Tips and Tricks for Export Control

Below is a list of tips and tricks for the Export Control course. Click one of the items below to see information that may be helpful to you as you take the course.

What Executables to Use

Use the Distribution.exe to perform these exercises.

Importance of Student-Created Data

It is important that you work with your own data to maintain data integrity, where your data should start with XX-, where XX is your initials.

Hot Keys

The List of Values feature provides an easy way to get to the basic data or the setup data, e.g., when you are in a window where you should select basic data, you can just click F8 (or click the List of Values in the task bar) and a dialog box will display applicable data from where you can select the required item by double-clicking.

If you would like to zoom in on particular value for more details, then in many cases, you can click on the field and click F9 (or click the zoom icon in the task bar) to open the relevant form to display all the data connected to the value.  

Verify Entered Data

When classifying parts, you can use the Find and Connect Export License to enter the part manually. On clicking Find Export License, you can verify that the part is correctly classified and, if a license is entered for the part, also to find the expected export license.

Online Help

Use the Online Help (F1) to read more about the export control and the usage of each form, for instance, from the window description for finding and connecting an export license, you can click the about description for export license to get a high level introduction or you can click the activity description for finding and connecting export license to learn more about the matching logic.

Use the what’s this help (Shift+F1) to learn about the usage of each individual field and column.