter next Tuesday's date as the start date and 8:00 A.M. as the start time.
  8. Enter next Wednesday's date as the completion date and 8:00 A.M. as the completion time.
  9. Enter an execution time of 24 hours.
  10. Select a value for the Execution Dept field using the List of Values.
  11. Enter the work type using the List of Values.
  12. Enter the priority using the List of Values.
  13. Save your changes.
  14. Click the Prepare tab, and create a new record. Enter 2 (Obstructive) in the Op Status field.
  15. Save your changes.
  16. In the work order header, right-click and then click Work Order Status. Select the Prepared status. 
  17. Open the Import Maintenance window. Specify the values needed to manually import maintenance work orders as follows:
    1. Enter your site name.
    2. Enter a begin/end date range to include the work orders that you created.
    3. Click OK.

Note: Optionally, you can specify that work orders be imported for any combination of work centers, work center resources, tool IDs, and tool instances.

  1. Open the Resource Breakwindow to query the resource breaks with a break type of Maintenance for your site.

Note: There are resource breaks for the work orders. The status of these breaks is Proposed.

  1. For one of the work order resource breaks, right-click in the header portion of the window, and then click Confirm. Make sure that the Re-Assign Operations check box is not checked. The status of the resource break changes to Scheduled, and the values in the Start Date and Finish Date fields are updated.
  2. Reopen or refresh the Simulation Client. Plot the work order resource break.

Note: The status of the resource break is automatically set to Released when the break is scheduled. In CBS, you can manually schedule the resource break as long as its status is changed from Released to Scheduled. A maintenance resource break can be scheduled only within its begin/end date range.

Note: You can define a background process to import maintenance work orders automatically. The options for this process are defined using the Maintenance Import dialog box.