Create Global Solution—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Support Organization Basic Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Support Organization Basic Data

  1. Define a support organization.
  2. Define a work group, assignee (yourself), queue (with yourself as an assignee), case user group, business object and business object queue for the support organization.

 General exercise for Support Organization Basic Data

Basic Data for Case

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Case Basic Data

  1. Define basic data for case

General exercise for Case Basic Data

Required Data

Create Case

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a case from which you will create a global solution.

New Case Assistant
New Case Issue

  1. Create a case.

General exercise for Create Case 

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to create a global solution. A global solution is a case independent generic solution which can be referred when solving new cases.

Call Center Analyst /Global Solution

Create Global Solution from Case

  1. Open the Case window and query for a case you created.
  2. Right click and click Create Global Solution.
  3. Enter Solution for Mechanical Error in the Solution Title field.
  4. Enter This solution is for a mechanical error due to....., in the Our Solution Description field.
  5. Enter The resolution for this error is.. in the Our Solution Resolution field.
  6. Use List to select your solution work folder in the Solution Work Folder field.
  7. Click OK.

Note Create another case and enter information in the Description tab, using the Our Description and Our Resolution buttons. Create a global solution as above. The global solution will inherit the information entered for the case.

Create Global Solution from the Global Solution window

  1. Open the Global Solution window and create a new record (F5).
  2. Enter Test Global Solution in the Title field.
  3. Save the record. (F12)
  4. Select Publish Externally in the Publish Type field.
  5. Select a category that you created when defining basic data for a case in the Category field.
  6. Click the Description tab, click the upper text area and create a new record. (F5) (The Description button is selected by default)
  7. Enter Description of Global Solution, in the upper text area.
  8. Click on the lower text area and create a new record. (F5)
  9. Enter Resolution of Global Solution, in the lower text area. (The Resolution button is selected by default)
  10. Save the record.(F12)

Accept Global Solution

  1. Right click on the Global Solution window and click Accept. The Accept Case dialog box is opened.
  2. Enter Accepted in the Comments/Request field and click OK.

Define Business Object for Global Solution

  1. Click the Business Objects tab and double click on the table below to create a new record.
  2. Select the business object you defined (when entering basic data for support organization) in the Business Object field.
  3. Select values for fields in the Business Object Selection dialog box which is opened.
  4. Use List to select the values that you defined.
  5. Click OK.

View Connected Cases

  1. Click the Case Overview tab.
  2. Select any combination of check boxes and click Refresh to view cases connected to the present case. 

View Global Solution Journal

  1. Click the Journal tab.
  2. Select different combinations of check boxes, click Refresh and read through the journal entries that the system has entered for the particular case.

Dispatch Global Solution

  1. Right click on the Global Solution window and click Dispatch. The Dispatch Solution dialog box is opened.
  2. In the Organization field, use List to select the organization you defined and in the Queue field use List to select the queue you defined for that organization (a queue with yourself as an assignee).
  3. Enter Dispatched, in the Comments/Request field.
  4. Click OK.

Reject Global Solution

  1. Right click on the Global Solution window and click Reject. The Reject Solution dialog box is opened.
  2. Enter Rejected, in the Comments/Request field.
  3. Click OK.

Complete Global Solution

Note You must first perform the activity Accept Solution again, before you can complete the solution.

  1. Right click on the Global Solution window and click Complete. The Complete Global Solution dialog box is opened.
  2. Enter Completed, in the Comments field.
  3. Click OK.

Approve Global Solution

  1. Right click on the Global Solution window and click Approve. The Approve Solution dialog box is opened.
  2. Enter Approved, in the Comments field.
  3. Click OK.

Reopen Global Solution

  1. Right click on the Global Solution window and click Re-Open. The Re-Open Solution dialog box is opened.
  2. Enter Reopened, in the Comments/Request field.
  3. Click OK.

Close/Cancel Global Solution

  1. Right click on the Global Solution window and click Close or Cancel. A dialog box is opened.
  2. Enter Closed or Canceled, in the Comments/Request field.
  3. Click OK.