Setting Up Warehousing—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to show you how to set up warehousing.

Warehouse Task Basic Data

To be able to use the warehousing functionality, some basic data has to be entered.

Setting Up Warehouse Task Type

  1. Open the Warehouse Task Basic Data/Warehouse Task Type Setup tab and populate. You can see all the user-connected sites with default data for task types. Select your site XXIPR.
  2. Change the task type to Transport Task and status to Active.
  3. Enter the following values:
Field Value
Default Prio... 2
Warehouse Task will... Planned
Task line planned Execution Time 3
Default Requested... 5
  1. Save the record.
  2. Repeat the steps 1 through 3 for customer order pick list task.

Setting Up Warehouse Worker Group

  1. Click the Warehouse Worker Groups tab and create a new record.
  2. The default site will appear. Enter XXTR in the Worker Group field, Team Racing as the worker group description and the Calendar ID US5.
  3. Save the record. Task types are shown with the default data.
  4. On the Task Type tab change the customer order pick list status to Active, set planned time share to 50 and planned efficiency rate to 1.
  5. Click the Location Group tab and create a new record.
  6. Enter the location group that connected workers are working on and choose the picking area you have created earlier. Enter 100 in the Effective Time Share field, and select Active status.

Note: You can enter all location groups at once by right-clicking and then clicking Add All Location Groups.

Creating Warehouse Worker Records

  1. Click the Warehouse Worker tab and create a new record. Use the List of Values to select yourself as the warehouse worker.
  2. Enter site XXIPR, your worker group XXTR, team racing, and start date as today's date (i.e., the system date). The end date can be left blank. Calendar ID US5 is fetched from the worker group. Save the record. Then you can see that the Task Type tab is filled with all the task types and, the planned time share, efficiency rate, status are fetched from the worker group.
  3. Select the task type Transport Task, enter the planned time share 50, planned efficiency rate 1 and set to Active status. Save the record.
  4. Click the Location Group tab.
  5. The location group entered in the Worker Group tab is shown here.
  6. Save the record.