Scheduling DOP Shop Orders with CBS—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within the CBS training site. If you work within any other site, you will not be able to access a CBS server. To simplify data entry, select the CBS site as your default site on the Sites per User window. Also, to keep your data separate from that of other users, be sure to name all data using your initials as the prefix.

Basic Data Setup

Overview of Constraint Based Scheduling Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the required data used in the Constraint Based Scheduling (CBS) exercises. This sets up data for your site that needs to be done only once for all CBS exercises.

  1. If you have not done so already, set up your site so that it includes all the CBS required data.

General exercise for Overview of Constraint Based Scheduling Data

Main Exercises

Creating and Releasing a Manual DOP Header

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to demonstrate how CBS handles DOP structures that were created manually.

DOP Header
Simulation Client

Note: This exercise assumes that you have set the supply type to DOP for the following parts: XX–250–G1, XX–250–G10, XX–250–G20, XX–250–G30, XX–250–G100, XX–250–G200, XX–250–G300 and XX–250–G400. It also assumes that you have set the DOP connection to Automatic DOP for Part XX–250–G1.

  1. Open the DOP Header window to create a manual DOP structure.

  2. Create a new record.

  3. In the Description field, enter XX–250–G1 Manual DOP.

  4. Click the Detail tab. In the Part No field, enter XX–250–G1.

  5. In the Site field, enter your site, if your site is not defined as the default for your user.

  6. Under Demand, in the Due Date field, enter a future date.

  7. In the Qty Demand field, enter 50.

  8. Save your changes. A DOP header is created. The DOP ID appears automatically.

  9. Reopen or refresh the Simulation Client.

  10. In the Data Tree window, find the DOP ID under the Activities/DOP Demand Orders node.

  11. Return to the DOP header. Right-click, click Create DOP Structure, and then click Create Structure. Verify that the DOP structure has been correctly created for the XX–250–G1 part.

  12. In the DOP header, right-click and then click Release. Verify that the background process to release the DOP structure has completed successfully.

  13. Reopen or refresh the Simulation Client.

  14. In the Data Tree window, find the DOP demand order. Right-click and then click Show.

  15. Click Show Relations to see all shop orders associated with the DOP structure.

  16. Hold down the Shift key, and drag the DOP demand order to the object table area of the Gantt Overview pane. All shop orders, along with the DOP demand order, are displayed.

  17. In the Gantt chart, click Plot Settings and then click Plot Settings in the menu that appears. The Settings dialog box appears.

  18. In the Settings/Plot Settings/Extended Information tab, select Shop Order in the Class Name area and then select the Part No and Need Date check boxes in the ToolTip Settings area.

  19. Hold down the Shift key, and move the cursor from one shop order to another in the Gantt chart. As the cursor moves across a shop order, the part number and need date for that shop order appear in a ToolTip.

  20. In the Show area of the Settings/Plot Settings/General tab, select the Precedence Line check box. A line appears indicating the pegged relationships between the shop orders. Close the Settings dialog box.

  21. In the Gantt chart, right-click one of the shop orders in the DOP demand order, and then click Show.

  22. Click Show Relations.

Note: Child shop orders related to this shop order appear in the Preceding Activities window. Parent shop orders fed by this shop order appear in the Succeeding Activities window. The DOP demand orders to which this shop order belongs appear in the Related DOP Orders window.

  1. In the shop order for part XX-250-G10, verify that it has material constraints for parts XX-250-G100 and XX-250-G200. Verify that a material constraint does not exist in the last operation for the part XX-250-G10.

  2. In the shop order for part XX-250-G20, verify that it has a material constraint for part XX-250-G300. Verify that a material constraint does not exist in the last operation for the part XX-250-G20.

  3. In the shop order for part XX-250-G30, verify that it has a material constraint for part XX-250-G400. Verify that a material constraint does not exist in the last operation for the part XX-250-G30.

  4. In the shop order for part XX-250-G1, verify that it does not have material constraints for parts XX-250-G10, XX-250-G20, and XX-250-G30. Verify that a material constraint does not exist in the last operation for the part XX-250-G1.

  5. You can perform scheduling actions on the entire DOP structure. In the Gantt chart, right-click the DOP Demand Order, and then click Unschedule. Click Maintain Resource Assignments.

  6. Right-click the DOP demand order, and then click Scheduling. Click As Late As Possible and Maintain Resource Assignments.

DOP Structures from Customer Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how CBS handles DOP structures created from customer orders.

Customer Order
DOP Header
Simulation Client

  1. Open the Customer Order window, and create a customer order for your customer.
  2. Enter a customer order line for Sales Part XX–250–G1. The supply code is set to DOP Order.
  3. Release the customer order.
  4. Once the background processing has completed, find the DOP ID for this customer order line.
  5. Open the DOP Header window, and query for the DOP ID. The status of the DOP structure is set to Unreleased.
  6. Reopen or refresh the Simulation Client. Find the DOP ID under the DOP Demand Orders node.

  7. Right-click the DOP ID, and click Show.

  8. Click Show Contents to see customer order information for the DOP demand order.

  9. Return to the DOP Header window. In the header portion of the window, right-click and then click Create DOP Structure.

  10. Click the Structure tab. Find the DOP Order for Part XX–250–G30, right-click, and then click Release. You will first need to release the DOP order for the component part of XX–250–G30.

  11. Once the background process has completed, reopen or refresh the Simulation Client.

  12. Find the DOP demand order, and verify that the shop order for Part XX–250–G30 has been created and is related to the DOP ID.

Unpegging Supply for a DOP Order

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to demonstrate the function of the Unpeg Supply option.

DOP Header
DOP Order
Simulation Client

  1. Open the DOP Header window, and query for the DOP ID from the previous exercise.
  2. Click the Structure tab, and find the DOP order ID for Part XX–250–G30.
  3. Right-click and then click DOP Order Detail.
  4. Open the DOP Order window. Click the Supply tab and then the Shop Order tab.
  5. Find the shop order for this DOP order. Right-click the shop order, and then click Unpeg. The shop order is no longer a supply for this DOP order.
  6. Reopen or refresh the Simulation Client, and find the DOP demand order for this DOP ID.
  7. Double-click the DOP demand order, and click Show Relations to verify that the shop order is no longer related to this DOP demand order. Note that the shop order remains in CBS.

DOP Structures from the Capability Check

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to demonstrate how CBS handles DOP structures created from customer orders that went through the Capability Check process.

Customer Order
Simulation Client

  1. Open the Customer Order window, and create a customer order for your customer.
  2. Enter a customer order line for the sales part XX–250–G1. The supply code is set to DOP Order.
  3. Select the customer order line. Right-click, click Capability Check, and then click Run Capability Check. The Capability Check window opens.
  4. Make sure to set the Allocate option to Reserve and Allocate. Click OK.
  5. Review the interim order structure created for this capability check request.
  6. Release the customer order.
  7. Once the background processing has completed, find the DOP structure for this customer order line. The status of the DOP structure is set to Released.
  8. Re-open or refresh the Simulation Client, and verify that the DOP demand order exists in CBS. Review all the shop orders for this DOP structure.