Executing Warehousing Tasks—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Inventory Locations

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for using the warehouse functionality.

Inventory Locations

  1. Open the Inventory Locations window and create inventory locations of these types: Arrival, Quality Assurance, and Picking.

General exercise for Entering Inventory Locations

Purchase/Inventory/Sales Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create part data entries necessary when using the warehousing functionality.

New Part Assistant

  1. Create XX-58-401 as a purchased, inventory, and sales part by using the New Part Assistant. Use supplier 5000.

General exercise for Purchased Inventory Part
General exercise for Stored Sales Part

Required Data

Receiving Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running the warehousing functionality.

  1. Open the Receive Inventory Part window, and search for your part.
  2. Receive a sufficient quantity to the picking location.

General exercise for Receive Inventory Part

Creating Warehouse Tasks

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running the warehousing functionality.


Note: An alternative to using Quick Order Flow Handling to create warehouse tasks is to create an order type that is set up to stop after the Create Pick List step. Using priority reservations will speed up the process even further.

  1. Create several customer orders with varying quantities per line, as well as varying delivery dates.
  2. Process your orders until your pick lists are created.

General exercise for Customer Order

Planning and Releasing Warehouse Tasks

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running the warehousing functionality.

  1. Open the Warehouse Manager Task Planning window to plan and release tasks.

General exercise for Planning Warehousing Tasks

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to execute warehouse tasks.

My Warehouse Task
Warehouse Task
Archived Reports

The warehouse manager has made the load planning, and released the first batch of tasks. Your job is to start, execute, and report tasks using the My Warehouse Task window.

Execute Tasks from My Warehouse Task window

  1. Open the My Warehouse Task window. Query for your worker ID. Upper table shows all the tasks assigned to you. Once you select a task, you can see a short description on the bottom table.
  2. Click Start Next Task. Start task appears on the top line.
  3. After the physical picking, report your task as completed.
  4. Click Complete Task. This option will report the picking of the complete order. Completed tasks will disappear from the window.
  5. Once you have completed all the assigned tasks, the New Task option gets enabled.
  6. Click New Task. It will assign a new task to you.

Note: When a worker use this window to execute a warehouse task It is not possible to do any changes in the picking quantity or the picking location.

Execute Tasks from Warehouse Task window

  1. Open the Warehouse Task window. Right-click and then click Start New Warehouse Task.
  2. Start a new task for site your site, and your worker ID.
  3. With the cursor in the header part of the Customer Order Pick List tab, right-click and click Print Pick List.
  4. Open the Archived Reports window. Print the pick list that would be used by a warehouse worker when they physically pick the items listed.
  5. After the physical picking, report your findings.
  6. Right-click, then click Report Picking. This option will report the picking of the complete order.
  7. To pick-report individual order lines, select the line and select the appropriate right mouse button option, as described in the next steps.
  8. The Report picking from selected locations option will report the selected line only. Change the quantity to reflect the quantity actually picked.
  9. The Create reservations on another location option is the method to report that you have picked from a location other than what is stated on the pick list.
  10. Once you have reported all lines, you can start the next task in line.