Defining Template Structure—Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to build your own serial structure template for the simplified landing gear.

Required Data

Create Template Part

Purpose: To build a template structure, you must have a template part, which in this case an aircraft of type Boeing 747-900. This exercise will take you through the process of creating a new VIM part once more, a good fresh-up of the previous exercise.

Engineering Parts
Engineering Part Revision
Serial Parts
Serial Part Revisions
Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Engineering Parts window.
  2. Create a new part according to the data given in the following table:
    Part Number Part rev. Std. name Part
    Part Class Current Revision UoM After Del
    Ser Track
    Serial Track Provide Code
    nX747-900 * Aircraft 747 Budget version AC * PCS Serial Tracking Serial Tracking Buy
  3. Select the newly created part, right-click and click Part. The Part window opens with your parts available. Open the Part Manufacturer tab and enter the manufacturer data listed below for your part number.
    Part No Part Description Manufacturer
    Part No
    nX747-900 747 Budget version V81205 B747-900 Yes
  4. Open the Serial Parts window and query (F3) for your newly created part. Supply serial part information:
Part Number Part Description Vehicle Part Life Limited Part
nX747-900 747 Budget version Checked Not Life Limited
  1. Right-click and then click Serial Part. Click the Operational Parameters tab. Register the following additional data:
Part Number Oper Param Primary Oper Param Life Limit Tracking
nX747-900 FHR Checked Not Checked
  1. Click the Maint Group tab. Register the following additional data:
Part Number Maint Group Description Average Value Rule Preferred Maint Group
nX747-900 * Default Manual Checked
  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window.
  2. Click the Part Number field in the window header, create new record and specify your nX747-900, rev. *. 
  3. Save the information (F12).

Main Exercises

Create Template Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to create a template structure for a simplified landing gear for a nX747-900 aircraft by using the part revisions that you have created in previous exercises.

Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window.
  2. Query (F3) for your Template Part Number nX747-900, Template Revision *. 
  3. Click the Consist Of tab and create a new record (F5). Specify your nX32NLG7001 - Nose Landing Gear, rev. *.
  4. Make sure to select both the Configured in Separate Template and Minimum Configuration check boxes.
  5. Save the information (F12).
  6. Select the newly created record, right-click and then click Next Level menu option to enable entering the next structure level of your Nose Landing Gear.
  7. Create a new record, and query for nX32LEG7004 - Leg Assy, rev. * in the List of Values.
  8. Set Pos 1, select the Configured in Separate Template check box, and the Minimum Configuration check box, and set Quantity to 1.
  9. Save the information (F12).
  10. Create a new record and query for nX32AXL7003 - Wheel Axle, rev. * in the List of Values.
  11. Set Pos 2, do not select the Configured in Separate Template check box but make sure to select the Minimum Configuration check box.
  12. Save the information (F12).
  13. This completes the 1st level of the structure, and you are ready to define level 2 of the Leg Assembly:
  14. Select the nX32LEG7004 - Leg Assembly right-click and click Next Level menu selection.
  15. Click the Consist Of tab, and create new records using the information entered in the following table:
    Part Number Part Description Part Revision Pos Configured in Separate Templ. Minimum Config Quantity
    nX32CYL7005 Outer Cylinder * 3 Not Checked Checked 1
    nX32CYL7007 Inner Cylinder * 3 Not Checked Checked 1
    nX32SEL7011 Seal Kit * 3 Not Checked Checked 1
    nX32LNK7009 Scissor Link * 7 Not Checked Checked 1
    nX32HDF7005 Hydraulic Fluid * 3 Not Checked Checked 2
  16. Save the information (F12).

Copy Template Structure - 1

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to copy an existing template structure into another template structure. The situation is that your landing gear still has no wheel, but landing wheels used in other template structure (aircraft X747-900) can also be used on your landing gear. Instead of creating a new wheel structure, you are going to copy the Wheel Assy structure into your Nose Landing Gear structure. 

Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window.
  2. Query (F3) for the X747-900 aircraft template (template part)
  3. Click the Multilevel tab and examine the Wheel Assy. This is the wheel that you want to copy.
  4. Query (F3) for your own template nX32NLG7001 in the window header. In the Consist Of tab you see the Leg Assy and the Axle on level 1 that you registered in the previous exercise.
  5. Create a new record on level 1 and enter Part Number nX32WHE7002, Rev *. Select the Configured in Separate Template check box and the Minimum Configuration check box. Set Quantity to 1.
  6. Save the information (F12).
  7. Select the nX32WHE7002 record, right-click and then click Next Level menu selection. The Wheel Assy now appears in the window header.
  8. Click on the window header, right-click and click Copy Template Structure menu selection. A copying wizard opens up.
  9. Specify Template Part Number X32WHE7002 and Template Part Revision *. Specify Structure Position TEMPLATE and select the Position Alternates, Template Alternates, Dependencies and Functions check boxes.
  10. Click the Finish button.
  11. The sub-structure of the Wheel Assy appears.
  12. Click the Multilevel tab. Select the nX32NLG7001 in the window header and examine the complete structure of the Nose Landing Gear now including the Wheel Assy.

Copy Template Structure - 2

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to copy an existing structure template into a new template. Now you are going to build your own aircraft template structure. Your aircraft nX747-900 is very simple as it has only 3 main modules: A Nose Landing Gear and two Engines. Identical engines are used in another structure. Therefore, you will use the Copy Template Structure function to copy Engines from another aircraft structure.  

Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window.
  2. Query (F3) for your Template Part Number nX747-900, Template Revision *.
  3. Click the Consist Of tab, create a new record (F5) and specify Part Number nX72ENG7010. Select the Configured in Separate Template check box and the Minimum Configuration check box. Set Quantity to 1 and save.
  4. Repeat step 3, but give the second engine another Pos. (Two identical part/rev. in one structure need to have different positions.)
  5. Select one of the engines, right-click and then click Next Level. You are ready to copy the structure for the engine.
  6. Execute menu selection Copy Template Structure. In the wizard specify Template Part Number X72ENG7010 and Template Part Revision *. Specify Structure Position TEMPLATE and select the Position Alternates, Template Alternates, Dependencies and Functions check boxes.
  7. Click the Finish button.
  8. Observe that you now have completed the configuration of both the engines. In your aircraft you have two identical engines that have the same configuration (the same template structure).
  9. Now you have a complete aircraft template structure.

Use of Life Limited Part in Template Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to define a life limited part (LLP) in the template structure for your nX72ENG7010 engine. In the previous exercise you copied the template structure from engine X72ENG7010. We will now replace the compressor part copied from the other template, with the life limited compressor part that you created in the Create Serial Part lesson.

Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window.
  2. Query (F3) for your Template Part Number nX747-900, Template Revision *. 
  3. Select one of the engines, right-click and then click Next Level.
  4. Click the Consist Of tab.
  5. Select part X72COM7013 in structure position 101 and remove the record.
  6. Create a new record (F5) and specify:
    Structure Position: 101
    Part Number: nX72COM7013
    Configured in Separate Template: not selected
    Minimum Configuration: selected
    Quantity: 1
    Pos: 10
    Life Limited Part: Life Limited
  7. Save the record (F12).

Using the Template - Consist Of

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to use the Consist Of tab to navigate in a template structure to see parts on each level of a structure.

Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window
  2. Query (F3) for your nX32NLG7001 Nose Landing Gear
  3. Click the Consist Of tab.
  4. Now you see sub-structure on level 1 of the Landing Gear
  5. Select the nX32LEG7004 - Leg Assy, right click and click the Next Level menu function.
  6. Now your see the sub-structure of the Leg Assy. On this level you also see non-serialized parts.
  7. Right click and click the Previous Level menu function. 
  8. Select the nX32AXL7003 - Wheel Axle, right click and click the Next Level menu function.
  9. Does the axle have a sub-structure ? (No)
  10. Right click and click the Previous Level menu function.
  11. Select the nX32WHE7002 - Wheel Assy and verify that the sub-structure has been copied

Using the Template - Multilevel

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to use the Multilevel tab to navigate in a template structure to see parts on each level of a structure.

Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window
  2. Query (F3) for your nX747-900 aircraft
  3. Click the Multilevel tab.
  4. Now you see the complete structure of the aircraft. Structure Level is indicated by +.1, +2.., +3.., etc.
  5. Right click and then click the Up and Down menu functions to list structure levels above vs. below a selected level.

Using the Template Structure Navigator

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to use the Template Structure Navigator to work with graphical template structures.

Template Structure Navigator

  1. Open the Template Structure Navigator window
  2. Query (F3) for your nX747-900 aircraft
  3. The graphical structure shows the 2 highest levels of the structure.
  4. Click the + and - icon to expand and collapse levels in the structure.
  5. Click a part on any level and you will see miscellaneous data available on the tabs in the right part of the window.
  6. In the left part of the Template Structure Navigator you can modify the structure by drag-and-drop part and/or sub-structures within the structure. In the Consist Of tab on right side, you may create new parts in the structure.

Make Template Structure Active

Purpose: As the template structure of Nose Landing Gear is now complete, you are ready to set the structure template to Active.

Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window
  2. Query (F3) for your nX747-900 aircraft
  3. Right-click on window header, point to Status, and then click Set Active.Note: This operation is irreversible.
  4. Click the General tab and verify that the State field displays Active.
  5. Your template structure is now ready to build serial structure upon.

Spread Access Rights on Template Structure 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to extend (spread) access to the parts and serials of a template structure. In this lesson we will spread the access rights that have been defined in basic data exercises on your nX747-900 aircraft. 

Serial Structure Template
Template Structure Navigator

Prerequisites: Your template structure must have been created and set to Active.

Steps: To complete this exercise perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window.
  2. Query (F3) for your nX747-900 aircraft structure.
  3. Right-click anywhere on the header of the window and click Spread Access Rights to Parts and Serials. The Spread Access Rights to Parts and Serials dialog box will open with your template part information.
  4. Since we need to extend access to all parts on all levels (including alternates) of the selected template structure, select the Grant option.
  5. Select your access group nMAINTPROVIDER from the Access Group ID list. In the table of this dialog box, all belonging serials of the template will appear. Make sure that the Implement For check box is selected for all given records before saving.
  6. Click Apply to save your changes.
  7. Select the access group SYSOWN from the Access Group ID list.
  8. Click Apply to save your changes and OK to close the dialog box. View the access rights you have defined for your template structure on the Serial Structure Template/Part Access tab.