Enter Warehouse Structure—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Entering Site

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a site where a warehouse structure can be defined.


  1. If you do not already have any sites, create a site.

General exercise for Site

Entering Inventory Locations

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create location groups to use in your warehouse structure.

Inventory Locations Groups

  1. If you do not already have any, create a location group.

Note: Do not create inventory locations; the locations will be created when the warehouse structure is created.

General exercise for Entering Inventory Locations 

Entering Inventory Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter the inventory parts needed to perform the main exercise.

Inventory Part

  1. Create a purchased inventory part according to the table below:
Inventory Part Inventory Part Description

General exercise for Purchased Inventory Part 

Main Exercise

Enter Warehouses Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define a warehouse structure on a site, according to the physical layout.

Warehouse Navigator
Warehouse Navigator/Bays
Warehouse Navigator/Rows
Warehouse Navigator/Tiers
Warehouse Navigator/Locations

  1. Open the Warehouse Navigator window.
  2. Search for your site.
  3. Click on the Warehouses tab.
  4. Enter warehouses for the site according to the table below and save. Verify that the warehouses are added to the navigator.
Warehouse Warehouse Description
XXPICK Picking
  1. Click on the XXPICK warehouse in the navigator.
  2. Click on the Bays tab.
  3. Enter bays for the warehouse according to the table below and save. Verify that the bays are added to the navigator.
Bay Bay Description
A Bay A
B Bay B
C Bay C
  1. Click on Bay A in the XXPICK warehouse in the navigator.
  2. Click on the Rows tab.
  3. Enter rows for the bay according to the table below and save. Verify that the rows are added to the navigator.
Row Row Description
1 Row 1
2 Row 2
3 Row 3
4 Row 4
5 Row 5
  1. Click on Bay A in the XXPICK warehouse in the navigator.
  2. Click on the Tiers tab.
  3. Enter tiers for the bay according to the table below and save. Verify that the tiers are added to the navigator.
Tier Tier Description
1 Tier 1
2 Tier 2
3 Tier 3
  1. Click on Row 1 in Bay A in the XXPICK warehouse in the navigator.
  2. Click on the Locations tab.
  3. Enter a bin/location with Tier 1, Bin 1 and a location group with the location type Picking and save. The sequence number is displayed by default, as the location number, but can be changed if required. You have now created one location with a location number in your warehouse structure. Verify that the bin/location is added to the navigator.

Note: Row and tier are on the same level i.e., a created bin can be seen in the row and in tier, with a reference to each.

Note: Locations can be added on any level in the warehouse structure depending on how many levels you need in the structure.

Copy Warehouse Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how the same warehouse structure can be copied when you have a homogeneous structure.

Warehouse Navigator/Rows
Warehouse Navigator/Tiers
Warehouse Navigator/Bays
Warehouse Navigator

  1. Open the Warehouse Navigator window.
  2. Search for your site.
  3. Click on Bay A in the XXPICK warehouse in the navigator.
  4. All rows have the same structure, therefore copy Row 1 into the other rows.

Note: Make sure that row 1 has a bin (created in the previous exercise).

  1. On the Rows tab, right-click on rows 2, 3, 4 and 5 and then click Copy Bins from Row.
  2. The Copy Bins from Row dialog box will appear.
  3. Enter Row 1 and then click OK. You have now created 5 similar rows 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Every row has a bin on tier 1. Verify in the navigator.
  4. Click on Bay A in the XXPICK warehouse in the navigator.
  5. All tiers have the same structure, therefore copy Tier 1 into the other tiers.
  6. On the Tiers tab, right-click on tiers 2 and 3 and then click Copy Bins from Tier.
  7. The Copy Bins from Tier dialog box will appear.
  8. Enter Tier 1 and then click OK. You have now created three similar tiers 1, 2 and 3. Every tier has a bin in rows 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Verify in the navigator.
  9. Click on the XXPICK warehouse in the navigator.
  10. All bays have the same structure, therefore copy Bay A into the other bays.
  11. On the Bays tab, right-click on bays B and C and then click Copy Rows and Tiers from Bay.
  12. The Copy Rows and Tiers from Bay dialog box will appear.
  13. Enter Bay A and then click OK. You have now created three similar bays A, B and C. Every bay has a bin per combination of row and tier i.e. 15 bins per bay. Verify in the navigator.
  14. Click on your site in the navigator.
  15. All warehouses have the same structure, therefore copy the XXPICK warehouse into the other warehouses.
  16. On the Warehouses tab, right-click on the XXPICKFREEZE and XXPICKCOLD warehouses and then click Copy Bays from Warehouse.
  17. The Copy Bays from Warehouse dialog box will appear.
  18. Enter the XXPICK warehouse and then click OK. You have now created three similar warehouses XXPICK, XXPICKFREEZE and XXPICKCOLD. Verify in the navigator.

Note: You can even copy the warehouse structure of an entire site to another.

Note: The default values given by the structure when copying the warehouse structure, can be changed if, for instance, you want to copy the warehouse structure from a different location.

Enter Warehouse Attributes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define warehouse attributes on different warehouse levels.

Warehouse Navigator/General

  1. Open the Warehouse Navigator window.
  2. Search for your site.
  3. Click on your site in the navigator.
  4. Click on the General tab.
  5. Enter the required attributes on the site. For instance, bin cubic capacity (width 0.8 m, height 1 m and depth 1.2 m) and carrying capacity (bay 15000 kg and bin 1500 kg).
  6. Save.
  7. Click on the XXPICK warehouse in the navigator.
  8. Click on the General tab.
  9. Enter the required attributes on the warehouse. If, for example, the warehouse is distinguished by the room temperature with the storage condition being a temperature range of 10 - 30 degrees Celsius.
  10. Save and verify the values on the Operative Value and Operative Value Source fields on different levels.

Note: On the General tab, on the warehouse, bay, row, tier and bin, you can see how attributes are inherited from the structure. Inherited values can be seen in the Operative Value field. You can see where in the warehouse structure the value is inherited from, in the Operative Value Source field.

  1. Click on the XXPICKCOLD warehouse in the navigator.
  2. Enter the required attributes in the warehouse. Let us say that this warehouse is distinguished by being refrigerated e.g. storage condition is a temperature range of 0 - 5 degree of Celsius.
  3. Save and verify the operative value and operative value source on different levels.
  4. Click on the XXPICKFREEZE warehouse in the navigator.
  5. Enter the required attributes in the warehouse. Let us say that this warehouse is distinguished by being deep-frozen e.g. storage condition is a maximum temperature of -18 degree of Celsius.
  6. Save and verify operative value and operative value source on different levels.
  7. Click on Bay C in warehouse XXPICK in the navigator.
  8. Click on the General tab.
  9. Enter the required attributes on the bay. Assume the bay is of another type and do not have the same carrying capacity e.g. bin carrying capacity is 1000 kg compared to 1500 kg entered on site.
  10. Save and verify operative value and operative value source on different levels.
  11. Click on Row 1 in Bay C in warehouse XXPICKFREEZE in the navigator.
  12. Click on the General tab.
  13. Enter the required attributes on the row. Assume the bay is close to the door and not as cold as the rest of the XXPICKFREEZE warehouse e.g. storage condition has a maximum temperature of -5 degrees Celsius compared to the -18 degrees Celsius entered on the warehouse.
  14. Save and verify Operative Value and Operative Value Source on different levels.
  15. Click on Tier 3 in Bay C in the XXPICKFREEZE warehouse in the navigator.
  16. Click on the General tab.
  17. Enter the required attributes on the tier. Assume that the top tier does not have the same height due to a lower ceiling in this part of the building e.g. bin cubic capacity has height 0.5 m compared to the 1 m entered on the site.
  18. Save and verify operative value and operative value sourceon different levels.

Note: The row and tier are on the same level. If the same attribute is entered on row and tier level, the worst case is inherited down to the bins.

  1. Click on any bin in the navigator.
  2. Click on the General tab.
  3. Enter the required attributes on the bin.
  4. Save and verify operative value and operative value source on different levels.
  5. Navigate to your warehouse structure and analyze attributes entered on the different levels.

Note: For the warehouse, bay, row, tier and bin, the attributes can also be entered in the table (warehouses, bays, rows, tiers and locations) i.e. attributes can be entered at the same time as your enter warehouse structure.

Receive Inventory Parts considering Warehouse Attributes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how warehouse attributes can be considered when locations are about to be chosen and how parts in stock appear in the warehouse structure.

Receive Inventory Part
Warehouse Navigator/Parts In Stock

  1. Open the Receive Inventory Part window.
  2. Make a receipt for the XX-COFFEE part at two different inventory locations. XX-COFFEE should be stored at 10 degrees Celsius. Query for applicable locations by using the List of Values. You can save the query as Room Temperature.
  3. If the Define Cost Structure dialog box appears and the table is empty, create a new line using the 110 cost bucket. This dialog box will not appear if you are using the Standard Cost inventory valuation method and the Cost per Part cost level, and have a standard cost defined for your part.
  4. Make a receipt for the XX-MILK part at two different inventory locations. XX-MILK should be refrigerated (temperature range of 0 - 5 degrees Celsius). Query for applicable locations by using the List of Values. You can save the query as Refrigerated .
  5. Repeat step 3.
  6. Make a receipt for the XX-ICECREAM part at two different inventory locations. XX-ICECREAM should be stored no warmer than -18 degrees Celsius. Query for applicable locations by using the List of Values. You can save the query as Freeze.
  7. Repeat step 3.
  8. Open the Warehouse Navigator window.
  9. Click on the Parts in Stock tab when you are on site level. You can see the just received parts XX-COFFEE, XX-MILK and XX-ICECREAM in this window.
  10. Click the Parts in Stock tab on different levels and see what happens.

Note: It is possible to do different warehouse operations in the Parts In Stock tab. Right-click on this tab to see available operations.

Clear Storage Characteristics

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how storage characteristics can be removed in the warehouse navigator.

Warehouse Navigator

  1. Open the Warehouse Navigator window and query for the relevant site.

  2. Select a level in the left pane of the window.

  3. Right-click on any of the tabs and then click Clear Storage Characteristics.

  4. In the Clear Storage Characteristics dialog box that appears, select the characteristics that should be cleared for the levels below. Note: Width, height, depth and carrying capacities were set in previous exercises.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Navigate to your warehouse structure and analyze cleared characteristics entered on the different levels.

Create Remote Warehouse

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how a warehouse is created as a remote warehouse.

Warehouse Navigator

  1. Open the Warehouse Navigator window.
  2. Search for your site.
  3. Click on the Warehouses tab.
  4. Enter a warehouse for the site according to the table below and save.
    Warehouse Warehouse Description
    XXREMOTEWH Remote Warehouse
  5. Copy the bays from XXPICKCOLD.
  6. Select XXREMOTEWH in the navigator.
  7. Enable the Remote check box.
  8. Save.

Note: It is not possible to enable or disable the check box if parts exist in the warehouse or is on the way to the warehouse.

  1. Notice that the Remote Warehouse tab is enabled.