Defining Modification—Exercises

Note: Throughout this document, please replace any occurrences of XX with your initials, group ID, user ID or other unique prefix, in order to separate your training data from that of other students.

Basic Data Setup

Define Modification Types

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define modification types which will be needed to define modifications.

Modification Program Basic Data

Note: The modification types below should appear in your environment. If not you will need to create them. You may also create your own by using your initials as a prefix to each modification type.

  1. Open the Modification Program Basic Data window and click the Modification Type tab.
  2. Create a new record for each modification type in the following table.
Modification Type Description Regulatory Required
SB Service Bulletin No
AD Airworthiness Directive Yes
DOC Documentation No
  1. Save.

Maintenance Task Level

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define a maintenance task level which will be needed to define modifications.

Modification Program Basic Data

Note: The maintenance task level below should appear in your environment. If not you will need to create it.  You may also wish to create your own maintenance task level by using your initials as the prefix to the maintenance task level.

  1. Open the Modification Program Basic Data window and click the Maint Task Level tab.
  2. Create a new record as in the following table.
Level Code Description
1 Level 1
  1. Save.

Modification Issuer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define a modification issuer record which will be needed to define modifications.

Modification Program Basic Data

Note: The modification issuer below should appear in your environment. If not you will need to create it. You may also wish to create your own record by adding your initials as the prefix to the modification issuer.

  1. Open the Modification Program Basic Data window and click the Modification Issuer tab.
  2. Create a new record as in the following table.
Modification Issuer Description
XX_FAA Federal Aviation Administration
  1. Save.

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to define modifications.

Define Modification

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to plan modifications related to your engine.

Define Modification

  1. Open the Define Modification window.
  2. Create a new record and specify XX_100 as the Mod Code, Modification 100 as the Modification Description and 1 as the Mod Rev.
  3. Click the Definition tab and enter the details given in the following table.
Category Assign Type Mod Type Level Code Issuer Days Forewarn Resc. Date Effect Date Dur WorkShop/ Unit
Recommended By Revision all Serials SB 1 XX_FAA 10 12/31/2012 1/1/2007 3 Days
  1. Save.
  2. Create another record with the following details.
Mod Code Modification Description Mod Rev.
XX_200 Modification 200 1
Category Assign Type Mod Type Level Code Issuer Days Forewarn Resc. Date Effect Date Dur WorkShop/ Unit
Mandatory By Revision all Serials AD 1 XX_FAA 15 12/31/2012 1/1/2007 5 Days
  1. Save.

Assign Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to assign parts to your modifications.

Define Modification

  1. Open the Define Modification window and query for your records.

  2. Click the Assign Parts tab, create new records in the table area as given in the following table

  3. Save.

Mod Code Part Number Decompliance Allowed
XX_100 XX_ENG No
XX_200 XX_C Yes

Assign Part Revisions

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to assign part revisions to your modifications.

Define Modification

Note: If only one revision for the entered part number exists, a record for the revision will automatically be created. In IFS/Complex Assembly MRO some extra functionality will be executed as well.

Inserting a part revision in this tab: if this part revision is included in the structure for any of the defined customer modification baselines, this modification will be added to the baseline.

Deleting a part revision in this tab: if this part revision is included in the structure for any of the defined customer modification baselines, this modification will be deleted from the baseline.

  1. Open the Define Modification window and query for your records.

  2. Click the Assign Part Revisions tab and verify that a record exists with your assigned part's revision.

Define Affected Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define the parts affected by your modifications.

Modification Details

  1. Open the Modification Details window and query for your records.

  2. Click the Affected Parts tab, create new records in the table area as given in the following table.

  3. Save.

Mod Code Part Number Affected Part Number Affected Part Revision Sign Off
XX_100 XX_ENG XX_A * Affected serial marked as  complied with
XX_100 XX_ENG XX_A13 * Affected serial marked as  complied with
XX_200 XX_C XX_C * Affected serial marked as  complied with
  1. Click the Execution/Termination sub tab, create new records in the table area as given in the following table.

Mod Code Part Number Operational Parameter Limit
XX_100 XX_ENG EHR 2000
XX_200 XX_C EHR 1000
  1. Save.