Handling Serial and Lot/Batch Numbering—Exercises

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running serial and lot batch tracking.

Inventory Location

Inventory Locations

  1. Create a picking location.

General exercise for Entering Inventory Locations

Entering Supplier

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the supplier required for running this particular functionality.


  1. Copy the supplier 5010 and give it the ID XX-5010, replacing XX with your initials.

General exercise for Supplier Basic Data.

Entering Inventory Parts Serial Handled in Inventory

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up a part that is serial handled in inventory, required for running this particular functionality.

Inventory Part
Supplier for Purchase Part

  1. Open the Inventory Part window.
  2. Create XX38-797 Brakes as an inventory part.
  3. Enter a picking location on the inventory part as a default location.
  4. Make sure that the unit of measure is PCS on the General tab, and that the planning method on the Planning Data tab is any value other than T, O, or K.
  5. Fill in other required information and save the record.
  6. Open the Part window and query for your part.
  7. Set up the conditions for serial tracking by selecting the In Inventory, At Receipt and Issue, and After Delivery Serial Tracking check boxes. Specify Manual as the serial rule, and save the record.
  8. The part should be bought from supplier XX-5010. Make sure the receive case is Receive into Inventory.
  9. Return to the Inventory Part window.
  10. Create XX28-654 Engine as an inventory part.
  11. Enter a picking location on the inventory part as a default location.
  12. Make sure that the unit of measure is PCS on the General tab, and that the planning method on the Planning Data tab is any value other than T, O, or K.
  13. Open the Part window and query for your part.
  14. Set up the part to be serial tracked in inventory and select Automatic as the serial rule.
  15. The part should be bought from supplier XX-5010. Make sure the receive case is Receive into Inventory.

General exercise for Manufactured Inventory Part
General exercise for Purchased Inventory Part
General exercise for Part Catalog

Note: Parts can be both serial-tracked and lot batch tracked. For the purposes of these exercises, these two tracking options are covered separately.

Entering Inventory Parts Serial Handled At Receipt and Issue

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up a part that is serial handled at receipt and issue, required for running this particular functionality.

Inventory Part
Supplier for Purchase Part

  1. Open the Inventory Part window.
  2. Create XX38-798 Brakes as an inventory part.
  3. Enter a picking location on the inventory part as a default location.
  4. Make sure that the unit of measure is PCS on the General tab, and that the planning method on the Planning Data tab is any value other than T, O, or K.
  5. Fill in other required information and save the record.
  6. Open the Part window and query for your part.
  7. Set up the conditions for serial tracking by selecting the At Receipt and Issue and After Delivery Serial Tracking check boxes. Do not select the In Inventory check box. Specify Manual as the serial rule, and save the record.
  8. The part should be bought from supplier XX-5010. Make sure the receive case is Receive into Inventory.
  9. Return to the Inventory Part window.
  10. Create XX28-655 Engine as an inventory part.
  11. Enter a picking location on the inventory part as a default location.
  12. Make sure that the unit of measure is PCS on the General tab, and that the planning method on the Planning Data tab is any value other than T, O, or K.
  13. Open the Part window and query for your part.
  14. Set up the part to be serial tracked at receipt and issue, and select Automatic as the serial rule.
  15. The part should be bought from supplier XX-5010. Make sure the receive case is Receive into Inventory.

General exercise for Manufactured Inventory Part
General exercise for Purchased Inventory Part
General exercise for Part Catalog

Note: Parts can be both serial-tracked and lot batch tracked. For the purposes of these exercises, these two tracking options are covered separately.

Entering Lot/Batch Handled Inventory Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the lot/batch handled parts required for running this particular functionality.

Inventory Part
Supplier for Purchase Part

  1. Open the Inventory Part window.
  2. Create XX98-325 Rubber as an inventory part.
  3. Enter a picking location on the inventory part as a default location.
  4. Make sure that the unit of measure is PCS on the General tab, and that the planning method on the Planning Data tab is any value other than T, O, or K.
  5. Fill in other required information and save the record.
  6. Open the Part window and query for your part.
  7. Set up the conditions for lot tracking by selecting Lot Tracking from the Lot/Batch Tracking list. For this exercise, make sure that neither the Inventory Serial Tracking nor the After Delivery Serial Tracking check box is selected, then save the record.
  8. The part should be bought from supplier XX-5010. Make sure the receive case is Receive into Inventory.
  9. Return to the Inventory Part window and create XX-58-585 Wheel 185/55R15 as an inventory part.
  10. Enter a picking location on the inventory part as default location.
  11. Make sure that the unit of measure is PCS on the General tab, and that the planning method on the Planning Data tab is any value other than T, O, or K.
  12. Fill in other required information and save the record.
  13. Open the Part window and query for your part.
  14. Select Order Based from the Lot/Batch Tracking list and save the record.
  15. The part should be bought from supplier XX-5010. Make sure the receive case is Receive into Inventory.

General exercise for Manufactured Inventory Part
General exercise for Purchased Inventory Part
General exercise for Part Catalog

Note: Parts can be both serial-tracked and lot batch tracked. For the purposes of these exercises, these two tracking options are covered separately.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to understand how you can work with serial handled parts and lot/batch handled parts.

Receive Inventory Part
Purchase Order
Register Purchase Order Arrivals
Part Serials

Using Automatically Generated Serial Numbers

Receiving into Inventory

  1. In the Receive Inventory Part window, query for the inventory part XX28-654, and enter 10 as the quantity received.
  2. Save your changes. A window appears with the default serial number(s). If required, you can change the default values.
  3. Click OK to accept.
  4. Repeat step 1-3 for inventory part XX28-655.
  5. Open the Inventory Part In Stock window and query for part XX28-654 and XX28-655. How many serial numbers can be found for part XX28-654? What is the serial number for part XX28-655? Why is there a difference between part XX28-654 and XX28-655?
  6. Open the Part Serials window and query for part XX28-654 and XX28-655. How many different serial numbers can be found for part XX28-654 and XX28-655 respectively? Is there a difference? If not, why?

Receiving Purchased Parts into Inventory

Our company wants to buy a quantity of 20 of part XX28-654 and 20 of part XX28-655 from supplier XX-5010.

  1. Create a purchase order.
  2. Release the order and make a note of the order number.
  3. Query for the order in the Register Purchase Order Arrivals window.
  4. Receive the order by right-clicking on the order lines and then clicking Receive Order with Serials.

Using Manually Entered Serial Numbers

Receiving into Inventory

  1. Open the Receive Inventory Part window.
  2. Query for the  inventory part XX38-797, and enter the appropriate number received.
  3. Save your changes. Another window appears.
  4. Set the serial number(s) or sequence.
  5. Repeat step 2-4 for inventory part XX38-798.

Receiving Purchased Parts into Inventory

Our company wants to buy a quantity of 10 of part XX38-797 and 10 of part XX38-798 from supplier XX-5010.

  1. Create a purchase order for part XX38-797 and XX38-798 and release it. Make a note of the order number.
  2. Query for the order in the Register Purchase Order Arrivals window.
  3. Receive the order by right-clicking on the order lines and then clicking Receive Order with Serials.
  4. Enter a sequence with prefix and suffix for the first five pieces of part XX38-797. Enter the remaining five serial numbers manually, and save.
  5. Repeat step 4 for part XX38-798.
  6. Open the Part Serials window. What is the operational status of the parts?

Using Manually Entered Lot/Batch Numbers

Receiving into Inventory

  1. In the Receive Inventory Part window, query for the inventory part XX98-325, and enter the appropriate number received.
  2. Enter the lot/batch number in the appropriate column.

Receiving Purchased Parts into Inventory

Our company wants to buy a quantity of 50 of part XX98-325 from supplier XX-5010.

  1. Create a purchase order and release it. Make a note of the order number.
  2. Query for the order in the Register Purchase Order Arrivals window.
  3. Receive the parts into one inventory location by right-clicking and then clicking Receive Order.
  4. Add the lot/batch number in the appropriate column and print an arrival report. What lot/batch number is stated on the report?

Using Automatically Generated Lot/Batch Numbers

Our company wants to buy a quantity of 30 of part XX-58-585 from supplier XX-5010.

  1. Create a purchase order and release it. Make a note of the order number and the order line.
  2. Query for the order in the Register Purchase Order Arrivals window.
  3. Receive the parts into one inventory location by right-clicking and then clicking Receive Order.
  4. Print an arrival report. Compare the lot/batch number on the report with the number on the order and the order line.