Connecting Disposition Codes and Customers—Exercises

Required Data

Disposition Code

Repair Setup Basic Data/Disposition Code

Note: Disposition Codes must be defined and created in the system before this step can be done in the MRO Basic Data flow. 

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson Define the disposition codes available for each customer.

Repair Setup Basic Data/Customer Disposition Code

  1. Create a new record (F5).
  2. Enter the disposition code and customer ID listed below, you may also want to attach your own customer here as well.
  3. Save the record(F12).
  4. Repeat Steps 1-3 for all records in the table below.
Disposition Code Customer
1 11000
1 12000
2 11000
2 12000
10 11000
10 12000
10 13000
11 11000
11 12000
11 13000
12 11000
12 12000
12 13000
20.100 11000
20.200 11000
21 11000
30 11000
30 12000
30 13000
31 11000
31 12000
31 13000
40 11000
40 12000
40 13000


Hint: Create all the records needed for one Customer and highlight the rows and do an RMB and Copy Object and then RMB to Paste Object then put your customer into the Customer Id column.