Initial Exercises—Manufacturing Standards for MRO

Initial Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these initial exercises is that the instructor will use them for demonstrating the basic functionality in Manufacturing Standards for MRO, which entails:

These initial exercises are intended for instructor use.

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Performing VIM Template Structure Transfer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for transferring VIM Template Structure to IFS/Manufacturing.

Prerequisites: If you have not yet already done so, create these following data:

Create MRO Site and connect to your user

Site Company Distribution Calendar Manufacturing Calendar VIM MRO Usage
XX90 10 US5 US5 Selected

Engineering Transfer Site Role:

Site Default Planner Default Manufacturing Engineer

Part Transfer Template:

Template ID Description Template Type Part Type
MRO MRO Part Template VIM Template Manufactured

Default Part Transfer Template:

Site Part Type Part Template ID Template Type
XX90 Manufactured MRO VIM Template


Template Part
Transfer MRO Template Structure
Inventory Parts
Product Structure
Modification Repair Code


Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Template Part window.
  2. Query for template part number 11000.
  3. Right-click and then click Serial Structure Templates Prepared to Manufacturing.
  4. On window Serial Structure Templates Prepared to Manufacturing, Right-click and then click Prepare Transfer to Manufacturing.
  5. On Transfer Options dialog, enter 06C in the Transfer Prefix field if template part has not been transferred previously. Clear the Run In Background check box. Click OK. This will start transfer of serial structure template to holding table.
  6. Click the Serial Structure Templates Prepared to Manufacturing/Temporary Transfer tab.
  7. Part No shown on the detailed table is the Position Part No created during prepare transfer process.  The format is following this formula:  Transfer Prefix + Delimiter  + Catalog Number (CSN).
  8. Detailed table shows temporary structures on holding table for position parts. The similar information can be viewed on cross reference table in Part/Position Part tab.
  9. Open the Transfer MRO Template Structure window.
  10. Query for top template part number 11000.
  11. Verify the value of Last Changed and Transfer Prepared Date on the header. Last Changed is the date of last change on VIM serial structure template. Transfer Prepared Date is the date of last transfer from VIM serial structure template to holding table.
  12. Click the Transfer MRO Template Structuretab. Verify the value of Date Last Transferred and Last Phase In Date on your site XX90. These fields are blank if no transfer was done for the site. The Transfer Template Id field is filled with default part template XXMRO and the New Phase In Date is defaulted to today's site date.
  13. Select the row on your site XX90. Right-click on the row, and then click Transfer to Manufacturing. Click OK to confirm the transfer.
  14. Verify the value of Date Last Transferred is today's site date, Last Phase In Date is today's site date, and proposed New Phase In Date is today's site date + 1 on your site XX90.
  15. Open the Product Structure window.
  16. Query for top template part number 06C/7200 on your site XX90.
  17. Click the Product Structure/Query - Multi Level tab.
  18. The template structure transfer creates inventory parts for all the position parts, actual parts, and alternate parts on your site XX90. The template structure transfer also creates disassembly and assembly structures that match the VIM serial structure template. These manufacturing structures are constructed using the position parts.

Note: Delimiter to be used when concatenating the position part can be overridden in the property name POSITION PART DELIMITER in Object Property

Defining Maintenance Level Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for defining Maintenance levels for any parts that you wish to maintain.

Prerequisites: Initial transfer should have been performed.

Repair Setup Basic Data/Maintenance Level
Repair Setup Basic Data/Maintenance Level Part
Level Structure


Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open Repair Setup Basic Data/Maintenance Level tab.
  2. The maintenance levels below should appear in your site. If not you will need to create one.
  3. Maintenance Level Maintenance Description
    ML10 maint level 1
  4. Open Repair Setup Basic Data/Maintenance Level Part tab.
  5. Query for maintenance level ML10.
  6. The maintenance level part for position part 06C/7200 below should appear in your site. If not you will need to create one.
  7. Part No Part Description Site Maintenance Description for Part
    06C/7200 Engine 11000 XX90 maint level 10
  8. Open Maintenance Level Structure window.
  9. Query for position part 06C/7200, structure revision 1 on your site XX90.
  10. The definition maintenance level structure  below should appear in your site for maintenance level ML10. If not you will need to define them.
  11. Included Line Item No Component Part Part Description Qty Per Assembly
    TRUE 1 06C/7210 Module 1 1
    TRUE 2 06C/7220 Module 2 1
    TRUE 3 06C/7230 Module 3 1
    TRUE 4 06C/720090 Engine 11000, Accy Part 2
    FALSE 5 06C/7240 Module 4 1