Improving the Schedule—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within the CBS training site. If you work within any other site, you will not be able to access a CBS server. To simplify data entry, select the CBS site as your default site on the Sites per User tab. Also, to keep your data separate from that of other users, be sure to name all data using your initials as the prefix.

Basic Data Setup

Overview of Constraint Based Scheduling Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the required data used in the Constraint Based Scheduling (CBS) exercises. This sets up data for your site that needs to be done only once for all CBS exercises.

  1. If you have not done so already, set up your site so that it includes all the CBS required data.

General exercise for Overview of Constraint Based Scheduling Data

Main Exercises

Using Schedule Statistics in CBS

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to demonstrate the use of schedule statistics within CBS.

Simulation Client

On the Tools menu, click Scheduling Statistics. Alternatively, click Scheduling Statistics on the toolbar. The Schedule window appears. This window displays the overall performance measures of the site's schedule, as listed in the table below.

Performance Measure Description

Show Status

Allows you to choose from the following types of graphical display:

  • Status Pie: Displays a pie chart showing the percentage of early/on-time, tardy, and unscheduled orders for the site. Click any segment of the chart to see a window listing the shop orders in that category.
  • Tardy Orders: Displays a bar chart showing the distribution for the number of tardy orders with the deviation from their need date. Click any bar to display a window listing the shop orders in that category.
  • Early/On-Time Orders: Displays a bar chart showing the distribution for the number of early/on-time orders with the deviation from their need date. Click any bar to display a window listing the shop orders in that category.
  • Scheduled Orders: Displays a bar chart showing the distribution for the number of early/on-time and tardy orders with the deviation from their need date. Click any bar to display a window listing the shop orders in that category.
Show Orders Lists the schedule detail for each shop order. The Lead Time column specifies the total amount of time from the start of the first operation to the finish of the last operation for a shop order. The Productive LT column specifies the amount of actual schedule time for a shop order. The Prod LT Factor column specifies the ratio of productive lead time to total lead time. The goal is to have this ratio as close as possible to 1.00.
Show Tardy Lists the schedule detail of all tardy orders.
Show Early/On-Time Lists the schedule detail of all early/on-time orders.
Show Unscheduled Lists the schedule detail of all unscheduled orders.
Show Snapshots Displays a window listing the available schedule snapshots. See the following exercises for information on using snapshots.

Adding Overtime

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to add overtime to resolve a tardy order, and to use schedule snapshots to compare two schedules.

Shop Order
Simulation Client

  1. In the Shop Order window, create a new shop order as follows:
    1. Make sure that the program is set to create shop orders with a status of Planned.

Note: You can specify that shop orders be created with the Planned status on the Parameters for Distribution and Manufacturing tab.

    1. Create a new record.
    2. In the Order No field, enter, XX-SO1A, where XX represents your initials.
    3. In the Part No field, enter XX-250-G10.
    4. In the Site field, enter your site name, if it is not defined as the default site for your user.
    5. In the Sched Direction list, click Backwards Scheduling.
    6. In the Earliest Start Date field, enter next Monday's date.
    7. In the Need Date field, enter next Thursday's date.
    8. In the Lot Size field, enter 2.
    9. Save your changes. The start and finish dates of the shop order are updated. A message appears indicating that the shop order did not meet its need date.
  1. Reopen or refresh the Simulation Client. In the Tree View/Activities window, find Shop Order XX-SO1A.
  2. Right-click the shop order and then click Highlight This.
  3. Click the Master Data and then the Work Centers node. Find Work Center XX400.
  4. Right-click Work Center XX400 and then click Highlight This.
  5. Right-click Work Center XX500 and then click Highlight This.
  6. On the toolbar, click Show Highlighted Objects. The List Of Objects window appears. This window displays Shop Order XX-SO1A and Work Centers XX400 and XX500.
  7. Click the horizontal gray bar near the top of the List Of Objects window. Drag it to the Gantt Overview pane to display these three objects.
  8. In the Gantt chart, right-click Shop Order XX-SO1A and then click Expand to display its operations and review their tardiness. Note that Operation 20 is tardy by several hours. Work Center XX400 is used by this operation.
  9. From the Gantt chart window, right-click Work Center XX400 and then click Show. The Work Center Resource window appears.
  10. Click Show Relations to display the calendar attached to this work center.
  11. Drag Calendar 5 to the Gantt Overview pane, and place it below Work Center XX400. Note that the available calendar hours are displayed in green.
  12. Select Calendar 5 and select it again in the Gantt Detail pane to view its details in the Detail Property Pane. You may have to drag the splitter towards the right side if the pane is not visible.
  13. Click the Show Relations tab to see all the work centers, tool sets, and labor classes attached to this calendar.
  14. In the Tree View/Master Data window, right-click the Day Types node under Work Time Calendars. Click New Child.
  15. Enter 12HR as the name of the day type. Click Day Type.
  16. Find the new day type in the Tree View/Master Data window, and double-click it.
  17. Click the Time From field, and set the time to 7:00. Click the Time To field and set the time to 19:00.
  18. Click Close.
  19. In the Tree View/Master Data window, expand the Schedule Exceptions node and then click New Child. The Create window appears.
  20. Enter 4HROT as the name of the schedule exception. Click Exception.
  21. In the Tree View/Master Data window, find the new schedule exception, and double-click it. The Exception window appears.
  22. Drag the new day type, 12HR, into the table in the Exception window.
  23. In the Date field, select the date for the overtime.
  24. Click Close.
  25. In the Tree View/Master Data window, right-click the Calendars node under Work Time Calendars. Click New Child.
  26. Enter 4HROT as the calendar name, and then click Calendar.
  27. Drag the new schedule exception into the table in the Calendar window.
  28. In the Tree View/Master Data window, find the Schedules node under Work Time Calendars. Drag the 5 schedule to the table in the Calendar window.
  29. In the Start Date field, enter the beginning date of this week. In the Finish Date field, enter the end date of this year. Note that the new schedule exception could have been attached to the 5 calendar, but this would have allowed all the work centers, tools sets, and labor classes to work overtime.
  30. In the Gantt Overview pane, select Work Center XX400 and then click the Show Relations tab in the Detail Property Pane.
  31. Right-click the calendar object and then click Remove.
  32. In the Tree View/Master Data window, click the 4HROT calendar and drag it to the calendar ID on the Show Relations tab of the work center.
  33. Click Close.
  34. On the Tools menu, click Snapshot Schedule or click the camera button on the toolbar to take a snapshot of the current schedule. Enter Base Schedule as the name and/or description of the snapshot.
  35. In the Gantt Overview pane, right-click shop order XX-SO1A and then click Scheduling. Click As Late As Possible and Maintain Resource Assignment. Shop Order XX-SO1A is now scheduled without any tardiness.
  36. Take another snapshot of the current schedule. Enter OT as the name and/or description of the snapshot.
  37. Click Scheduling Statistics on the toolbar to display the Schedule window.
  38. Click Show Snapshots.
  39. On the snapshot list, click the base snapshot.

Note: When you right-click the snapshot description from within the snapshot list, a menu appears with two options: Remove, which allows you to delete a snapshot, and Load Snapshot, which allows you to load the schedule for the snapshot as the working copy.

  1. Hold down the Ctrl key, and click the OT snapshot to enable the options listed in the table below.

Option Description
Statistics Displays the performance measures for each schedule for comparison.
Status Pie Displays a pie chart for each schedule.
Order Deviation Displays a deviation bar chart for each schedule.
Order Comparison Displays several categories for the shop orders to highlight the differences between the two schedules. The number of shop orders in each category appears along the horizontal axis of the chart. Click a bar to view the shop orders in that category.

Note: For the Tardy to Early Orders category, Shop Order XX-SO1A is listed.

  1. On the File menu, point to Save, and then click File Save As to save the current simulation and its results to a data file. Enter OTEXER.FSI as the file name.

Re-sequencing with Drag and Drop

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show how to use the drag-and-drop feature to re sequence shop orders, thereby improving the tardiness of a shop order.

Simulation Client

  1. Plot Work Centers XX400 and XX500 and their resources in the Gantt Overview pane.
  2. Right-click Work Center XX500, and click Show. The Work Center window appears. Alternatively, you can select the Work Center in the Gantt Detail pane and view its details in the Detail Property Pane.
  3. Double-click the X indicator for the Scheduled status. The List Of Objects window appears. This window lists all the operations using this work center.
  4. Drag the solid gray bar in the List Of Objects window to the Gantt Overview pane.
  5. Right-click Work Center XX400 and then click Show.
  6. Double-click the X next to the Scheduled status to open the List of Objects window listing all the operations using this work center.
  7. Click the horizontal gray bar near the top of the List of Objects window, and drag it to the Gantt Overview pane.
  8. In the Gantt Chart window, right-click Shop Order XX-SO1A, Operation 10, and then click Highlight This.
  9. Change the sequence of the operations scheduled on Work Center XX500.
    1. In the Gantt Chart window, on the line for the resource of Work Center XX500, click the highlighted operation. Hold down the left mouse button, and drag the operation in front of Operation 10 for Shop Order XX-SO1.

Note: As you drag an operation, the mouse cursor changes to an inverted triangle with the letters INS at the top.

    1. Once you release the mouse, CBS reschedules all the necessary operations affected by the movement of the operation As Soon As Possible. Operation 10 of Shop Order XX-SO1A is now scheduled before Operation 10 of Shop Order XX-SO1 on Work center XX500. Operation 20 of Shop Order XX-SO1A is now scheduled before Operation 20 of Shop Order XX-SO1 on Work Center XX400. Operation 20 of Shop Order XX-SO1A is no longer tardy. Operation 20 of Shop Order XX-SO1 is now tardy by a couple of hours.
  1. The schedule for Shop Order XX-SO1A can be adjusted as close to its need date as possible by right-clicking the shop order and clicking Just-in-Time.
  2. Take a snapshot of this schedule, and compare the results to the base snapshot.

Defining an Alternate Constraint

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show how to improve the tardiness of a shop order by defining an alternate constraint for an operation.

Simulation Client

  1. Plot Shop Order XX-SO1A and its operations.
  2. In the Gantt Overview pane, right-click Operation 10 and then click Show. The Operation window appears.
  3. Click the Show Assignments tab.
  4. From the Tree View/Master Data window, drag Work Center XX200 into the table in the Operation window. You can now use CBS to choose any resource of Work Center XX500 or XX200 to schedule this operation.
  5. Click Close.
  6. In the Gantt Overview pane, right-click Shop Order XX-SO1A and then click Scheduling. Click As Late As Possible and Re-Assign Resource. Operation 10 of Shop Order XX-SO1A is now scheduled on Work Center XX200. Both operations of Shop Order XX-SO1A are scheduled to start and finish earlier, and neither is tardy.

Note: If you were to select the Maintain Resource Assignment option by mistake, Operation 10 of Shop Order XX-SO1A would remain scheduled on the resource of Work Center XX500.

  1. Verify the results in the Gantt Chart window by plotting Work Center XX200. Right-click Operation 10 and then click Highlight This.

Adding a New Resource

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show how to improve the tardiness of a shop order by adding a new resource.

Simulation Client

  1. Plot Shop Order XX-SO1A and its operations.
  2. In the Tree View/Master Data window, select Work Center XX500, and right-click New Child. The Create dialog box opens.
  3. Enter NEW-WCR as the resource name, and click Work Center Resource.
  4. Double-click the new resource, NEW-WCR, under Work Center XX500. The Work Center Resource window appears.
  5. In the Start Date field, enter next Monday's date.
  6. Click Close.
  7. In the Gantt Chart window, right-click Shop Order XX-SO1A and then click Scheduling. Click As Late As Possible and Re-Assign Resource. Operation 10 is now scheduled on the new resource. Both operations of Shop Order XX-SO1A are scheduled to start and finish earlier, and neither is tardy.
  8. In the Gantt Chart window, right-click Operation 10 and then click Expand. Verify the results by right-clicking Work Center XX500 and then clicking Expand.

Alternate Routing

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show how an alternate routing for a shop order is handled in CBS.

Shop Order
Simulation Client

  1. Open the Routing window, and query for Part XX-250-G10.
  2. In the Alternate section, click New.
  3. Create the routing for the new alternate as shown in the following table.
Operation Number Description Work Center Machine Setup Machine Run Factor Unit
10 Welding XX200 1 1 Units/Hour
20 Assembly XX400 2 1 Units/Hour

Note: Make sure the routing alternate is set to Buildable.

  1. Open the Shop Order window, and query for Shop Order XX-SO1A.
  2. Right-click the header section of the window, point to Update Allocations and/or Operations, and then click Update Routing Operation and/or Alternate. The Update Routing Operation and/or Alternate window appears. Select the new routing alternative, and click OK to return to the Shop Order window.
  3. Click the Operation tab, and verify that the operations for the shop order reflect those for the new alternate.
  4. Reopen or refresh the Simulation Client to review the schedule for Shop Order XX-SO1A.

Alternate Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how an alternate structure for a shop order is handled in CBS.

Inventory Part
Part Revision
Product Structure
Shop Order
Simulation Client

  1. Open the Inventory Part window and create two new purchased parts, XX-250-G100A and XX-250-G200A. Set the purchase lead time for part XX-250-G100A to two days, and the purchase lead time for XX-250-G200A to twenty days. Set the sched capacity for each part to Finite Capacity.
  2. Adjust the phase-in date for parts, XX-250-G100A and XX-250-G200A to match the phase-in date for part XX-250-G10.
  3. Open the Product Structure window, and query for the part XX-250-G10.
  4. In the Alternate section, click New.
  5. Create the structure for the new alternate as shown in the following table.
Component Part Qty Per Assembly




Note: Make sure the structure alternate is set to Buildable.

  1. Open the Shop Order window, and query for shop order XX-SO1A. Create a new shop order by duplicating the existing record. To do this, press F6. Change the order number to XX-SO1B. Save the changes. The shop order is scheduled with the default structure alternate.
  2. Right-click in the header part of the window, point to Update Allocations and/or Operations, and then click Update Structure Revision and/or Alternate. The Update Structure Revision and/or Alternate window appears. Select the new structure alternative, and click OK to return to the Shop Order window.
  3. Click the Materials tab, and verify that the materials for the shop order reflect those for the new alternate.
  4. Re-open or refresh the Simulation Client window to review the schedule for the shop order XX-SO1B. Since the new materials do not have on hand or open supply, and have finite availability, the shop order is not scheduled until the purchase lead time for part XX-250-G200A elapses.

Material Availability Changes

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how the material availability changes may impact the schedule.

Simulation Client

  1. In the Data Tree window, go to the Master Data tab and double-click Materials to see a list of the materials that are in the Scheduling Server. Double-click on the material XX-250-G200A.
  2. Click the Show Contents tab. In the table area of the window, in the Name Supplier/Consumer column, double-click on a record with no data. Enter PO1 in the Name Supplier/Consumer field. In the Date/Time field, select next Wednesday's date. (Note: The records automatically sort by date and time.) In the Material Quantity field, enter 2.
  3. Use the Unschedule and Schedule options to reschedule the shop order XX-SO1B.
  4. Review the new schedule for the shop order. The shop order starts and finishes earlier because it uses the PO1 supply for material XX-250-G200A.

Manual Pegging of Material Supply

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how manual pegging of material supply is handled in CBS.

Suppplier for Purchase Part
Purchase Order
Product Structure
Shop Order
Simulation Client

  1. Use the Supplier for Purchase Part window to define supplier 5000 as the supplier for the purchased part XX-250-G200A.
  2. Use the Purchase Order window to create a new purchase order. Enter 5000, for the supplier. Enter next Wednesday for the receipt date. Save the changes, and make a note of the purchase order number.
  3. Create a purchase order line. Enter XX-250-G200A for the part number, and enter 2 for the quantity.
  4. Query for the shop order XX-SO1B, and click the Material tab.
  5. Select the record with the part XX-250-G200A. Right-click and then click Manual Pegging.
  6. Enter 2 in the Qty Pegged field for the record with your purchase order number. Save the changes.
  7. Re-open or refresh the Simulation Client window.
  8. Double-click on operation 10 of the shop order XX-SO1B. Click the Show Materials tab. The material quantity for part XX-250-G200A is 0 (zero). 
  9. Double-click on the material XX-250-G200A, to open its material window. There is no record that consumes the supply of this part, from the shop order XX-SO1B.
  10. Return to the Shop Order window, query for shop order XX-SO1B. Click the Material tab.
  11. Select the record for the part XX-250-G200A. Right-click and then click Manual Pegging.
  12. Enter 0 (zero) in the Qty Pegged field for the record with your purchase order number. Save the changes.
  13. Right click in the header part of the Shop Order window and select Schedule Shop Order.
  14. Re-open or refresh the Simulation Client window. Review the material constraints for operation 10. The material quantity for part XX-250-G200A, is set to 2.
  15. Double-click on the material XX-250-G200A to open its material window. You will see a new record for your purchase order number. Since the purchase order is no longer pegged, it becomes available supply for CBS.  

Shop Order Splits

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show how a shop order split improves the schedule.

Shop Order
Simulation Client

  1. Open the Shop Order window, and create a new shop order as follows:
    1. Create a new record.
    2. In the Order No field, enter XX-SO1B.
    3. In the Part No field, enter XX-250-G10.
    4. In the Site field, enter your site name, if it is not already defined as the default site for your user.
    5. In the Sched Direction list, click Backwards Scheduling.
    6. In the Earliest Start Date field, enter next Monday's date.
    7. In the Need Date field, enter next Thursday's date.
    8. In the Lot Size field, enter 10.
    9. Save your changes. The start and finish dates of the shop order are updated. A message appears indicating that the shop order did not meet its need date.
  2. In the header section, right-click, point to Merges and Splits, and then click Split Shop Order. The Split Shop Order window appears.
  3. Click Discrete Split.
  4. In the Order No field, enter XX-SO1B-1.
  5. In the Lot Size field, enter 5.
  6. Enter a split reason code.

Note: Split Checklist Basic Data window.

  1. Click OK to return to the Shop Order window.
  2. Review the revised schedule for Shop Order XX-SO1B. The start and finish dates of the shop order are updated.
  3. Click the Shop Order Splits tab to verify that Shop Order XX-SO1B-1 exists as a split shop order for Shop Order XX-SO1B.
  4. Under Split Shop Orders, click to highlight Shop Order XX-SO1B-1. Right-click to see detailed information about this shop order.
  5. Review the schedule for Shop Order XX-SO1B-1. Note that this shop order is tardy.
  6. Reopen or refresh the Simulation Client. Plot Shop Orders XX-SO1B and XX-SO1B-1.

Duplicate Shop Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise it to demonstrate how a new shop order can be created easily from an existing one.

Simulation Client

  1. In the Tree View window, find Shop Order XX-S01A.
  2. Click to select the shop order, right-click, and then click Copy.
  3. Enter XX-S01A-NEW as the name for the new shop order.
  4. Click the Shop Order button. The new shop order is displayed on the screen. This shop order contains all the operations in the original one. The new shop order can now be modified or scheduled.

Resources with a High Schedule Load

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show how you can use CBS to find resources with a high load percentage.

Simulation Client

  1. On the Tools menu, click Show Resource Load. The Resource Load window appears.
  2. Select the Work Center Resource, Employee, and Tool Instance check boxes.
  3. Under Load Type, click Booked Time Load.
  4. Enter a time span.
  5. Under Load Threshold, click Greater Than, and then enter 50 in the % field to the right.
  6. Click OK. The List of Objects window appears, showing the resources that meet the specified criteria.
  7. If there is only one resource per work center, drag the List of Objects bar to the Gantt Overview pane to plot these resources. If there are multiple resources per work center, follow steps a and b below:
    1. Right-click the List of Objects bar and then click Show Parent. A second List Of Objects window appears with the resource's work center, tool ID, or labor class. 
    2. Hold down the Shift key, and drag each work center, tool ID, and labor class to the Gantt chart window. This causes all related resources to appear in the window. You can then see whether all resources for each work center, tool ID, or labor class are highly loaded.

Resources with a High Setup Load

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show how you can use CBS to find work center resources with a high ratio of setup to booked time.

Simulation Client

  1. On the Tools menu, click Show Resource Load. The Resource Load window appears.
  2. Select the Work Center Resource check box.
  3. Under Load Type, click Setup Time Load.
  4. Enter a time span.
  5. Under Load Threshold, click Greater Than, and then enter 10 in the % field to the right.
  6. Click OK. The List of Objects window appears, showing the resources that meet the specified criteria.
  7. Drag the List of Objects bar to the Gantt Overview pane.
  8. On the Tools menu, click Settings. The Settings window appears. In the Plot Settings/Operations tab of this window, make sure that the Setup Times check box is selected in the Show area. This enables you to see the setup time included in the operations.

Exporting Data from the Schedule

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show how to export schedule data.

Simulation Client

  1. On the Tools menu, click Export. The Export Options window appears.
  2. In the Include in Export column, select the check boxes in the Shoporder and Operation rows.
  3. Right-click the Shoporder row and then click Ext Info Setting. The Extended Information Setting Dialog box appears.
  4. Click Show Ext Export Setting.
  5. Select the Parent Name, Part No, Need Date, Start Date, Finish Date, Quantity Due, Tardiness, and Adjustment Factor check boxes.
  6. Click Close to close the dialog box and return to the Export Options window.
  7. Right-click the Operation line and then click Ext Info Setting. The Extended Information Setting Dialog box appears.
  8. Click Show Ext Export Setting.
  9. Select the Parent Name, Part No, Quantity Due, Quantity Complete, Units/Hour, Setup Time, Scheduled Setup, Start Date, Finish Date, Processing Time, and Role Detail check boxes.
  10. Click Close to close the dialog box and return to the Export Options window.
  11. If Microsoft Excel is loaded on your computer, click Launch Export Application and then OK. Excel opens, and two files are created: one for the shop order data, and the other for the operation data. You can save these files to a location of your choice. If Excel is not loaded on your computer, click Save Export Data to File, click OK, specify the directory in which to save the files, and then click Save.

Note: If you choose to launch Microsoft Excel, the shop order file may initially appear in front of the operation file. To view the operation file, select its file name from the Window menu.