Acquisition—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own company to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other company, your exercises will not function as intended and the data of other students might be affected. Predictable exercise results require that your data is isolated in your own company.

Basic Data Setup

Preparations in IFS/Internal Ledger

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define Internal Ledgers that are connected to Books in IFS/Fixed Assets. If you have already entered this information, then skip these steps.

Preparations in IFS/Internal Ledger

Preparations in IFS/Accounting Rules

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter or complete the setup information in IFS Accounting Rules that is required for IFS/Fixed Assets. If you have already entered this information, then skip these steps.

Preparations in IFS/Accounting Rules

Preparations in IFS/Fixed Assets

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this functionality. In this exercise, you will specify depreciation method, book, acquisition account, base value type, calculation index, transaction reason and object group.

Preparations in IFS/Fixed Assets

Main Exercises


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter new objects in IFS/Fixed Assets. You will enter object information for several machines and enter the acquisition value by creating a manual voucher. Once the voucher has been updated to the general ledger, you will be able to view the acquisition values in a fixed assets query window and then activate the objects.

Voucher Entry
Update GL Vouchers
GL Update History
Object Transactions Analysis

Note: If any of the required default data is missing for the exercises below, go back to the Basic Data Setup exercise, and enter or change the information as appropriate.

Enter Object


  1. Open the Object window.
  2. Create a new record, and enter the object and description for your first machine.
  3. Enter the information below.
Object  Object Description Object Type Object Group Object Group Description Acquisition Reason Valid From
M1 Machine No 1 Normal 10 Machinery DEFAULT Enter the first valid date when postings can be created for the object.
  1. Save your changes.

Note: The object's acquisition account defaulted into the window when the object group was entered. This is the account that will be used when purchasing the asset. Other default values from the object group are displayed on the Books tab and the User-defined Base Values tab. This information can be modified for each object or on object group level. Status for the object is automatically set to Registered.

  1. Click the Pre-Posting tab, and use the List of Values to select the cost center to which the object is to be posted.
  2. Save your changes.
  3. Create your second, third, and fourth machines with similar basic data as your first machine. These machines will be needed in the next few fixed-assets exercises.

Change Object Status


  1. Open the Objects window, and query for the four machines that you created.
  2. Select the rows, right-click, and then click Investment to change the object status. The status for each object automatically changes to Investment. It is now possible to acquire the assets.

Note: Another way to change the status is to open the Object window and to change the status for one object at a time. When an object status is set to Investment, it is possible to post an acquisition into IFS/Fixed Assets.

Acquisition Values

Voucher Entry

Enter acquisition values via manual voucher for the objects entered as above. In the code part for objects, specify the identity of the object.

  1. Open the Voucher Entry window, and create a manual voucher to acquire your machines. If each machine costs $150,000, the voucher information would look similar to that in the table below. Remember to use the acquisition accounts that are attached to your objects. Use the list of values to select your code parts.
Account Cost Center Code Part Fixed Asset Code Part Debit Amount Credit Amount
Object's acquisition account Cost center for the first machine Your first machine 150,000
Object's acquisition account Cost center for the second machine Your second machine 150,000
Object's acquisition account Cost center for the third machine Your third machine 150,000
Object's acquisition account Cost center for the fourth machine Your fourth machine 150,000
Cash account 600,000
  1. Save your changes.

Note: You can also enter the acquisition value using a supplier invoice in IFS/Invoice. The voucher type used for the manual voucher or the supplier invoice posting should have it's ledger selection defined as GL, affect IL.

Updating to the General Ledger

Update GL Vouchers

  1. Open the Update GL Vouchers window, and check the default values.
  2. Click OK to begin the update.

GL Update History

  1. Open the GL Update History window. Verify that all vouchers have passed the checks in the updating routine.

Note: When the update is performed, IFS/Fixed Assets is also updated with the acquisition values.

View Acquisition Values

  1. Open the Object Transactions Analysis window.
  2. Query for your machines, and view the acquisition values that have been updated to IFS/Fixed Assets.

Activate the Objects

  1. Open the Object window, and query for your machines.
  2. Right-click and then click Activate Object.
  3. Save your changes. The status for the object changes to Active.
  4. Continue until all your machines are active.

Note: Activation of an object will not be allowed when vouchers used for posting of acquisition have ledger selection defined only for General Ledger. Once the investments are active, it is possible to create depreciation proposals for the objects.


Acquisition Value Adjustment per Book

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to adjust the acquisition value for the selected book of an object. This is important when different acquisition vales per book are applicable for one object. You will enter information for the object and create postings.

Posting Control
Acquisition Value Adjustment per Book
Object Balance Analysis


Note: If any of the required default data is missing in the exercises below, return to the Basic Data Setup exercise. Enter or change the information as specified in the exercise.

Posting Control

Posting Control

  1. Open the Posting Controlwindow.
  2. Check for the posting types FAP39 - FAP50.

Enter Object


  1. Open the Object window.
  2. Query for your first machine M1 which must be in Active state.
  3. Click on the Books tab and connect the following books:
    Your Internal book / book for the national GAAP
    Your Tax book
    IFRS (connected to IL IFRS)
    CALC (connected to IL CALC)
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Right-click and click Acquisition Value Adjustment per Book.
  6. Enter IFRS in the Book ID field, today's date in the Event Date field and -10 000 in the Adjustment Amount field.
  7. Double-click on the Notes check box and enter object transaction notes.
  8. Enter a transaction reason if applicable.
  9. >Keep the suggested Adjustment Type Addition.
  10. Save.

Note: A voucher is created and transferred to the hold table of the Internal Ledger IFRS.


Object Balance Analysis

  1. Open the Object Balance Analysis window.
  2. Query for your first machine M1.
  3. Check the (general) Acquisition Value in the header of the window and the Adjusted Acquisition Value for book IFRS.


Import Object

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to import an object. This feature can be useful when you transfer objects from another system to IFS/Fixed Assets. This lesson assumes that a machine has been depreciated in another system and is being transferred to IFS/Fixed Assets. You will enter information for the object and create postings.

Posting Control
Post Imported Object Transactions

Note: If any of the required default data is missing in the exercises below, return to the Basic Data Setup exercise. Enter or change the information as specified in the exercise.

Posting Control

Posting Control

  1. Open the Posting Control window.
  2. Check the posting types FAP1–FAP4,FAP31-FAP32 and FAP39 - FAP42.

Enter Object


  1. Open the Object window.
  2. Create your imported or fifth machine.
  3. Create a new record, and enter the object and its description in the table below.
  4. Object  Object Type Object Group Object Group Description Acquisition Reason Valid From
    M5 Normal 10 Machinery DEFAULT Enter the first valid date when postings can be created for the object.
  5. Enter other object information, location etc.
  6. Save your changes.
  7. Click the Pre-Posting tab.
  8. Enter a cost center.
  9. Save your changes.
  10. Click the Books tab, and verify that several books are attached.
  11. Right-click and then click Import Object.
  12. Enter the original acquisition value and date.
  13. Enter the acquisition value adjustments for one or several books by selecting the book or Books for this object from the List of Values. Enter the event dates and adjustment amounts.
  14. Enter the accumulated depreciation information by selecting the book or books for this object from the List of Values.
  15. Enter the accumulated depreciation amounts, the date(s) which the object was depreciated in the previous system and the transaction reason.
  16. Save your changes.

Note: The object status is automatically changed to Import.

Post Imported Transactions

Post Imported Object Transactions

  1. Open the Post Imported Object Transactions window, and populate it.
  2. Select a row, right-click, and then click Post Imported Object Transactions.
  3. Enter the voucher date that is valid for all transactions displayed in the window.
  4. Save your changes.

Note: Vouchers are created and transferred to the hold table in IFS/Accounting Rules and to the hold tables of the Internal Ledgers connected to the books. The object's status will be Active.


Reduction by Cash Discount

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how cash discount can automatically be applied to FA acquisition values if reduction by cash discount is required for Fixed Assets in your company.

Note: This exercise can only be performed if IFS/INVOIC and IFS/PAYLED are installed.

Note: If your company does not yet have payment terms with discount, create payment terms with discount before you start this exercise (see Payment Terms).


Transaction Reasons
Payment Terms

Manual Supplier Invoice
Update GL Vouchers
Object Transactions Analysis
Mixed Payment
Add Investment - Progress


Transaction Reason

Transaction Reasons

  1. Open the Transaction Reasons window, and populate it.

  2. Create a new record, enter the name and description of the transaction reason and select the Acquisition Reason check box:

    Transaction Reason Description Acquisition Reason
    CASH DISCOUNT Cash Discount Selected
  3. Save (F12).



  1. Open the Company window.
  2. Click the Fixed Assets tab.
  3. Select the Reduction by Cash Discount check box, and select CASH DISCOUNT from the list of values in the Transaction Reason field.
  4. Save (F12).

Payment Terms

Payment Terms

  1. Open the Payment Terms window and populate.
  2. Select the Apply Cash Discount to Fixed Assets Acquisition Values check box for the payment terms with discount.
  3. Save (F12).

Enter Object


  1. Open the Objects window.
  2. Create 3 new objects:
    Object  Object Description Object Group Acquisition Reason
    O1 Object-1 from LoV Default from object group
    O2 Object-2 from LoV Default from object group
    O3 Object-3 from LoV Default from object group
  3. Save. 
  4. Highlight the 3 objects, right-click and click Investment. The object status of all 3 objects is automatically changed to Investment.

Enter Supplier Invoice

Manual Supplier Invoice

  1. Open the Manual Supplier Invoice window, and create a new record (F5).
  2. Select a supplier from the list of values in the Supplier field.
  3. Enter an invoice number in the Invoice Identity field.
  4. Enter the payment terms with discount and the Apply Cash Discount to Fixed Assets Acquisition Values check box in the Payment Terms field.
  5. Create a new record in Line Information.
  6. Enter 1000 in the Net Amount field.
  7. Create 3 new records in Posting Information:
    Acquisition Account  Object Amount
    acquisition account of object O1 O1 200
    acquisition account of object O3 O2 300
    acquisition account of object O3 O3 500
  1. Save.
  2. You get the information that Fixed Assets will be updated.

Note: Vouchers are created and transferred to the hold table in IFS/Accounting Rules and to the hold tables of the Internal Ledgers depending on the settings.

Update to the General Ledger

Update GL Vouchers

  1. Open the Update GL Vouchers window, and check the default values.
  2. Click OK to begin the update.

Note: When the update is performed, IFS/Fixed Assets is also updated with the acquisition values.

View Acquisition Values

  1. Open the Object Transactions Analysis window.
  2. Query for your objects, and view the acquisition transactions that have been updated to IFS/Fixed Assets.

Activate an Object

  1. Open the Object window, and query for your first object O1.
  2. Right-click and then click Activate Object. The Activate Object window with the acquisition value of the object appears.
  3. Save.
  4. The Object window appears again. The status of the object is set to Active.

Payment of Supplier Invoice

Mixed Payment

  1. Open the Mixed Payment window, and create a new record (F5).
  2. Select a cash account from the list of values in the Cash Account field. Default values are fetched.
  3. Save.
  4. Click the Transactions tab.
  5. Create a new record, and select Enter Supplier Payment from the Payment Transaction Type drop-down list.
  6. Enter the series ID of your supplier invoice in the Series ID field and the invoice number in the Inv/Prepaym No field.
  7. The Amount field is automatically filled with the invoice amount reduced by cash discount.
  8. Save.
  9. In the header, right-click and click Approve. The payment is created.

Note: Vouchers are created and transferred to the hold table in IFS/Accounting Rules and to the hold tables of the Internal Ledgers depending on the settings.

Update to the General Ledger

Update GL Vouchers

  1. Open the Update GL Vouchers window, and check the default values.
  2. Click OK to begin the update.

Note: When the update is performed, IFS/Fixed Assets is also updated with the cash discount reduction of the acquisition values.

View Acquisition Values

  1. Open the Object Transactions Analysis window.
  2. Query for your objects, and view the additional acquisition transactions with the transaction reason CASH DISCOUNT that have been created.

Activate Several Objects

  1. Open the Objects window, and query for your objects O2 and O3 which are still in Investment status.
  2. Select the objects, right-click and then click Activate Object. The Activate Object window with the reduced acquisition values of the objects appears.
  3. Save.
  4. The Objects window appears again. The status of the objects is set to Active.

Activate Add Investment

  1. Open the Add Investment - Progress window. 
  2. Select the transaction with the cash discount for your first object O1, right-click and click Activate.

Note: Add Investment transactions must be activated to be considered in depreciation proposals and depreciation plans.