Initial Exercises—Condition Codes 1

Initial Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these initial exercises is to provide material for the instructor to demonstrate the basic functionality for condition codes, which includes:

These initial exercises are intended primarily for instructor use.

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Defining Condition Codes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate how to enter condition codes. This is a basic data setup exercise that would generally be performed by a system administrator or equivalent person, usually only when initially setting up the system for condition code functionality.

Part Basic Data/Condition Codes

Steps: To complete this exercise, complete the following steps.

  1. Open the window and click the Condition Codes tab.
  2. Populate the tab (F2) and view the existing values. NORMAL is the code value installed with the system. All other values are user defined. If NEW, USED, REMANU, and UNSERV are not displayed, follow the steps below to enter these condition codes.
  3. Create a new line.
  4. In the Condition Code field, enter a condition code value of no more than 10 characters. Examples: NEW, USED, REMANU, and UNSERV.
  5. Enter an appropriate description in the Condition Code Description field. Examples: New, Used, Remanufactured, and Unserviceable.
  6. Select whether or not the condition code will be the default condition code. Define the condition code, New,  as the default condition code.
  7. Optionally, in the Part Availability Control field, use the List of Values to connect part availability parameters to the specified condition code.
  8. Repeat steps 3–7, if necessary, to add more condition codes.
  9. Save your changes.

Note: Condition codes cannot be removed once a part record is associated with the condition code. If you have created a condition code, other than the ones listed above, consider removing this condition code record before continuing to the next exercise. Since these values are not site-specific, this will help limit the values available from the List of Values in a number of windows.

Enabling Condition Codes, Lot/Batch Tracked Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate how to enable condition code functionality when creating new lot/batch tracked inventory purchase part records. These parts will be used in other exercises.

Inventory Part
Supplier for Purchase Part

Steps: To create an inventory purchase part with lot/batch tracking and condition code functionality enabled, complete the following steps.

  1. In the Inventory Part window, create a new record.
  2. In the Inventory Part field, enter XX LotCC, replacing XX with your initials.
  3. In the Part Description field, enter XX Lot batch, Condition Code.
  4. Use the List of Values to select your site.
  5. Verify that the part type is Purchased.
  6. Use the List of Values to enter a planner, or enter *.
  7. In the U/M (unit of measure) field, enter PCS.
  8. Save the record.
  9. Right-click, then click Supplier for Purchase Part. In the window that opens, enter all required data to connect the part to a supplier. Save this record, and close the Supplier for Purchase Part window.
  10. In the Inventory Part window, right-click, then click Part Catalog to open the associated part catalog record.
  11. In the Part/General tab, select Lot Tracking in the Lot/Batch Tracking field.
  12. Select the Allow Condition Code check box.
  13. Save the part catalog record. A message will be displayed, indicating that you cannot disable condition code functionality once it has been enabled for an inventory part record. Click Yes.

Note: The parameters you set in the Part window will apply to the specified part at all sites. For example, if a part is lot/batch tracked at one site, it must be lot/batch tracked at all sites. If condition codes are enabled for a part, condition codes must be used at all sites.

Enabling Condition Codes, Serial Tracked Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate how to enable condition code functionality when creating new serial-tracked inventory purchase part records. These parts will be used in other exercises.

Inventory Part
Supplier for Purchase Part

Steps: To create an inventory purchase part with serial tracking and condition code functionality enabled, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Inventory Part window, create a new record.
  2. In the Inventory Part field, enter XX SerialCC, replacing XX with your initials.
  3. In the Part Description field, enter  XX Serial, Condition Code.
  4. Use the List of Values to select your site.
  5. Verify that the part type is Purchased.
  6. Use the List of Values to enter a planner, or enter *.
  7. In the U/M (unit of measure) field, enter PCS.
  8. Save the record.
  9. Right-click, then click Supplier for Purchase Part. In the window that opens, enter all required data to connect the part to the same supplier as the XX LotCC part. Save this record, and close the Supplier for Purchase Part window.
  10. Right-click, then click Part Catalog to open the associated part catalog record.
  11. In the Part/General tab, select the Inventory Serial Tracking and After Delivery Serial Tracking check boxes, and set the Serial Rule value to Manual.
  12. Select the Allow Condition Code check box.
  13. Save the part catalog record. A message will be displayed, indicating that you cannot disable condition code functionality once it has been enabled for an inventory part record. Click Yes.

Note: The parameters you set in the Part window will apply to the specified parts at all sites. For example, if a part is serial tracked at one site, it must be serial tracked at all sites. If condition codes are enabled for a part, condition codes must be used at all sites.

Receiving Inventory Parts with Condition Codes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate that you can manually specify condition codes, or have the system automatically enter the default condition code when you receive the inventory parts  into an inventory location.

Receive Inventory Part

Steps: Follow these steps to receive quantities of your parts into an inventory location.

  1. Open the Receive Inventory Part  window and query for the XX LotCC part.
  2. In the table area, create a new record line.
  3. In the Quantity Received field, enter 10.
  4. In the Location No field, use the List of Values to select an inventory location.
  5. In the Lot/Batch No field, enter L01.
  6. In the Condition Code field, use the List of Values to select NEW.
  7. Save the record.
  8. If the Define Cost Structure dialog window opens, create a new line and enter 110 (Estimated Material Cost) in the Cost Bucket field and 100 in the Cost per Unit field.
  9. Query for the XX SerialCC part.
  10. In the table area, create a new record line.
  11. In the Quantity Received field, enter 5.
  12. In the Location No field, use the List of Values to select an inventory location.
  13. Save the record.
  14. If the Define Cost Structure dialog window opens, create a new line and enter 110 (Estimated Material Cost) in the Cost Bucket field and 50 in the Cost per Unit field.
  15. In the Serial No dialog window that opens, enter five simple serial numbers, each on a separate line, then click OK.
  16. Note that the default condition code is automatically added in the Condition Code field in the table area of the Receive Inventory Part window.

Using Condition Codes in Purchase Requisitions

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate that you can either manually enter condition codes or allow the system to supply the default condition codes when you create a purchase requisition lines for the inventory parts with condition codes enabled.

Purchase Requisition

Steps: Follow these steps to create a purchase requisition for parts with condition codes enabled.

  1. Create a new record.
  2. Enter your site and a requisitioner in the appropriate fields in the header.
  3. Save the record.
  4. Create a new line in the Part Requisition Lines tab.
  5. Enter XX LotCC in the Part No field.
  6. In the Condition Code field, use the List of Values to select USED.
  7. Enter 2 in the Quantity field.
  8. Create a new line.
  9. Enter XX SerialCC in the Part No field.
  10. Leave the Condition Code field blank.
  11. Enter 1 in the Quantity field.
  12. Save the record.
  13. Note that the default condition code, NEW, is automatically filled in for the serial part.
  14. Release the requisition, and note the requisition number.

Using Condition Codes in Purchase Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to convert an existing purchase requisition to a purchase order and to change the condition code originally entered on the requisition line to a different condition code on the purchase requisition. This functionality could be used by a buyer who has more information about the availability or quality of parts with various condition

Purchase Requisition
Purchase Order

Steps: Follow these steps to create a purchase order for parts with condition codes enabled.

  1. In the Purchase Requisition window, query for the requisition you created in the previous exercise.
  2. Select the Part Requisition Lines tab, select the requisition lines.
  3. Right-click, then click Requisition to Order. Complete the steps in the dialog windows that appear. 
  4. In the Purchase Order window query for the order number. Notice on the Part Order Lines tab that the condition codes originally entered on the requisition lines have been transferred to the purchase order lines.
  5. In the line for the XX LotCC part, change the condition code to NEW.
  6. Save the record.

Alternatively, you could create a purchase order directly in the Purchase Order window. Specify a condition code on one line and allow the system to supply the default condition code for another line.

Changing Condition Codes in Part Catalog

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate how to change condition codes for an entire lot/batch and for individual serial tracked parts.

Lot Batch Master
Part Serial

Steps: Follow these steps to change the condition code for a lot/batch.

  1. In the Lot/Batch Master window, query for your XX LotCC part.
  2. Verify that L01 is displayed in the Lot/Batch No field, and that NEW is displayed in the Condition Code field.
  3. Right-click, then click Change Condition Code.
  4. In the dialog window that opens, click List to select a different condition code.
  5. Click OK to accept the condition code change.
  6. Note in the Lot/Batch Master header that the condition code has changed.
  7. Click the History tab to view the record of the transactions, including the changes to the condition code.

Follow these steps to change the condition code for an individual serial part.

  1. In the Part Serial window, query for your XX SerialCC part.
  2. In the Part No list, select one of your serial parts.
  3. Right-click, then click Change Condition Code.
  4. In the dialog window that opens, click List to select a different condition code.
  5. Click OK to accept the condition code change.
  6. Note in the Part Serial header that the condition code has changed.
  7. Click the History tab to view the record of the transactions, including the changes to the condition code.

Note: If the part is both lot/batch and serial tracked, changes to condition codes can only be done on the individual serial record, and not for the entire lot/batch.