Connecting Work Guidelines - Extended Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Connect a Work Guideline to a Component

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Product Structure

  1. If you have not yet already done so, create a product structure with at least one component.

General exercise for Creating Product Structure

Connect a Work Guideline Template to an Operation

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Work Guideline Template, or

  1. If you have not yet already done so, create a work guideline template.
  2. Create a routing.

General exercise for Creating Work Guideline Template
General exercise for Creating Routing

Connect a Work Guideline to a Tool

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Manufacturing Tool

  1. If you have not yet already done so, enter a manufacturing tool.

General exercise for Creating Tool

Update a Work Guideline Template

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Manufacturing Standards/Work Guideline Template

  1. Create a work guideline template. Alternatively, use the one that you created for the Connect Work Guideline Template to an Operation exercise.
  2. The guideline template must be attached to an object (operation, component, tool).

General exercise for Creating Work Guideline Template

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to show you where and how to use the work guideline. 

Note: You can connect one or more work guidelines or templates to a specific operation and, in so doing, secure the quality of the production or provide information to the operator.
By using the template, you can centralize the maintenance of work guidelines connected to different objects.

Connect a Work Guideline to a Component

Product Structure

  1. Open the Product Structure window.
  2. Query for your part.
  3. Choose a component, and select the line. 
  4. Right-click and then click Work Guideline. A window appears displaying the parent part information.
  5. Create a new line.
  6. Enter the guideline number, and select the guideline type. These are required fields.
  7. Enter the description and guideline text. These are also required fields.
  8. Save your changes.
  9. To see the guideline, you must create a shop order with the Reserved status and print the report.

Connect a Work Guideline Template to an Operation


  1. Open the Routing window.
  2. Query for your part.
  3. Chose an operation, and select the line.
  4. Right-click and then click Work Guideline. A window appears displaying the parent part information.
  5. Create a new line, and select it.
  6. To add a guideline template, right-click and then click Work Guideline Template. A list of all defined guideline templates appears.
  7. Select a template, and click OK. The template is now transferred to the operation.
  8. Save your changes.
  9. To see the guideline, you must create a shop order with the Reserved status and print the report.

Connect a Work Guideline to a Tool

Manufacturing Standards/Manufacturing Tool

  1. Open the Manufacturing Tool window.
  2. Query for your tool ID.
  3. Click the Tool Guideline tab.
  4. Create a new line.
  5. Enter the guideline description and text.
  6. Save your changes.
  7. You can also make a copy from a guideline template.

Update a Work Guideline Template

Manufacturing Standards/Work Guideline Template

  1. Open the Work Guideline Template window.
  2. Populate or query for your template. Use a template that you know is a reference to a object (operation, component, or tool). If no work guideline template is connected to an object, see the Connect a Work Guideline Template to an Operation exercise.
  3. Change the template.
  4. Indicate whether you want to change the work guideline for your object. Try clicking both Yes and No, and note the results.
  5. Save your changes.