
Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to teach you the various ways that you can navigate in the web client.

The Tree Navigator

Note: The Tree Navigator can be a powerful tool to locate a specific page. However, when accessing everyday pages, there are better navigation options, such as the My Links portlet.

Purpose: We will locate the Employee Competency Assessments page and then return to the portal again.

  1. Enter the portal. Click Navigate, then click Tree Navigator from the menu.
  2. In the navigator that is displayed either;
    a. click Employee Development, then click Follow Up.
    b. type "employee competency assessments" in the navigator filtering text box. Note: filtering is not case sensitive and will occur as you are typing.
  3. Click Employee Competency Assessments, which will open the Employee Competency Assessments page. In later exercises we will populate this page.
  4. Click Home in the Navigation bar at the top of the window and select the required portal view to return to the portal.

My Links Portlet - Add a Link

Purpose: Adding links to the My Links portlet is perhaps the most common way of creating shortcuts to a specific page. This exercise will show you the basic way of adding links to the My Links portlet.

  1. Browse to the Employee Competency Assessments page, as described in the previous exercise.
  2. Click Options in the header banner, then click Save Link.
  3. The Save Link page will appear. Click the link Add link as is to save the link. You can even give a new name for the link. The link will be added and you can configure the My Links portlet to show this link.
  4. Click Home in the Navigation bar at the top of the window and select the required portal view to return to the portal.