Initial Exercises—Manage Maintenance Program

Initial Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these initial exercises is that the instructor will use them for demonstrating how to do maintenance planning according to a few commonly used principles in IFS/Vehicle Information Management (IFS/VIM). The exercises cover the following sub-processes:

These initial exercises are intended for instructor use.

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work with your own assigned student number to maintain your data integrity.

Define Maintenance Code per Serial Part Revision

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define the maintenance codes that are to be used for the part revision. Instructions defined for the part revision can be connected to the maintenance code defined here.

Maintenance Codes per Serial Part Revision

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Maintenance Code per Serial Part Revision window.
  2. Create 2 new records (F5) and enter the following information:
    Part Number Revision Maint Code
    X747-900 T XA
    X747-900 T XD
  3. Save the information (F12).

Define Maintenance Program

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define the general data for a maintenance program to be used for our Aircraft X747-900, Revision T.

Define Maintenance Program

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Define Maintenance Program window.
  2. Create new record (F5) and enter Maintenance Program T100, Description 'Maintenance for X747-900' and Revision T.
  3. Save the information (F12).
  4. Click the Assign Parts tab and enter Part Number X747-900
  5. Save the information (F12).
  6. Click the Assign Part Revisions tab and delete all the revisions except T.
  7. Save the information (F12).
  8. Click the Maintenance Groups tab and enter Part Number X747-900 and Maint Group T.
  9. Save the information (F12).
  10. Click the Access tab and enter your access group T.
  11. Save the information (F12).
  12. Populate (F2) the window and verify that you have access to the maintenance program.

A-check - Instruction and Maintenance Plan (Hydraulic Oil Refill)

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show attendees how to create an instruction for the refill of hydraulic oil on the A/C and link this instruction to the A-check that is carried out every 100 FHR or 7 days. There is a need for max. 4 liter of Hydraulic Oil, but experience shows that only 1 liter is used. The refill takes place on the left wing. No tools or facility is required. First we register an instruction, then we specify the maintenance plan.

Maintenance Plan

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Instruction window.
  2. Create new record (F5) and specify Part Number X747-900, Revision T, Operation Number 29113 and Description to Refill of Hydraulic Oil.
  3. Specify Type XCHK, Location XLWU and Strategy XINT.
  4. Specify Function breakdown on Product Number 7X7 and Model Number X747-900.
  5. Specify Function Number 2900, Sub Function 2910 and Bottom Function 2912.
  6. Specify Affected Part Number X747-900 and Affected Part Rev T.
  7. Specify Competence XMECH, No. Of Persons 1 and Hour Cons. 0.5.
  8. Specify a simple Work Description on how to do the refill.
  9. Save the information (F12).
  10. Click the Material List tab and create a new record (F5).
  11. Specify Sub Part Number X32HDF7005, Revision * and enter a predefined Manufacturer and Manu Part No Specify Quantity 4 liters with a Probability of 25% (normally only 1 liter is needed)
  12. Save the information (F12).
  13. Click the Connect Task Codes tab and then click the Maintenance Code sub tab.
  14. Create a new record and connect this instruction to Maint Code XA.
  15. Save the information (F12).
  16. Right Click on the Instruction window header and then click Maintenance Plan.
  17. Make sure you find your maintenance program T100.
  18. Click the Intervals tab.
  19. Create new record (F5) and specify Maint Code XA (A-check).
  20. Specify Maint Interval 100 FHR and Calendar Interval 7 days. Select the Recurring Calculation check box and specify the same intervals here.
  21. Set Days Forewarning to 2 days and Duration Workshop to 0.5hrs.
  22. Set Calculation Rule to Inspection and Cycle to No Cycle.
  23. Save the information (F12).
  24. Select the record just entered, right-click and select Instructions per Maint. Code to verify that the instruction and the maintenance code are linked together.

D-check - Instruction and Maintenance Plan (Engine Boroscope Check)

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show attendees how to create an instruction for an engine boroscope check. This check should be included in the D-check on the 747-900 aircraft. A maintenance facility and a boroscope are needed to do the check that takes 6 hours to complete for 2 mechanical operators. No material is needed. D-check is executed every 3000 FHR or 2 years. An interval tolerance of +/-150 FHR is acceptable.

Maintenance Plan

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Instruction window.
  2. Create new record (F5) and specify Part Number X747-900, Revision T, Operation Number 72100 and Description to Engine Boroscope Check.
  3. Specify Type XHVY as this is a Heavy Maintenance check.
  4. Specify Location XENG.
  5. Specify Strategy XINT (This is an interval check)
  6. Specify Product Number 7X7 and Model Number X747-900.
  7. Specify Function Number 7200, Sub Function 7250 and Bottom Level 7251.
  8. Specify Affected Part Number X72ENG7010, Affected Part Revision *. (GE engine, CF600).
  9. Specify Competence XMECH, No Of Persons 2 and Hour Cons. 6.0 hrs.
  10. Enter a simple Work Description on how to do the boroscope check and what to look for.
  11. Save the information (F12).
  12. Click the Tools and Facilities tab.
  13. Create new record (F5) and specify Tool/Facility Type HGR, Tool/Facility ID  XHGR1, Quantity to 1 and Planned Hour Consumption to 3.
  14. Save the information (F12).
  15. Click the Criticality tab and create a new record (F5).
  16. Specify Criticality Code Safety and Criticality Level Important.
  17. Save the information (F12).
  18. Click the Connect Task Codes tab and then click the Maintenance Code sub tab.
  19. Create a new record and set this check to be included in Maint Code XD (D-check).
  20. Save the information (F12).
  21. Right Click on the Instruction window header and click Maintenance Plan.
  22. Make sure you find your maintenance program T100.
  23. Click the Intervals tab. Here you will specify interval for this D-check.
  24. Create new record (F5) and specify Maint Code XD, Maint Interval to 3000 FHR and Calendar Interval to 24 Months.
  25. Select the Recurring check box and enter the same Recurring Interval and Recurring Cal. Interval.
  26. Select the Use Tolerance check box and specify Lower/Upper Tolerance 5% (which means 150 FHR).
  27. Set Days Forewarning to 14 days, Duration Workshop to 6 hrs.
  28. Set Calculation Rule to Inspection and Cycle to No Cycle.
  29. Save the information (F12).

Define Maintenance Plan - Condition Based

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show attendees how to create a routine for condition based maintenance of  the Nose Landing Gear (NLG). With the load of an empty Aircraft, the relative position of the NLG hydraulic cylinders indicates the remaining volume of hydraulic fluid. Relative position is measured on a 0-10 scale. When serviced (refilled), the standard oil level is at 10. Level below 6 should give a Warning, and level below 4 indicates Danger. A drop of more than 2 units between 2 consecutive measurements should also trig a maintenance task. The condition check should be performed every 4 weeks.

Condition Monitoring Program

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Condition Monitoring Program window.
  2. Query (F3) for the Part Number X747-900 and Revision T. 
  3. Click the Condition Limit tab and create a new record (F5).
  4. Specify the following:
        Condition Category - LDG
        Condition Code - LDIND
        Condition Code Description - Load Indicator
        Standard Value - 10
        Condition UoM - * (no unit)
        Warning Limit Min. - 66
        Warning Limit Max. - 10
        Danger Limit Min. - 4
        Danger Limit Max. - 10
        Change Limit - 2
        Measure Frequency - 4 weeks
  5. Save the information (F12).
  6. Click the Instructions tab and select the Condition Category and Condition Code as specified above.
  7. Click the Operations sub tab.
  8. Create new record (F5) and specify Operation Number 32102, Operation Description Check Oil Level, Type XPRV and Location XNLG.
  9. Specify Competence XMECH, No. Of Persons 2 and Hour Consumption 1.5.
  10. Double-click on the Work Description field and enter a brief guide in the text editor window.
  11. Specify Affected Part Number X32NLG7001 (Landing Gear) and Rev T.
  12. Specify Product Number 7X7, Model Number X747-900 and Function Number 3200.
  13. Save the information (F12).
  14. Click the Material Usage sub tab.
  15. Create new record (F5) and specify Operation Number 32102, Sub Part Number X32HDF7005, Rev * (Hydraulic Oil).
  16. Specify Manufacturer Number V53655, Manufacturer Part Number S22890, Quantity 1.5 liter and Probability to 80%.
  17. Save the information (F12).
  18. No tools or facilities are needed for this operation.

Define Modification - Wheel rims

Purpose: Based on requirement from the engineering department, the purpose of this exercise is to define a modification of landing wheels by changing from rim revision "*" to revision "1" on your serial TX10000 of the X747-900 fleet. Modification is mandatory and should be executed together with next A-check, within 300 FHR from now, but not later than 2 months from now. Pre-check is not necessary. You require 1 week task forewarning, and the modification takes one day in workshop. After modification, the wheel rims should be checked every week for a period of 12 weeks. This post check takes 0.5 hours and should have a 1 day forewarning. To do the modification you need a skilled mechanics for 3 hours and a 200 tons jack.

Define Modification

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Define Modification window.
  2. Create new record (F5) and specify your Mod Code XNEWRIM, a Description and an initial revision.
  3. Specify Category Mandatory, Assignment Type to By Revision All Serials, Workshop Code to LAX-L and Mod Type to XENG and a Level Code.
  4. Enter Days Forewarning, Duration Workshop and Rescission Date to Sysdate+2 months according to the given information.
  5. Select the Allow Quick Reporting check box.
  6. Save the information (F12).
  7. Click the Assign Parts tab and specify Part Number X747-900. Remember to specify Next Interval Maintenance XA (A-check).
  8. Save the information (F12).
  9. Click the Assign Part Revisions tab, specify Part Number X747-900 and Revision T and save the changes (F12).
  10. Click the Define Post Maint tab and select the Enable Post Maintenance Check check box. Specify Days Forewarning to 1, Cal. Interval to 1 week and Cal. Limit (days) to 84 days.
  11. Save the information (F12).
  12. Set Hour Estimate per Serial to 0.5 hrs (tab Definition).
  13. Save the information (F12).
  14. Right click on the Define Modification window header and then click Modification Details.
  15. Click the Instructions tab and chose Mod Execution Type Terminating Action for your Part/Revision X747-900/T.
  16. Click the Operation sub tab and enter new Operation Number 32900 and specify a proper Operation Description for the operation. Enter Type XMOD. Competence XMECH, No Of Persons 1 and Hour Consumption 3. Enter a brief Work Description. Use Affected Part Number X32WHE7002/T.
  17. Specify Product Number 7X7, Model Number X747-90T and Function 3200/3220/3224. 
  18. Save the information (F12).
  19. Click the Material Usage sub tab. On your Operation Number, create new record (F5) and specify Sub Part Number X32RIM7002, Revision to 1, Quantity to 2 and Probability to 100%.
  20. Save the information (F12).
  21. Click the Tools and Facilities sub tab and define the requirement of a jack for 3 hrs.
  22. Save the information (F12).
  23. Activate the modification by navigating to the Define Modification window (right click on the window header and then click Define Modification).
  24. Execute menu selection Status and then Set Active.