Chart of Accounts—Basic Data and Requirements Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own company to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other company, your exercises will not function as intended and the data of other students might be affected. Predictable exercise results require that your data is isolated in your own company.

Main Exercises

Define Chart of Accounts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the structure of different segments for reporting purposes. Also define the different connections to sub ledgers, such as Fixed Assets, Costing, Project Accounting.

Define Code String

  1. Open and populate the window. The ten different segments are shown in the table.
  2. Change the structure to the following:
Code Part Internal Name Code Used Code Part Function Logical Code Part Max No of Char Description
A Account Yes No Function Not Used 10 Account
B Cost center Yes No Function Cost center 10 Cost Center
C Sales Yes No Function Not Used 10 Sales Representative
D Region Yes No Function Not Used 10 Market, Regions and Internal Dept.
E Asset Yes Fixed Asset Accounting Object 10 Asset
F Project Yes Project Accounting Project 10 Project
G Currency Yes Currency Balance Not Used 10 Currency
H Elimination Yes Internal Elimination Not Used 10 Internal Company Elimination
I Product Family Yes No Function Not Used 10 Product Family for Services and Products
J Consolidation Yes Consolidation Not Used 10 Parent Company Consolidation
  1. Save the entry.
  2. The code string will be used as follows:

Note: Select the Base for Project Cost/Revenue Element check box to set the corresponding cost/revenue element as the base for project cost/revenue elements.

Account Types

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to categorize and set up default values for code part requirements for posting control reasons.

Account Types

  1. Open and populate the window. In the Account Type list you will (at least) see the following account types:
  1. Enter a new type called Owners Equity. The logical account type is liability since this is a liability type. Click Save.
  2. The required segments now appear. Regarding owners equity, all the code parts requirements should be changed so that they are Blocked.
  3. Also make sure that all revenue and cost accounts have the following requirements set:
Code Part Demands Requirement:
Cost center Mandatory
Sales Can
Region Can
Asset Blocked
Project Can
Currency Blocked
Elimination Can
Product Family Can
Consolidation Blocked

Later on, the asset code part will be opened for depreciation cost accounts. Also, some revenue and cost accounts will have a more controlled posting control.

  1. When saving your changes, click Yes to update the requirements for all accounts.

Account Groups

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter new account groups and later on connect them to different accounts.

Account Groups

  1. Open the window and populate.

  2. Click New and add the following groups (if they are not already entered):

Account Group Description:
303 Discounts on sales
420 Purchase of goods and materials
470 Price reduction on purchase price
170 Prepaid expenses and accrued income
  1. Save the records.


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter new accounts and to connect these and other accounts to the previously created account groups.


  1. Open the window and click New.
  2. Enter the following accounts in the Basic Data tab. You can modify the information as per your requirement.
Account Description Account Type Account Group
3032 Sales discount - products REVENUE 303
3033 Sales discount - services REVENUE 303
4702 Purchase discount - products COST 470
4703 Purchase discount - services COST 470
1700 Prepaid expense ASSET 170
  1. Save the records.

Chart of Accounts Segments - New Code Part Values

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to add new regions, sales representatives, product family segments and independent cost centers to the company.

Code Part Values

Add New Cost Centers

  1. Open the window and go to the Cost Center tab.
  2. The following lines should already be present in the Racing companies:
Cost Center Description
100 Finance
200 Sales
210 Sales East
211 Sales East 100
212 Sales East 200
250 Sales West
251 Sales West 100
252 Sales West 200
300 Maintenance
400 Manufacturing
410 Production
420 Planning
430 Inventory
500 Purchasing
600 Marketing
700 General & Administration
  1. If they are not present, enter the lines above.
  2. Click New and enter the following secondary cost centers:
Cost Center Description
101 Accountancy
102 Financial administration
103 IT-services
201 Sales administration
401 Manufacturing department 1
402 Manufacturing department 2
403 Manufacturing department 3
501 Human resources
601 Tele marketing
602 Marketing administration
  1. Save to complete your entry.

Add New Sales Representatives

  1. In the Code Part Values window, click the Sales tab.
  2. Enter the following lines in the Racing company:
Sales Description
101 Johnson
102 Koller
201 Jones
901 Internal
  1. Save the information.

Add Regions

  1. In the Code Part Values window, click the Region tab.
  2. Enter the following lines in the Racing company:
Region Description
EAST East of Mississippi
WEST West of Mississippi
  1. Save the information.

Add Product Family Segments

  1. In the Code Part Values window, click the Product family tab.
  2. Enter the following lines in the Racing company:


Product Family Description
CONS Consulting
CARS Race cars
MAINT Maintenance and service agreements