Defining Template Structure—Extended Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define alternate parts and dependencies, and to familiarize yourself with the access control functionality for alternates. The exercise also takes you through on how to change the prime part and on adding a structure position in your own serial structure template for the simplified landing gear. You will also learn to create a new template by importing a product structure, create a template from a branch of an existing template and in the end, and phase out a configuration.  

Required Data

Create Part Revision

Purpose: To define alternate parts you will need some additional part revisions. This exercise will take you through the process of creating part revisions once again, a freshening up of a previous exercise.

Engineering Parts
Engineering Part Revisions
Engineering Part Revision

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Engineering Parts window.
  2. Query (F3) for the parts nX%
  3. Select the record for nX32WHE7002 - Wheel Assy, right-click and then click Create Revision. This opens the Register New Revision wizard.
  4. Create a new revision 1 and enter a short journal note. Important: Do not select the Replace Old Revision check box. Click Finish.
  5. Verify that the new revision has been created.
  6. Do the same for part number nX72ENG7010 - Engine and nX32NLG7001 - Nose Landing Gear
  7. Verify that all your parts and their revisions exist.

Create Template Part

Purpose: In order to change the prime part from an already existing template part you have to specify an alternate that is also a template part. This exercise will take you through the process of creating a new template part once more, a freshening up of a previous exercise.

Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window.
  2. Create a new record (F5) and enter your nX32WHE7002, rev. 1.
  3. Save the information (F12).
  4. Click on the window header, right-click and click Copy Template Structure. A copying wizard opens up.
  5. Specify Template Part Number nX32WHE7002 and Template Part Revision *. Specify Structure Position TEMPLATE and select the Position Alternates, Template Alternates, Dependencies and Functions check boxes.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. Click the Multilevel tab and examine the complete structure of the Wheel Assy.
  8. Right-click on window header, point to Status, and then click Set Active.  Note: This operation is irreversible.
  9. Click the General tab and verify that the Structure Status field displays Active.

Main Exercises

Define Position Alternate

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define alternates that can be used in a specific position in a structure. You are going to define revision * and revision 1 as mutually interchangeable revisions of the nX32WHE7002 - Wheel.

Prerequisite: The key lessons for template structure must be completed.

Serial Structure Template
Engineering Part Revision

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window. 
  2. Query (F3) for Part Number and Template Part Number nX32NLG7001.
  3. Click the Alternates/Position Alternates tab.
  4. Create a new record (F5) and find the structure position where the revision * of part nX32WHE7002 is currently installed.
  5. Indicate that revision 1 of the same part number is two-way interchangeable.
  6. Save the information (F12).

Define Template Alternate

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define alternate parts that can be used in a structure. You are going to define:

  1. Revision * and revision 1 as mutually interchangeable revisions of the nX72ENG7010 - Engine 

  2. Part nX72ENG7010 rev * as one way interchangeable with part X72ENG7010  rev * 

  3. Part X72TUR7018 rev * as qualified interchangeable with part X72TUR7019 rev * (make sure to specify an approval template - preferably VIM).

Prerequisite: The key lessons for template structure must be completed.

Serial Structure Template
Engineering Part Revision

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window. 
  2. Query (F3) for Part Number and Template Part Number nX747-900.
  3. Click the Alternates/Template Alternates tab.
  4. Create 3 new records according to the information above.
  5. Save the information (F12).

Analyze Access Control on Alternates  

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to help you get familiarized with the handling of access control on alternate parts and structures. The access control for alternate parts are handled alike irrespective of whether it is a position alternate or template alternate.

Prerequisites: The main exercises above must have been completed.

Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window. 
  2. Query (F3) for the alternate part number nX32WHE7002, revision 1 that you created.
  3. Click the Part Access tab. In this window you can view the access groups received from the part nX747-900. 
  4. Repeat the same for the template alternates you have created in the Define Template Alternate exercise. 

Define Dependencies

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define dependencies in a structure. In the previous exercises you have defined different alternates for the engine. You are now going to define dependencies between the two engines. If engine alternate X32ENG7010 rev * is used in one position, the other engine position requires the same engine installed.

Prerequisite: The previous exercise must have been completed.

Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window. 
  2. Query (F3) for Part Number and Template Part Number nX747-900.
  3. Click the Dependencies tab.
  4. Create a new record and find the structure position where the revision * of part nX72ENG7010 is currently installed.
  5. Enter Master Part Installed and Master Part Rev Installed.
  6. Enter Dependency Type: Required.
  7. Enter Dependency Requirement: Mandatory.
  8. Find the structure position for the other engine.
  9. Enter Dependent Part Installed and Dependent Part Rev Installed.
  10. Save the record (F12).

Change Prime Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to change the prime part of a structure position. You are going to change prime part nX32WHE7002 rev * with the alternate part nX32WHE7002 rev 1 since this is the part used in most serial structures.

Prerequisite: The key lessons for template structure must be completed.

Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window. 
  2. Query (F3) for Part Number and Template Part Number nX32NLG7001.
  3. Select the row for part nX32WHE7002 - Wheel Assy.
  4. Right-click and click Change Prime Part.
  5. Specify Part No and Rev. Click List to select valid values.
  6. Click OK.

Add Structure Position

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to add two structure positions. There has been some internal requirements to further detail the configuration of the aircraft and thereby get better control. You are going to add two positions for a Hydraulic Pressure Indicator, define alternates and dependencies between the two positions.

Prerequisite: The key lessons for template structure must have been completed.

Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window. 
  2. Query (F3) for Part Number and Template Part Number nX747-900.
  3. Click the Consist of tab. 
  4. Right-click and then click Add Structure Position
  5. Enter the following data:
        Structure Position: 105
        Part Number: X32HYD7020
        Position: 40
        Quantity: 1
        Sorting Code: 40
        Life Limited Part: Not Life Limited
        Is part of the Minimum Configuration: Not selected
        Create as separate template?: Not selected
        Grant access to not installed serials?: Not selected
  6. Click OK.
  7. Repeat the same for the other Hydraulic pressure indicator.
  8. Enter the following data:
        Structure Position: 106
        Part Number: X32HYD7020
        Position: 50
        Quantity: 1
        Sorting Code: 50
        Life Limited Part: Not Life Limited
        Is part of the Minimum Configuration: Not selected
        Create as separate template?: Not selected
        Grant access to not installed serials?: Not selected
  9. Click OK.
  10. Before the new structure positions will have any effect on the serial structures, it must change status to Active. Select the created records, right-click, point to Status, and then click Set Active.

Define revision * and revision 1 as mutually interchangeable revisions of the X32HYD7020 - Hydraulic Pressure Indicator.

  1. Click the Alternates/Template Alternates tab.
  2. Create 1 new record according to the information above
  3. Save the information (F12).

Define dependencies between the new parts.

  1. Click the Dependencies tab.
  2. Create a new record and find the first structure position where the revision * of part X32HYD7020 is currently installed.
  3. Enter Master Part Installed and Master Part Rev Installed.
  4. Enter Dependency Type: Required.
  5. Enter Dependency Requirement: Mandatory.
  6. Find the structure position for the other hydraulic pressure indicator.
  7. Enter Dependent Part Installed: X32HYD7020 and Dependent Part Rev Installed: *.
  8. Save the record (F12).

Import Product Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a template structure by importing a product structure. When you are going to build a new template structure which has some similarities with an existing product structure, importing an existing structure is an effective way to get started with the new structure. You are going to import a product structure for your Nose Landing Gear. To build a template structure, you must have a template part, which we will create before importing the product structure.

Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window.
  2. Click the Part Number field in the window header, create a new record and specify X32NLG7001, revision 0n. 
  3. Save the information (F12).
  4. Right-click and then click Import Product Structure.
  5. Enter Start Str. Position.
  6. Make sure that check box Split Product Structure into several Templates is not selected.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click the Consist Of tab to make sure that the product structure has been imported.

Create Template from Sub Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a template structure from a branch of an existing template structure. You are going to create a template structure for the Leg Assembly X32LEG7004, rev 0n that you just imported in the previous exercise.

Prerequisite: The previous exercise must have been  completed.

Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window. 
  2. Query (F3) for Part Number and Template Part Number X32NLG7001, revision 0n.
  3. Click the Consist Of tab and observe the structure. Make sure that the check box Configured in Separate Template is not selected.
  4. Select the row containing the part number X32LEG7004, right-click, and then click Create Template from Sub Structure.
  5. Verify that the information is correct and all the check boxes you want to use are selected.
  6. Click Finish to create the template.
  7. Verify that the check box Configured in Separate Template is selected. A template is created which can be used in other template structures.
  8. Right-click on window header, point to Status, and then click Set Active.  Note: This operation is irreversible.
  9. Click the General tab and verify that the Structure Status field displays Active.
  10. Your template structure is now ready to build serial structure upon.

Phase Out a Configuration

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to phase out a configuration. You are going to create a new revision for your Nose Landing Gear structure, copy your old template structure into this new structure and then set your old structure to obsolete.

Prerequisite: The previous exercise must have been been completed.

Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Engineering Parts window.
  2. Query (F3) for your part X32NLG7001, rev 0n. 
  3. Select the record, right-click and then click Create Revision. This opens the Register New Revision wizard.
  4. Create a new revision 10n. Important: Do not select the Replace Old Revision check box.
  5. Open the Serial Structure Template window.
  6. Click the Part Number field in the window header, create a new record and specify your X32NLG7001, rev. 10n. 
  7. Save the information (F12).
  8. Click on the window header, right-click and click Copy Template Structure menu selection. A copying wizard opens up.
  9. Specify Template Part Number X32NLG7001 and Template Part Revision 0n. Specify Structure Position TEMPLATE. 
  10. Click Finish.
  11. The sub-structure of the nose landing gear appears under tab Multilevel. Verify the structure by going up and down in the structure.
  12. Right-click on window header, point to Status, and then click Set Active.
  13. Query (F3) for Part Number and Template Part Number X32NLG7001, revision 0n.
  14. Right-click on window header, point to Status, and then click Set Obsolete. The Set Structure Obsolete dialog box opens.
  15. Do not select the Set All Levels, including template parts check box.
  16. Click OK.