Report Generator—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own company to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other company, your exercises will not function as intended and the data of other students might be affected. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own company.

Basic Data Setup


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to verify that you are allowed to view information in the general ledger. The authority function applies to queries and reports on such information.

Users per Authority Class

  1. Verify that the user is connected to the correct authority class.
  2. Check the authority class combinations.

Language Format

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to define the language code. This code defines different formats, i.e., the format for date and time. 

Language Formats

  1. Check the information.
  2. Make the necessary changes.

Required Data

Balances for Report Generator

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to verify that you have accounting balances in the company where the reports will be created.

GL Balance Analysis

  1. Open the query window, and specify accounts 1000 through 9999.
  2. Click OK. The Zoom-In window is displayed on the screen.
  3. Select the Period, Account, and Cost Center check boxes.
  4. View the results, and remember the periods in which you have balances.
  5. If you do not have any balances, check your authority and the company ID to ensure that the authority is correct.

Main Exercises


When a new company is created in IFS Financials (i.e., in IFS/Accounting Rules or IFS/Enterprise), several standard report templates are created automatically. These templates show some sample reports. Print these reports and analyze the different formats.

Print Different Reports

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to print the different reports.

Order Reports

  1. Click the Selection tab. Select a report ID using the List of Values. The column and row template connected to the specified report template is displayed automatically.
  2. The reference period indicates the period in which  you are working.
  3. Choose a budget version.
  4. Click OK to run the report. 
  5. View the report, and if possible, print it.

Check the Report Archive

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to reproduce the reports that you created previously.

Archived Reports

  1. Populate the window, and verify that the report you recently created is among those displayed. 
  2. Select the row for the report that you want to print. Right-click, click Print, and then click OK to print the report.

Export a Report to a Spreadsheet (Excel)

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to export the report to Microsoft Excel.

Archived Reports

  1. Populate the window, and verify that the report you recently created is among those displayed. 
  2. Right-click and then click Show Conditions. The Report Parameters window is displayed on the screen, showing the parameters that you defined previously.
  3. Click Export. The Print Report to File window is displayed on the screen. Click Open Excel Worksheet. All values are exported to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
  4. The information exported to Excel has to be reorganized.

Report Example No. 1 

Create a report showing revenues for a month. The report below is an example of such a report. Create a column template, including one data column. Create a row template, including one data row. Create a report template, including a page header. Note that the figures depend on the period and the balances stored in the database. View the figures as examples of balances.



                                                 SMITH & SON


Account 30XX (account name)                                                         -216,937.00

Account 30XX (account name)                                                         -423,122.00 

Account 35XX (account name)                                                         -289,984.00

Account 37XX (account name)                                                                 477.45

TOTAL                                                                                           -929,565.55


Start by creating a column template. Below is some information on how the report is created.


Column template

Data column                      General                 Data source: Balance in Accounting Currency

                                        Layout                   Column header: (YYMM)


Row template

Data row                           Selections              Account = 3%

                                        DLS                      Object name: Account 

                                                                    Grouping text: Account

                                                                    Total text: TOTAL Layout Row header: REVENUES


Text row                           Layout                    Text: SMITH & SON (Bold style)


Order the report. Preview the report on screen. Change the layouts if necessary. 

TIP: To print the YYMM (for example 9910), enter &f in the data column header.

Report Example No. 2 


1. Modify the Report Example No. 1 and add a new data column with accumulated outcome for several periods.


Column template

Data column                      Layout        Column header: Outcome &f 

Data column (new)             General       Data source: Balance in Accounting Currency 

                                        Layout         Width: 25 

                                                           Column header: Accumulated &f-&t 


Row template                   (the same as in Report Example No. 1)


Order the report. Preview the report on screen.


2. Change column order.                         View column.

                                                            Click the Layout tab. 

                                                            Use the Column Order button.

Order the report. Preview the report on screen.


3. You will now create a cost center report by modifying the DLS in the data row. 

Row template

Data row                         DLS                 Object name: Cost Center 

                                                             Grouping Text: Cost Center 


4. Adjust the layout in the column template to fit the account and cost center descriptions better in the report. Make the change using the Column Template Layout window. 

Order the report. Preview the report on screen.


5. Change the ordering of the DLS between cost centers and account. 

Row template 

Data row                         DLS                     Level 1: Cost Center

                                                                 Total text: ALL COST CENTERS 

                                                                 Level 2: Account

                                                                 Total text: TOTAL

Add an empty line before every cost center by using the DLS Layout button on level 1. Order the report. Preview the report on screen.

Report Example No. 3 

Create a report similar to the one below. In the column template there is a data column, a comparison column, and a text column. In the row template, there is a data row.


Column template

Data column                 General                                 Data source: Balance in Accounting Currency

Text column                 General                                 Text: SEK 

Comparison column      General                                 Column: (the name of the first column)

Text column                 General                                 Text: %


Row template 

Data Row                     Selections                              Accounts 3001 - 3999

                                   DLS                                       Object name: Account 

                                                                                DLS Layout. Indentation: 3

Overview - Rows                                                         Use as Comparison: Yes


Report template            Layout                                     Page header including e.g., company name


Order the report. Preview the report on screen.


Column template layout                                                Font: 12 

                                                                                  Margin: Left 5 

                                                                                  Orientation: Portrait 

Order the report. Print the report to view the new font.




Report Example No. 4 

Crete a report with balances in accounting currency and budget values. Your course leader will give more information, e.g., on how to specify the reference period. 

The first column in the column template is a data column for the outcome on an interval of cost accounts. The second column is a data column for the budget values for the cost accounts. The third column is a calculation column for the difference between the outcome and the budget values. The fourth column is a calculation column for the difference between the outcome and the budget values in percentage. The row template consists of one data row including the selections of accounts.

Column template

Data column                     General                 Data source: Balance in Accounting

Currency                          Layout                   Column header: Actual 

Data column                     General                 Data source: Budget Balance  

                                        Layout                  Column header: Budget 

Calculation column            General                 Line 1:    Operator: Add 

                                                                                  Argument type: Column 

                                                                                  Argument: (name of the second column) 

                                                                    Line 2:    Operator: Subtract

                                                                                  Argument type: Column

                                                                                  Argument: (name of the first column)

                                       Layout                   Column header: Difference


Calculation column           General                  Line 1:     Operator: Add 

                                                                                   Argument type: Column 

                                                                                   Argument: (name of the third column) 

                                                                    Line 2:     Operator: Divide                             

                                                                                   Argument type: Column

                                                                                   Argument: (name of the second column)

                                                                    Line 3:     Operator: Multiply

                                                                                   Argument type: Constant    

                                                                                   Argument: 100

                                                                    Override Row Calculations: Yes. 

                                        Layout                   Column header: Difference % 


Row template

Data row                            Selections             Account = 5%

                                         DLS                      Object name: Account 

                                         Layout                  Row header: COSTS

Order the report. Preview the report on screen.

Report Example No. 5 

Create a report similar to the one below. The column template contains one data column. The row template contains two data rows and one calculation row.

Column template

Data column                     General                      Data source: Balance in Accounting Currency

Row template

Data row                           General                      Change of Sign: Yes 

                                        Selections                  Account 3001 - 3999

                                        DLS                           Object name: Account

Data row                           General                      Change of Sign: Yes

                                        Selections                  Accounts 4001 - 7999

                                        DLS                           Object name: Account

Calculation row                 General                       Add the first data row. 

                                                                          Add the second data row.

Report template                 Layout                        Page header including company name and 

                                                                          reference period.


Order the report. Preview the report on screen.


Report Example No. 6 

A. Create a report where amounts for costs in the accounting currency are revaluated to amounts in another currency, e.g., USD. In IFS/Report Generator, there is a calculation function that is used for this. The function can be reached from the calculation column and is unique within each column template. Your course leader will give more information, e.g., how to specify the reference period.


B. Before you start, check the currency code USD and currency rates in Accounting Rules/Currencies.


Column template 

Data column                     General                       Data source: Balance in Accounting

Currency                          Layout                         Column header: (the abbreviation for the accounting


Calculation column            General                       Line 1:            Operator: Add

                                                                                                Argument type: Column

                                                                                                Argument: (name of the first column)

                                                                                                Save the information.

                                                                          Select the first line, right-click and then click

                                                                          Calculation Function.

                                                                          Function Name: US

                                                                          Function Type: Acc To Opt 

                                                                          Curr Code: USD 

                                                                          Save the information. 

                                        General                       Line 2:             Operator: Multiply

                                                                                                 Argument type: Function 

                                                                                                 Argument: US 

                                        Layout                        Column header: USD


Row template 

Data row                           Selections                   Account 6% 

                                        DLS                            Object name: Account

                                        Layout                        Row header: COSTS


Report template                 Layout                        Page header including company name.


Order the report. Preview the report on screen.


B. Hide the data column (Visible: No) and show only the calculation column on the report. Order the report and preview it on screen.