Initial Exercises—Report Generator

Initial Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this initial exercise is for the instructor to demonstrate the basic functionality in Report Generator, which entails an example of a report.

These initial exercises are intended for instructor use.

Report Example

Create a report showing net income (net sales less of cost of goods sold) for a single month. The report below is an example of such a report. Create a column template, including one data column. Create a row template, including one text row, two data rows, and one calculation row. Create a report template, including a page header. Note that the figures depend on the period and the balances stored in the database. View the figures as examples of balances.


                                                                                                    SMITH & SON
Net Sales                                                                                       300,000.00
Cost of goods sold                                                                          -130,000.00 
Net Income (Sales-COGS)                                                               170,000.00                                



Start by creating a column template. Below is some information on how the report is created.


Column template
Data column                     General                Data source: Balance in Accounting Currency
                                       Layout                  Column header: (YYMM)

Row template
Text row                           Layout                  Text: SMITH & SON (Bold style)

Data row                           Selections             Account = 3011
                                        Layout                  Text: SALES
                                        General                 Change of sign:Yes (Checked)

Data row                          Selections             Account = 4021
                                       Layout                  Text: Cost of goods sold
                                       General                 Change of sign:Yes (Checked)
Separator row          

Calculation Row               General                 Datarow 1 - Datarow 2
                                       Layout                  Text: Net income (Sales-COGS)


Report template
Create a report template using the column and row templates defined above.


Order the report for period 2001 01. Preview the report on screen. Change the layouts if necessary. 
TIP: To print the YYMM (for example 0103), enter &f in the data column header.